The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Cult Of Death Has No Answer For Saint King Louis IX & The NEW Christendom

today08/25/2021 12

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel


Big Breaking News : the FDA approval is not for the CURRENT vaccine but for a future vaccine.

FULL FDA Approval Document HERE

  • This is a bait and switch here. 
  • The documentation clearly states the Emergency Use Authorization jab is NOT the jab that was FDA approved.
  • So, the approved jab will actually never be produced or administered. 
  • They are forcing the EUA jab first.
45mSPECIAL GUEST: Dr Peter McCullough

  • We shouldn’t be sending kids that are running fevers or feeling ill to public school.
  • Natural Immunity is complete and durable.
  • Once you get it, you are officially immune. 
  • These individuals do NOT need a vaccine.
  • COVID -19 is completely curable! 
  • The vaccines are absolutely FAILING right now.
  • The hospitals are filled w/ fully vaccinated patients. 
  • FDA Approval ——— the FDA did NOT approve the Pfizer vaccine.
  • Pfizer gave letter of approval to BioNTech w/ the caveat they pin point the issues of myocarditis. 
  • There is NO approved COVID vaccine on the market right now.
  • Is there legal recourse?
  • The Pfizer documentation seems to be fraudulent. 
  • They are consistent w/ the FDA, there are over 4,000 Americans stricken w/ heart issues after the COVID shot. 
  • We aren’t talking small heart issues, we are talking BIG lifelong heart issues.
  • Vaccines are making this worse.
  • Delta is the result of the Pfizer vaccine which is the WEAKEST of all the ‘vaccines’.
  • 80% of Israels in the hospital are fully vaccinated.
  • UPDATE from the UK – hospitalized w/ Delta mortality is 30% vaccinated and 6% unvaccinated.
  • Vaccination does not protect against severe disease and death.
  • Drop some weight and get into shape if you haven’t have this virus yet.
  • If you’ve had it, don’t worry about it you won’t get it again, you can’t get it again as your body has created the anti-bodies against it.
  • Vitamin D, C, Zinc – we will come out w/ guidance soon here on diluted iodine swish and spit and in nostrils and it will reduce your chances.
  • Hydrogen peroxide or yellow Listerine can be used instead of Iodine if you are allergic to iodine.
  • No dental clinic outbreaks since this has come out have you noticed?
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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 Caller – Dr. Robert Morgan from St Louis

  • Saint Louis feast day
  • King Saint Louis IX stands in front of the Basilica of the Sacré CÅ“ur, beside a statue of Joan of Arc
  • Forest Park there is a statue of King Saint Louis IX 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Orthodox Priest has a strong message to the governments and believers regarding lockdowns and jabs
  AUDIO/VIDEO: West Virginia Governor Jim Justice – there is a 26% increase in cases of the fully vaccinated here and a 23% increase in break-through cases of the fully vaccinated.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki Aug 23‘I think it is irresponsible to say Americans are stranded, they are not.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jen Psaki  Aug 24 – on Americans being left behind in Afghanistan – ‘We expect there could be some left behind but I’m not going to get into that.’

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at



















 SPECIAL GUEST: Brother Andre Marie

Host of ReConquest only heard on the Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre on social media GAB and Twitter @Brother_Andre

  • 62 students this year so we are absolutely growing in size here
  • We have to cover every curriculum w/ few resources.
  • So I am now out of Religion and teaching Latin to the kids.
  • It is a challenge for me and I went back to school with the sisters for this one.
  • When you take up something new you create new neural pathways in your brain.
  • Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ – Saint Jerome of Stridon 
  • Sins against chastity leads to spiritual blindness.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Immaculate Heart of Mary School – New Hampshire

  • There are moderate things you can do to yourself that won’t inflict pain on you that are good for you.
  • When you talk about sins against chastity – you are talking about the sense of touch.
  • So it pertains to that – temperance 
  • You can kneel on your fingers like a Franciscan Priest taught me once. 

HEADLINE: Handel’s “Messiah” premieres in Dublin April 13, 1742 by History

  • King St Louis stood during Alleluia and that became the tradition of when Handel’s Messiah is played the audience stands for Alleluia 

HEADLINE: Saint Louis of France (1270) by the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

King Saint Louis of France: He is the glorious King of France who was born at Poissy in 1215. He died fighting in one of the crusades to regain the Holy Land for Christians when he was only fifty-five years old. Saint Louis is the king who started the custom of genuflecting during the Mass when the priest said of the Son of God in the Creed: Et Homo factus est (And [He] was made Man). Saint Louis fought in two crusades, the last two. He redeemed the Crown of Thorns of Our Lord from the Venetians and built a beautiful chapel for it in Paris, called Sainte Chapelle. All of Saint Louis’ relics were destroyed by the Masons and the Jews during the French Revolution. But his memory will never die in France, nor in the whole Catholic Church. The city of Saint Louis, Missouri, was named for him by early American Catholics who came from France.

HEADLINE: Saint Louis IX and Politics by Brother Andre Marie

HEADLINE: Ordered Virtue as Resistance to Revolution by Brother Andre Marie

“I will enter Thy house; I will worship in Thy holy temple and sing praises to Thy Name!” – Saint King Louis

MORE on St Lewis, Kind of France –

Tonight’s ReConquest Episode 292: ‘Now Have I Begun’ by Brother Andre Marie

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Meta-tags for show

 Handel’s Messiah, King Saint Louis of France, Crown of Thornes, Brother Andre Marie, virtue, temperance, fasting, chastity, Holy Land, Dr Peter McCullough, FDA, COVID-19, EUA, Jen Psaki, Afghanistan, Joe Biden, Dr Robert Malone, BioNTech, Pfizer, mRNA, vitamin D, vitamin C, Zinc, Orthodox Priest Abouna, Listerine, Saint Joan of Arc, Crusades

Written by: LoneRhody

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