The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Demoncrats Started A War, And They Should Get One!

today06/03/2024 228

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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13mSacred Heart of Jesus Month 

  • “Pride” has started all over the country.
  • We all know this month is devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus though.
 UFC Fight – Donald Trump

HEADLINE: Donald Trump Is a Heavyweight With Raucous UFC Crowd by Alex Leary 

  • Two days after felony conviction, former president gets loud support from young, diverse fight fans he has long courted; ‘I want to lose my voice.’
 Dr Fauci Testifies To Congress

  • Senator Rand Paul has been stating Dr Fauci lied to Congress under oath several times.
  • Will he get jail time?
  • Will there be an actual trial?
  • It still seems Republicans are the only ones that get any type of punishment.



HEADLINE: Supreme Court Vacates Ex-Virginia Governor’s Graft Conviction by Adam Liptak 

  • Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., writing for the court, narrowed the definition of what sort of conduct can serve as the basis of a corruption prosecution. He said only formal and concrete government actions counted — filing a lawsuit, say, or making an administrative determination. Routine political courtesies like arranging meetings or urging underlings to consider a matter, he added, generally do not, even when the people seeking those favors give the public officials gifts or money.
  • That still leaves prosecutors plenty of room to pursue classic bribery and kickbacks. But there was widespread agreement among prosecutors and defense lawyers on Monday that the decision would make it harder for the government to prove corruption.
  • So my point in bringing this up is because this isn’t the first time the Democrats have come after a Republican candidate.
  • Why did they come after McDonnell?
  • First they wanted to taint the Republicans in Virginia.
  • Second, it was rumor he was going to seek the nomination for the Republican party to run for President.
  • Remember when he was elected in 2010, he said I hope to follow in the footsteps of people that came before him and mentioned Patrick Henry in his acceptance speech.
  • So law fare has always been in the playbook of the Democrat party. 
  • Let’s all remember Donald Trump could have prosecuted Hillary Clinton.
  • She had the private server – that is against Federal Rules.
  • What was she doing on that secret server?
  • She should have been prosecuted for that. 
  • Being magnanimous Trump said he wouldn’t prosecute her.
  • If he is the arch enemy, why didn’t he do that to Hillary?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2


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Donald Trump Trial and Verdict

  • You make up a bunch of charges and you manipulate it to your advantage.
  • Remember Grand Jury testimony never gets heard by the public.
  • No one will ever know who said what.
  • Well if no one is ever going to find out what happened why wouldn’t AG’s bring their cases when they have axes to grind?
  • These people don’t have morals.
  • They don’t have the same ethics we do so we need to stop pretending they do.
  • They hate everything about you folks.

HEADLINE: Prosecutors Got Trump – But They Contorted the Law by Elie Honig

  • Can you lump together incidents or ‘crimes’ together and charge them all together as one larger ‘crime’? 
  • Let’s use jay walking – if you had 34 instances of jay walking could they take all 34 and then say well you are a criminal and your 34 instances equal vehicular manslaughter charges?
  • That’s just one annolgy. 

KanekoaTheGreat Twitter – CNN Senior Legal Analyst Describes How The Trump Conviction Was A Political Hit Job

  1. “The judge donated money… in plain violation of a rule prohibiting New York judges from making political donations—to a pro-Biden, anti-Trump political operation.”
  2. Alvin Bragg boasted on the campaign trail in an overwhelmingly Democrat county, “It is a fact that I have sued Trump over 100 times.”
  3. “Most importantly, the DA’s charges against Trump push the outer boundaries of the law and due process.”
  4. “The charges against Trump are obscure, and nearly entirely unprecedented. In fact, no state prosecutor — in New York, or Wyoming, or anywhere — has ever charged federal election laws as a direct or predicate state crime, against anyone, for anything. None. Ever.”
  5. The DA inflated misdemeanors past the statute of limitations and “electroshocked them back to life” by alleging the falsification of business records was committed ‘with intent to commit another crime.’
  6. “Inexcusably, the DA refused to specify what those unlawful means actually were — and the judge declined to force them to pony up — until right before closing arguments. So much for the constitutional obligation to provide notice to the defendant of the accusations against him in advance of trial.”
  7. “In these key respects, the charges against Trump aren’t just unusual. They’re bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else.”
  8. “The Manhattan DA’s employees reportedly have called this the “Zombie Case” because of various legal infirmities, including its bizarre charging mechanism. But it’s better characterized as the Frankenstein Case, cobbled together with ill-fitting parts into an ugly, awkward, but more-or-less functioning contraption that just might ultimately turn on its creator.”
  • At the end of the day the Democrats have ramped up how they are attacking everyone in the GOP.
  • This won’t stop with Donald Trump.


Dr Fauci or Mr Science 

  • Turns out he made up the 6ft social distancing rule.
  • He literally pulled it out of thin air.
  • They didn’t want people talking to each other.
  • They wanted you to be scared of your fellow neighbor.
  • This was a mind game.
  • They created this nasty creature COVID and wanted you to think only GOVERNMENT could save you from it.
  • Why don’t we create COVID trials?

HEADLINE: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he ‘made up’ covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids by Jon Michael Raasch 

  • This gave permission for BLM and other groups like that to cover their faces in public.
  • So you couldn’t be truly certain of their identities when they committed crimes.
  • Did you know there are some cities that passed laws banning people from wearing masks.
  • I never wore a mask during the entire COVID nonsense. 
  • Some states are also trying to add felony charges to those that commit crimes while wearing a mask to deter people from wearing them. 
  • How many millions in damages during BLM riots?
  • You see how they work all of these things together?
  • None of this is by accident.
  • Shouldn’t the man that calls himself SCIENCE know about social distancing and studies on that?
  • Shouldn’t the man that calls himself SCIENCE know about masking for children?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h13mCaitlin Clark – WNBA

HEADLINE: WNBA upgrades hard foul on Caitlin Clark, fines Angel Reese for skipping postgame interview by Ryan Gaydos 

  • Many critics argue that Carter appeared to go out of her way to throw her hip and shoulder into Clark, whose back was turned and who tumbled to the ground after the foul. 
  • A day later, the WNBA upgraded the foul called against Carter to a Flagrant 1, which the league defines as “unnecessary and/or excessive contact committed by a player against an opponent.”
  • Carter’s teammate Angel Reese, who was seen clapping and hugging Carter after the foul, was fined $1,000 by the WNBA for refusing to make herself available to the media following the game, the league also announced Sunday. 
  • The Sky organization was also fined $5,000 for failing to ensure that all players comply with league media policies.
1h24mAUDIO from Fox & Friends Interview on Sunday

  • Why don’t the left seem to care about how this all effects Melania Trump?
  • They don’t care about his family at all.
  • They think if they make him look bad that you will turn on him.
  • Understand what the play is here.
  • They think if they attack him enough, he will either go away b/c he is tired or that we will turn our backs on him.
  • They think you are going to bail on Make America Great Again.
  • What is it w/ calling MAGA a bad thing?
  • It stands for Make America Great Again – why would any American have an issue w/ that statement?
  • It doesn’t say make WHITE America great again.
  • It doesn’t say make BLACK America great again.
  • What is the issue w/ it again?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ Fox & Friends – Jail Time – The Judge could give you jail time – Yeah he could and I’m okay with it. I saw one of my lawyers on TV the other day and I told him don’t beg for anything.

  • He said he doesn’t care about jail time.
  • He says “it’s part of the game”. 
  • If they do that, it will expedite the appeal process.
  • Right now the SCOTUS is wondering when and if Tump’s lawyers will appeal to them.
  • Here is my play on this – 
  • Think about what Trump says here – they want me to beg for no jail time. 
  • They believe they have the upper hand and they want him to beg for his freedom.
  • They are intellectual midgets.
  • Among young men here in America the strength plays well and he knows that.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at












AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on Donald TrumpI’m not going to let Donald Trump turn America into a country that doesn’t believe in honesty, decency, and treating people w/ respect. And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let Donald Trump turn America into a place filled w/ anger, resentment, and hate. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr w/ Tucker CarlsonRepublicans v Democrats In America – You see the games and the Lindsey Grahams of the world. You see them talking all the time about subpoenas but you are talking about doing the thing you can do w/ unwilling to use the power you actually have. That’s the difference w/ Democrats. They will put you in jail, they will smother you and they simply don’t care.  I’m sick of RINO’s responding to Democrat tyranny w/ strongly worded letters. We need more conservatives who have the courage to fight fire w/ fire. 

  • People out here in the weeds, the grass roots, they don’t like what they see.
  • This could be the Tea Party 2.0.
  • Do what needs doing.
  • Congress is NOT the answer.

Rep Clay Higgins from LA Twitter – President Trump will be inaugurated again next January. The National Defense Authorization Act that we’re finalizing and offering amendments for in the House is set to be the most conservative NDAA in decades. This is Trump’s NDAA. I will stand with Republicans to get it passed on the House floor.

  • Why would any American want to renew the NDAA?
  • NDAA = National Defense Authorization Act
  • There is nothing defensive about it!
  • It is by nature Offensive.
  • There isn’t a Conservative version of spying on American citizens?
  • Come on Clay!
  • A Conservative version of the NDAA – I haven’t heard of anything more ridiculous.
 Senator Mike Lee Twitter – I’d be willing to bet that the Republicans in Congress who haven’t expressed outrage over the Trump trial and verdict are the same ones who have:

  1. voted consistently for spending bills that helped put our country into debt to the tune of $35 trillion
  2. never found a war that they didn’t want us involved in
  3. always voted for debt-ceiling increases without meaningful reforms attached
  4. voted for the continuation of the unconstitutional spying of American citizens through FISA, and 
  5. capitulated on border security even though they are well aware of the national security concerns of most agencies regarding who and what is being allowed into our country
  • Where is the calvary?


AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Jr w/ Tucker Carlson – Left Taken Over – Apathy has caused much damage to our country. We live, work and spend time w/ our families and that is important but we have to take the initiative to get involved in every level of these things b/c the left has taken over in all aspects of government. It can’t stand if we want to have a future. They took over our schools and now our kids can’t read, write or do math but they can name the 4,376 genders. 
2h12mTV Show Evil

  • Now some of you may have watched the first season or two.
  • I watched the first 2 episodes of the newest season.
  • I have to say, they had a full frontal image of Baphomet. 

TV Show Star Trek Discovery New Season

  • Not a straight white male in sight.
  • The galaxy is going to be saved by the lesbians and weirdos and the only white guy in the entire episode is the bad guy.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: VP Joe Biden on Meet The Press In the 90’s MBNA was Biden’s biggest campaign contributor. In addition, executives would send memos out “encouraging” employees to donate to Biden. The company hired Hunter Biden and continued paying him even AFTER HE LEFT the company. An MBNA executive bought Biden’s house for full asking price and then MBNA reimbursed that executive for a portion of the purchase price. It’s all true. In return Biden would go on the Senate floor and fight for the rights of the credit card companies over the rights of the American people. This is what our politicians get away with.
2h20mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Hakeem Jeffries – Donald Trump Trial – He was entitled to the presumption of innocence, he received it. He was judged by a jury of his peers. This is America, we are not a system occupied by a monarch, dictator of King and in democracy, no one is above the law.

  • I missed where there was a Monarchy that could do what they just did to Trump.
  • You have to rely on peoples ignorance.
  • You don’t even know what a Monarchy is you toad.
  • In Monarchies they still had jury trials.
  • In Monarchies they were still entitled to a defense.
  • Why are you so concerned w/ Monarchies already?
  • What do they know we don’t know?
  • They always project their game plans.
  • Is Biden just the guy until they can find a suitable replacement?
 Trump Speech on Friday – 

  • He can’t go out and say certain things b/c he hasn’t been sentenced yet.
  • What did you expect for him to go out there and say?
  • He also can’t tip his hand. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
2h41mAUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul w/ Maria Bartiromo – Dr Fauci Committed a Felony – He said under oath there was no gain of function, dangerous research in China. We know he committed a felony. But what we have discovered is there was a massive coverup. There was a behind the scene effort to change how people felt. All evidence was covered up, they began using burner phones and they started using curriers to deliver messages and documents. They deleted emails stating “I think we’re safe now”. He and everyone in his inner circle knew it was manipulated and created in a lab.

  • So all of this is true.
  • Dr Fauci knew this thing was manipulated, his inner circle knew this was man made so what?
  • Why should there be any gain of function research going on at all?
  • We have signed treaties that outlaw biological weapons.
  • Why is the Federal Government studying things that cause pandemics?
  • Where is the evidence that people died of this Wuhan flu?
  • The CIA and CCP have a deal apparently and they have a medical facility in Wuhan since the 1950’s. 
  • Why are we interested and why are we spending money on this?
  • There is no cure against any virus.
  • There are treatments but cures?
  • It may seem simple to some people but I’ll make the analogy would the state of Louisiana have a lab in Wuhan to study diseases and the weaponization of them if we were an independent government? 

WINNER Barton Swarr – the First Golden Truth Call-In Winner!



HEADLINE: A “Restaurant Apocalypse” Is Starting To Sweep Across America, And That Is Really Bad News For The U.S. Economy by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse 

  • You can get a really good idea how the U.S. economy is doing by watching restaurants in your area.  When the economy is booming, restaurant parking lots are full and chains are feverishly establishing new locations.  But when the economy is struggling, restaurants get a lot less traffic and poor performing locations get shut down.  Sadly, in 2024 it appears that a “restaurant apocalypse” has started to sweep across America.  Most people have very little discretionary income to spend as a result of our cost of living crisis, and that is particularly true for our young adults.  Americans under the age of 40 love to eat out, but these days most of them are experiencing financial stress, and this is having an enormous impact on the restaurant industry.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch