The Mike Church Show-The FBI Approved Deadly Force For Their Raid On Mar-A-Lago

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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16mMar-a-Lago and the FBI

  • There are 58 guest rooms there.
  • Donald Trump’s family lives there.
  • They were willing to shoot fellow Secret Service members!
  • These people are OUT OF CONTROL!
  • The FBI agents were told to ‘dress down’ w/ no FBI markings on them before entering.
  • Why is that?
  • They CHOSE to also do this at night!
  • Did Ron DeSantis know this was going down before it happened?
  • Did Ron DeSantis’ office get a call from AG Merrick Garland? 
  • Where the documents were just an excuse to show up with guns?
  • If you get the shoot out, it’s a win. 
  • If you don’t get the shootout, you get a court date, which is also a win.
  • The fact that Biden had tons of documents too proves it’s not about the intel.
  • Let’s start w/ the Attorney General – it is NOT a position that is called for in the US Constitution. 
  • QUESTION: Haven’t we always had one?
  • Washington hired former VA Governor Edmund Randolph into his term at the request of Thomas Jefferson. 
  • Edmund Randolph was told by Washington, I have these problems and I don’t have time to deal w/ them so I am getting you to do them for ME.
  • The AG does not discharge his own singular Constitutional duty.
  • He can only discharge powers GRANTED TO THE PRESIDENT.
  • When Merrick Garland says “I authorized the raid on Mar-a-Lago” he wasn’t acting in his own power or capacity.
  • He was acting on the authority by President Joe Biden.
  • You can then make the statement, Joe Biden enacted the raid on Mar-a-Lago and to use deadly force against a former president and soon to be political rival.
  • SERIOUSLY – it is impossible to fathom that this has actually occurred in the United States of America.
  • So now you can go after political opponents in the US and if that doesn’t work just go ahead and kill them. 
  • I can’t wait to hear what Karine Jean-Pierre is asked about this today at the WH press conference.
28mFBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago 

Julie Kelly on X – Thread 

  • Tons of new unsealed filings on classified docs case–I will try to post as much as I can (there goes the workout) but this is mind-blowing. FBI authorized the use of deadly force at Mar-a-Lago.
  • Armed FBI agents were preparing to confront Trump and even engage Secret Service if necessary.
  • They were going to go door to door to terrorize MAL guests and even pick the locks.
  • FBI had a medic on the scene and identified a local trauma center for anyone “injured” during the raid.
  • Head of Washington FBI field office when this was executed: Steven D’Antuono.
  • Recall who authorized the raid: Merrick Garland
  • The FBI risked the lives of Donald Trump, his family, his staff, and MAL guests for a publicity stunt to make it look like Trump stole national security files.
  • Have you tried to look up on Google FBI brandishing weapons?
  • You won’t find one.
  • Especially not at Mar-a-Lago even though you know they went in w/ guns anticipating a shoot out. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
37mHEADLINE: FBI Agents Were Authorized to Use Deadly Force and Told to Be Prepared to Engage With Trump and Secret Service During Mar-a-Lago Raid by Debra Heine 

  • It is almost as if the FBI wants you to know this b/c they want you to be scared.
  • Look what they did to the January 6thers.
  • What if they come up w/ another excuse to go raid Mar-a-Lago?
  • What if this time Trump is there when this happens or his family?
  • You’ve seen the shows where they train for these raids.
  • These are 2 Federal agencies they don’t go to war w/ each other they coordinate w/ each other all the time.
  • Why are they treating Donald Trump like he is Scarface? 
  • Agents allegedly found classified documents in a basement storage room, Trump’s office, and rooms adjacent to the office.
  • FBI Statement – “The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”
  • #2 Should FPOTUS arrive at MAL, FBI MM EM and OSC’s will prepare to engage w/ FPOTUS and USSS Security Detail.
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h15mFBI Mar-a-Lago Raid

  • If you read the whole thing it clearly states….
  • I covered what the warrant said.
  • The warrant did NOT cover private belongings of those in the guest rooms.
  • It did cover the identification of those guests.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Former Florida AG Pam Bondi on Fox News – Mar-a-Lago RaidHow upsetting is this to all the great men/women that were IN Mar-a-Lago this was a siege. We’ve heard now they had medics there in case of a shoot out. You coordinate w/ other Federal agencies before you go in there.

  • So we have Former FBI Kyle Seraphin and now Former Florida AG saying this isn’t normal.
  • Which one is it?
  • We aren’t talking about John Q Public here this is a FORMER PRESIDENT!
  • What if Trump was in office and his AG gave the okay for this to happen to Barrack Obama?
  • A shoot to kill authorization against Barack, Big Mike and his daughters, how would that play out in MSM?
1h22mHEADLINE: Justice Alito’s home flew a US flag upside down after Trump’s ‘Stop the Steal’ claims, a report says by Lindsay Whitehurst 

  • At the time the flag was flying, the court was still considering whether to take up cases over the 2020 election. It ultimately rejected them over dissent from three conservative justices, including Alito, who was appointed by President George W. Bush, a Republican. He wrote that the court’s consideration of the cases would have no impact on the 2020 election but “would provide invaluable guidance for future elections.”
  • The U.S. Flag Code states that the American flag is not to be flown upside down “except as a signal of dire distress in instance of extreme danger to life or property.” It has been used as a protest symbol on both the left and the right on a range of issues over the decades. It took off as a symbol of Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign as he spread false claims that the election he lost to Biden had been stolen.
  • It is distressing that this is all par for the course here in the United States.
1h26mHEADLINE: Germany’s Decriminalization Of Child Porn Reminds Us Why We Need Societal Taboos by John Daniel Davidson 

  • The parliament voted to decriminalize the possession of child pornography, downgrading it from a felony to a misdemeanor offense and reducing minimum sentences for possession and distribution. 
  • This is how the ‘precedent’ is going to be set here in the United States.
  • If you are allowed to OWN it, then you are allowed to MAKE it right?!
  • German lawmakers justified their action by arguing that decriminalization gave “necessary flexibility” to deal with the “large proportion of juvenile offenders,” and would also protect parents and teachers who discover child porn on the devices of young people and pass them on to the relevant authorities. 
  • Here comes the MAP acceptance.
  • MAP = Minor Attracted Person
  • I can tell you how this is going to play out.
  • Leftards, they don’t take naps, they don’t take breaks and they never ever stop.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h44mTKD Reads Email From Listener

  • Remember I mentioned yesterday the place in Charlotte NC called Camp North End?
  • I told you there was nothing but hipsters and homos.
  • How many of you heard of this canned water stuff?
  • Yes I said CANNED not bottled.
  • It is called Liquid Death.
  • The certificate says “Bill of Sale for One Eternal Human Soul”.
  • I get the gimmick I truly do.
  • They state they are marketing guys and they were bored.
  • But discussing selling your soul is truly nothing to play around with.
  • Camp North End – a leftist dominated world. 
  • You average native person is leaving these areas and these hipsters are coming in and taking over.
  • NIMBY – Not in my back yard. 
  • What does the opponent do? 
  • Find, fix and finish population centers and completely dominate them.
  • They set up main street places that you can WALK to.
  • They gentrify these places.
  • I don’t think any of this is long term b/c it is FAKE organic.
  • There is nothing organic about it. 
 TKD Reads Email From Listener #2

MeQ or Mequilibrium 

The World’s Leading Workforce Resilience Expert – meQ gives you the insights to drive your HR strategy, and the critical skill building–individually and collectively–to help all your people build resilience, not just to move forward, but to truly rise above.

 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – Sacred ObligationAmerica has a lot of obligations, only one truly sacred obligation…and that’s to prepare those we send into harms way and to care for them and their families and if they don’t come home to care for their families.

  • Okay I’ll bite, why do we see so many organizations that are seeking donations for disabled Vets if they are being taken care of?
  • Where is the ‘sacred obligation’?
  • Why doesn’t a thankful nation act thankful?
2h18mAUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Behar on The View – On MAGA Hats – And by the way you guys keep wearing that red hat that says Make America Great Again, that tells people you go along w/ this. You might as well just put a swastika on the hat, because we see it anyway.

  • These people know absolutely nothing about German National Socialism.
  • It was an evil but they truly don’t know anything about it other than what Hollywood has told them about Nazi’s and Germany and Hitler.

George Webb – 

HEADLINE: Echoes Of Laurel Canyon – Part Thirteen by George Webb 

  • They were created by the CIA and then planted into Hollywood.
  • The Red Menace – Americans had to be told what the Communist were doing in Soviet Russia.
  • No one went over there from TIME magazine and wrote about it.
  • It was orchestrated by the CIA.
  • Joe McCarthy – He knew something was wrong in Hollywood.
  • M. Stanton Evans (American Journalist and Author) – Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy
  • He was the founder of Human Events magazine.
  • Stan got a lot of his information from the Venona Papers.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6


AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid /w Matthew Dowd Fmr Republican Strategist 

Joy – What is it going to take to get the media to take seriously the fact that Donald Trump is acting like a nazi, talking like a nazi, and now posting like a nazi? 

Matthew – If this were a game of Jeopardy and we had a category of Dictators w/ quotes…and 99 would say Adolf but they would be Trumps quotes. There is a political party here in America that support this and allow this.

  • You should fear for your life if these guys actually believed in the 2nd Amendment. 
  • We should all be thankful they hate the 2nd Amendment.
  • I really do believe the left does hate humanity.
2h44mAUDIO/VIDEO: Former Director of the FBI James Comey – Trump Reelection and FBI – Trump is coming for the Justice Dept and the FBI. He didn’t work hard enough to corrupt them the first time. He will put people in those institutions, scraping the bottom of the barrel but he will. I don’t care how you feel about Joe Biden but you have to vote for him b/c the consequences are too great.  

  • If a creep like Comey is trying to scare people into voting for Biden, that shows how scared they are.
  • Using MAGA as a substitute for German Nazi propaganda is offensive. 
  • Can you run around calling people Adolf in the workplace? 
  • Do you remember Nick Sandmann?
  • He was the teenager w/ the ‘Punchable Face’. 
  • QUESTION: What was his crime?
  • ANSWER: He was wearing a MAGA hat and he smiled.
  • If that would have been a P hat it would have all been fine but b/c it was a MAGA hat, he was deemed a criminal.
  • They wanted this boy expelled from school over this event.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Maria Elvira Salazar – Trump Trial After Defense Rests – My constituents in Miami are terrified. Regardless of what you think of him, what you feel about him or if you will vote for him in November, he isn’t the only one on trial. The same courts that are manipulating the rule of law today is the same courts YOU will have to enter. How do we not know the actual charges against him? Why are there no cameras, no audio recordings of what is happening in that courtroom? 
 HEADLINE: Trump shares video suggesting his victory will bring ‘unified Reich’ by Patrick Smith 

  • The background is made up of hypothetical newspaper front pages with headlines including “BORDER IS CLOSED — 15 MILLION ILLEGAL ALIENS DEPORTED” and “ECONOMY BOOMS.” Twice in the clip, slightly blurred text appears beneath the headlines that reads: “Industrial strength significantly increased … driven by the creation of a unified Reich.”
  • “Reich,” meaning “realm,” “kingdom” or “empire,” is often considered to be a reference to Hitler’s Third Reich regime, which emerged in 1930s Nazi Germany — and its inclusion in the video was condemned by Biden.
2h57mHEADLINE: National Women’s Law Center Sides Against The Female Athletes Suing NCAA For Trans Insanity by Doreen Denny
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch