The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Fox In The Chicken Lady House

today10/17/2024 8

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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15mKamala Harris & Bret Baier Interview on Fox News

  • Well what do you guys think?
  • Did she do well?
  • I believe those little podcast interviews Kamala has been doing gave her a sense of ‘I can do this’.
  • I think it made her truly believe she was and is fit for this job.
  • This made her agree to this ‘big girl’ interview w/ Bret.
  • I honestly believe it backfired on her as he asked REAL questions and wouldn’t let up when she wouldn’t answer them.
  • Take all the camera shots when Harris isn’t in the broadcast screen, what did Kamala look like?
  • Was she fidgeting? 
  • Was she rolling her eyes?
  • Did she look uncomfortable?
  • Bret Baier is probably one of the most mild mannered ‘right’ journalist at Fox News.
  • He was invited to a Catholic businessmen dinner to speak and he turned them down.
  • He is Catholic but he refused to go.
  • My point is he is no ‘rock the boat’ guy.
  • The people running the Harris campaign, you can plainly see they are darkening her face up.
  • The tone of her face is not the same as the tone of her hands.
  • You don’t typically have one hue on your face and one on your hands.
  • Why would you do the 1st sit-down where you actually have to answer or get pushback, why would you send her into that situation this close to election date? 
23mPresidential Polling

  • The 5 day rolling average, the national survey, it shows Trump +5.6.
  • So you take the last 5 days and you take both their averages and drop the last day and continue on in that manner.
  • He is weighting the answers against polling in 2020 Biden v Trump.
  • PA Trump is up +4.
  • Trump is down -.3 in Wisconsin.
  • Up 2.0 in Michigan.
  • They are all pointing to the Georgia poll b/c they are already early voting. 
  • Early voting starts today as well in North Carolina.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2

















Death of Americans and Immigration

What is the first thing you do if you know something you did was wrong?

  • The first thing you should do is apologize.
  • It takes a humble and contrite person to do that.
  • If you fake confess a sin, knowing full well you are going to go out and commit it again that doesn’t work.
  • Kamala Harris doesn’t care about the American women that were killed by illegal immigrants.
  • She was given an opportunity last night to apologize for these deaths, instead she simply diverted and said it was a tragedy for these folks.
  • This was preventable.
  • A mudslide is a tragedy. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris w/ Bret Baier – Women Killed by Illegals – Let me just say those are tragic cases. There is no question about that. I can’t imagine the pain the families have experienced. It is also true that if a border security had passed 9 months ago, we would have had more support and agents. 

  • She says if that bill would have passed it would have helped ensure that wouldn’t happen again.
  • Is she saying that the previous polices SHE installed were harmful?
  • Her campaign should be over right there. 
  • First Biden then her trying to blame the failure on Trump.
  • 6 Democrats voted against that border bill.
  • When that turkey of a bill came down, it wasn’t going to pass.
  • It was a terrible bill and it wouldn’t have fixed anything! 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris w/ Bret Baier – Enemy Within – Donald Trump says it all the time. He talks about the enemy within, talking about the American people. Suggesting he would turn the military on the American people. 

  • I have been covering this since the Big Steal.
  • I have never heard of the ‘enemy within’ and I have broadcasted all Trumps campaign rallies.
  • I have heard of Kamala when she was DA arresting in the dead of night, David Daleiden b/c of him video tapping Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts.
  • I also know Kamala’s justice department went after Catholic father Mark Houck. 
  • I also know the Kamala justice department has jailed hundreds of J6 people and all they were doing was protesting.
  • I know that Kamala also bailed out BLM members that were actually burning down cities.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h13mLIVE Fox Feed w/ JD Vance

Illegal immigrant crime – 

  • These girls aren’t dead by some accident. 
  • They don’t need just our sympathy they need us to change our laws to prevent this from happening again.
  • She didn’t talk about the exact number on how many immigrants are here.
  • She doesn’t know how to explain her record b/c she can’t explain it to the American people. 
  • She screwed up and that is the fact.
  • There is a fundamental misunderstanding w/ border security and immigration laws.
  • That would not have fixed our border.
  • It would have implemented this catch and release policy.
  • You will never have real border security w/ that policy.
  • They just need to admit they screwed up and try and fix the problem instead of deflecting. 
  • That bill would have allowed 2 million immigrants in each year which is why 6 Democrats voted against that bill.
1h22mRazor Thin Margin

  • John Kennedy beat Richard Nixon by a razor thin margin.
  • No one wanted to start a war over it back then.
  • I think Nixon admired Kennedy.
  • Nixon was a formidable candidate.
  • Did he make political mistakes?
  • YES they all do.
  • People used to believe that Americans could do stuff.
  • That we could achieve great things b/c we were Americans!
  • There is a reason why Hubble telescope is still in orbit.
  • There have been Saints who came here to risk their lives for the conversion of Americans.
  • I’m not going to tell you it is all about exploring space etc at the end of the day it is about saving souls.
  • That doesn’t mean you can’t explore things in this world.
  • The closet thing we have to a Kennedy or Washington or Reagan is Trump.
  • 1960 Kennedy said it back then – this is the most important election maybe in the history of the United States.
  • There is a baby killing, Satanic, pedophile element here and we have to address this.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h44mAUDIO/VIDEO: Bret Baier After Kamala InterviewI’m talking about 4 staffers waiving their hands like it’s gotta stop. I had to dismount there at the end. 

Why did her 4 staffers pull her out of that interview?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris w/ Bret Baier – Joe Biden Mental Facilities – Joe Biden, I have watched from the Oval Office to the situation room and he has the judgement and experience to do exactly what he has done. Joe Biden is not on the ballot. I think the American people have questions about Donald Trump.

Did it not matter to you and the security of your family that the President at the time Joe Biden had cognitive issues?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris w/ Bret Baier  – Transgender Laws – I think that ad from the Trump campaign is throwing stones while living in a glass house. You have to you know take responsible for what happens in your administration. He spent $20 million on those ads b/c he has no plan. This is a remote issue.



AUDIO/VIDEO: CNN Brian Stelter on Harris Baier InterviewHarris was using a ‘Google strategy’. Some of the comments she was making in this interview are foreign to the Fox audience. Instead of getting to debate Trump again, she got to debate Bret Baeir and a lot of viewers are gonna come away saying ‘wow she’s willing to do that. That’s a sign of toughness and strength.

  • Sitting down for an interview it doesn’t make you tough.
  • If that did it would make Trump the toughest candidate out of the two.
 Donald Trump on XThis Saturday, October 19, 2024, is the 40th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Father Jerzy Popiełuszko, a truly great Catholic priest, who was the source of tremendous spiritual strength for the Polish Solidarity Movement and, indeed, the entire nation of Poland, in the 1980s. Yesterday, in Chicago, I was honored to sign a Commemoration about this solemn anniversary and present it to Father Jerzy’s nephew, Marek Popiełuszko, as well as receive from him a book of Father Jerzy’s sermons and other beautiful mementos to remember the life of this extraordinary man of heroic virtue.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid ono C-Span at PRRIThis next election is a litmus test for fascism. I truly believe that. The American tolerance for fascism. 
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Joy Reid ono C-Span at PRRIThis next election is a litmus test for fascism. I truly believe that. The American tolerance for fascism. 

  • She is saying if you go to the polls and vote for Trump you are a fascist. 
  • Well Joy, I’m going to vote for Trump/Vance.
  • I think for the first time since the 1960’s the American people are just saying NO.

Crusader Stadium: You know what they are? They’re cornered, wounded beasts. The progressives have been winning the culture wars for decades. Now that they’re getting some push back and have been bitten in the ass, they are running scared. It’s what often happens to bullies when the bullied are pushed too far. They’re playing the victim when they’ve been the victimizers, with the constitutional order being their aim. Always trying to bring it down for their warped and wicked worldview.

  • Riley Gaines was one of those women that didn’t get a medal b/c a man pretending to be a woman beat her.
  • Well she is all over the place proclaiming her story and proclaiming men shouldn’t be in women’s sports.
  • The girls have freaking had it w/ this nonsense.
  • They have realized if they don’t step up and defend themselves no one else will so they have taken action themselves. 
  • They are defying the administrators and refusing to play.
  • They are driving the liberals nuts b/c they won’t adhere to the LGBTQ agenda.
  • Trump has said he will not allow boys in girls sports.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Town Hall – Transgender Issue In Women’s Sports – It’s such an easy question, we’re not going to let that happen. There was a volleyball player that transitioned from male to female and hit a girl so hard in the head…you stop it. You absolutely stop it. Look what has happened in swimming. You just ban it, the President bans it.

  • Barrack Obama refused to enforce a few laws like the Defense of Marriage Act or DOMA.
  • Trump doens’t have to enforce the tranny parts of Title 9.
  • If your state is dumb enough to proceed w/ this nonsense then you get what you vote for locally.
 QUESTION: What is the best trade?

ANSWER: Both sides win.

  • No free trade agreement is good if it doens’t benefit both countries.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Howard Lutnick Canto Fitzgerald CEO on CNBC – Tariffs – We should put tariffs on stuff we don’t make. You can’t afford a GM in Europe you know why? Tariffs. This is simple negotiation. 

8:33am cstSEGMENT 6
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Presenting ID For Things

  • You have to present an ID to purchase marijuana in Massachusetts but you don’t need an ID to vote in Massachusetts.
  • So do you see where our priorities are as Americans?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on BET – Voter ID – I don’t think we should underestimate what that could mean. Because in some peoples mind you will have to photocopy your ID to send it in to prove you are who you say you are. Well there are a whole lot of people especially in rural areas there are no Kinkos or Office Max near them. 



Political Affairs Corespondent 

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • Most young liberals don’t understand why Kamala even agreed to this interview.
  • It didn’t bode well for her in their minds.
  • She came off as just an angry cat lady.
  • I think it was to balance out the fact Trump is constantly doing interview and podcasts and town halls.
  • She isn’t loved by her own party.
  • In general she has no backing.
  • Everyone knows it is likely Trump is going to win.
  • I think it has made the whole thing depressing.
  • Dear Nike video from XX-XY Athletics.
  • Having men in women’s sports.
  • You don’t see that in men’s sports b/c women simply can’t compete on the level of men in all mens sports.
  • For Republicans now they have to keep hammering b/c this is a hot topic for Republican women.
  • The dramatic voter number increases – Turning Point USA and Scott Presler.
  • He will actually work w/ anyone and he goes to rural PA and register people to vote.
  • He does great work but in previous election cycles they were overlooked.
  • The Trump family is no longer shielding itself from criticism this time they just want to win.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

Written by: candacechurch
