The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The “Reform” School Boards Movement Is A Trap, The Boards ARE The Problem!

today10/28/2021 25

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    The Mike Church Show-The “Reform” School Boards Movement Is A Trap, The Boards ARE The Problem! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 WELCOME – Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel

  • Hillary Clinton book tour
  • AG Merrick Garland gets grilled by Republicans
  • Monsignor Stephen Rossetti – more exorcisms than ever before
  • Everything is broken – Alana Newhouse

SPECIAL GUEST: Marc Morano from Climate Depot

 WEBSITE Monsignor Stephen Rossetti :

Monsignor Stephen Rossetti PhD DMin is a priest of the Diocese of Syracuse and a research associate professor at the Catholic University of America. He is a licensed psychologist and has been the Chief Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Washington for over 13 years. He is the author of many books and articles, particularly on priestly formation and spirituality. He currently heads the St. Michael Center for Spiritual Renewal, whose ministry involves exorcisms, deliverance praying and the support and renewal of priestly spirituality.



HEADLINE: The Age of Autism: Absence of evidence: Latest in a series of articles on Autism by Dan Olmstead UPI 

HEADLINE: The Amish Don’t Get Autism, But they Also Don’t Vaccinate by Fostering Wellness 

HEADLINE: California In-N-Out Shut Down Permanently for Refusing to Check Customers’ Vaccination Status by Tammy Hung 

HEADLINE: Mottes, Baileys, Vaccines by Eugyppius

  • The government is relying on the businesses to do the dirty work for them.
  • There are so many of us that are refusing to adhere to these mandates that they simply cannot ‘catch us all’. 

HEADLINE: The Hill You Die On by Sheryl Collmer

 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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  Red Pill Expo – in Lafayette LA
 BACK to headline: The Hill You Die On by Sheryl Collmer 
  HEADLINE/SLIDE SHOW: Questions you need to answer before approving the COVID vaccines for any age group by Steve Kirsh










HEADLINE: I Have Been Through This Before by Ann Bauer

  • Don’t wear a mask; you must wear a mask. Buy a pulse oximeter. Stock up on Tylenol, vitamin D, Pepcid. Whisper so you don’t spit. Stand six feet from others—no, 10. Wear gloves. Wear two masks! Open the windows. Close the schools. The dizzying madness of COVID, and the reliance on gurulike experts, has been eerily familiar. 
  • Do you all understand where we are right now?
  • But by that point, almost 50 years of damage had been done, during which any clinician who came up with a different diagnosis or questioned Bettelheim’s practices suffered immediate and devastating professional consequences. “In the Orthogenic School,” psychiatrist Richard Kaufman told the Chicago Tribune. “Bettelheim’s mind supplanted your own.”
  • If you challenged this FAKE narrative they took away your credentials.
  • So this is probably why doctors and nurses aren’t speaking up now w/ COVID.
  • There is precedent here.
  • QUESTION: Who granted him this power? 
  • Today you can mask your 3 1/2 year old but then these parents were BLAMED for their children having Autism.
  • QUESTION: How do you treat Autistic children? Now you drug them. 
  • QUESTION: Why can’t we do anything else for them?
  • They even came up with a new illness, ADHD!
  • QUESTION: What do they do to those children?
  • ANSWER: Prescribe them Ritalin 
  • The government has been doping up our children and experimenting on them for years. 
  • This is nothing new at all, just a different illness. 
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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
  BACK to headline: The Hill You Die On by Sheryl Collmer

  • The pandemic comes in January 2020 – 
  • So she saw this before in how the ‘doctors’ and ‘specialist’ treated her son for Autism. 
  • Suddenly there emerged a cadre of pandemic experts who recommended—then quickly required—extreme and unprecedented things. People shouldn’t see their parents, visit friends, hold funerals or hug. We could never shake hands again. Wearing masks was useless! We MUST mask, both indoors and out. There were hotlines set up in many cities—including mine—for citizens to report their neighbors who did not comply. Police were sent to break up a Jewish funeral in New York City.
  • *****I don’t know what I thought I’d find there. Maybe I was looking for the answer to how terribly and repeatedly we as people can get our responses to nature so wrong. The courtyard was empty, brilliantly sunny. The brick buildings were old and graceful, like hallowed monuments to science. I had to remind myself there were decades of abuse, psychological terror, and forced separation from parents within the walls of this place. And for all those years, staff watched and participated without a single one of them speaking out.*****


 Special Guest – Marc Morano

Climate Depot – Website – (started in 2009)

  • The BIGGEST threat to the Rainforest is POVERTY!
  • The key is b/c people are leaving the jungles and swamps and moving into the suburban areas.
  • These places are just not places humans want to live.
  • It’s ‘fun’ but it isn’t a place to actually live.

QUESTION: What rose after the deforestation of the Rainforest?


  • Climate became jealous when COVID came to town.
  • They want to add climate change as a cause of death to death certificates!
  • THIS ISN’T a joke people, they really want to do this.
  • 1st book – A politically incorrect guide to Climate Change
  • 2nd Book – Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal is Even Worse Than You Think by Marc Morano
  • This solar cycle – the Russian academy of science are predicting GLOBAL COOLING!
  • #SanFranSicko 
  • It started just for climate and then Green New Deal and now they combine BOTH in the summits.
  • The only President that doesn’t bow down to the people was President Trump.
  • Look up his speech from last year.


  AUDIO/VIDEO: Monsignor Stephen Rossetti – Diocese of Syracuse & assoc professor at the Catholic University of Americathere are more exorcisms now than ever before, the young are dabbling in the occult w/ Ouija boards etc. 

Monsignor Stephen Rossetti Website –



 AUDIO/VIDEO: NEOM is changing the divide b/w virtual and realitywhere technology meets humanity, enhanced by AI, robotics and next-generation technology. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Apple Commercial – 1984 Apple’s Macintosh Commercial 

Facebook, YouTube and Twitter – bad things come in 3’s right?

  • In an attempt to mock the Holy Trinity.
  • You have absolutely no chance w/ them in control.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Tom Cotton & AG Merrick Garland‘Judge this is shameful, this testimony, your directive, your performance is shameful. Thank God you aren’t on the Supreme Court, you should resign in disgrace.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Ted Cruz & AG Merrick Garland‘Your son in law makes a substantial amount when CRT is taught. Did you seek an ethics opinion? Does your son in law make more money if CRT is taught in more schools?’

  • You have a super committee above the parental unit.
  • The state has claimed it and grabbed it and held onto it.
  • Look at the results of this.
  • What are the results?
  • Broken families, broken children, sexually confused children and so on.
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Meta-tags for show

 AG Merrick Garland, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Tom Cotton, Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, Diocese of Syracuse, Catholic University of America, Ouija board, Apple, paganism, President Trump, Climate Hustle 2, Climate Depot, Hillary Clinton, Alana Newhouse, exorcism, Green Fraud, Green New Deal, Dan Olmstead, Autism, Tammy Hung, In-N-Out, Marc Morano, Sheryl Collmer, Steve Kirsh, Ann Bauer, Dr Anthony Fauci, NOEM, FBI, DOJ

Written by: LoneRhody

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