The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Social Media Influencers Need To Tap The Brakes

today11/11/2024 109

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Time 6:06am cstWE ARE LIVE on 990 WGSO, Our Flagship Syndication Station in New Orleans Louisianaall week from 7am-10am!  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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The Crusade Radio Network Turns 9!

 CALLER Doug Grain


JD Vance Republican Majority Leader US Senate

  • Someone floated this idea and the idea was shared w/ Charlie Kirk and Glenn Beck and then they got together to discuss this ‘wonderful’ idea.
  • They stated this has NEVER been done before.
  • Someone needed to come in and say tap the breaks buddies.
  • For ‘Conservatives’ this is the dumbest idea I have ever heard of.
  • The Separation of Powers!
  • You guys have been bitching about how the Biden Regime was crossing lines and conspiring w/ the Judicial branch and then you suggest this for Trump/Vance?
  • The President is acting basically as an official.
  • I’m watching this debate and they are all singing the praises of this ‘wonderful’ idea.
  • This isn’t how ‘conservatives’ talk.
  • We don’t want a majority leader that is the VP.
  • It is a direct conflict of interest. 
  • How do we know that when the VP is acting as VP of the Senate, that the Founders intended that position to be inert? 
  • A supervisors or referee so to speak?
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
37mBorder Czar 

  • He was the former ICE director.
  • Tom Homan will now be Trumps Border Czar.
  • He will be tasked w/ overseeing the Southern border. 
  • I would assume he would be ICE Director or Border Czar for short.
  • It is just a term, it doesn’t mean anything really.
  • The transition is taking place privately.
  • How soon can Homan get started?
  • Is Biden going to say no, not while I’m in this White House?
  Elon Musk Dark Goth MAGA Hat

  • If you wanted an Elon Musk Dark Gothic MAGA hat you just donated and they send you the merchandise.

  • I apparently killed Kirk and Beck’s buzz on this idea.
  • I am an American history nerd.
  • The separation of powers is important.
  • Conquer with the house and advise and consent and do treaties.
  • QUESTION: Who negotiated the treaties?
  • ANSWER: The President
  • Treaty making power was very important. 
  • Alien and Sedition Acts – 
  • It damn near broke the Union up.
  • It said this is where we get alien friend and enemy policy.
  • The Sedition part is still unconstitutional. 
  • Thomas Jefferson was sitting in the chair, he was there!
  • James Madison joined Jefferson on this.
  • Jefferson was there in the chair the day the vote was taken.
  • He was so opposed to it he wanted the Union to dissolve.
  • He was very opposed but he said NOTHING!
  • He had to watch the whole thing play out in front of him and he said nothing.
  • He minded his own business so there is your best indication that the Founders did not think the Executive branch shouldn’t be meddling in the affairs of the other branch.
  • Sit there and be bored.
  • There is no rule that says you have to have one.


Voter Tallies

  • How does Trump lose in 2020 but win in 2024?
  • Where did the other votes go?
  • How does Harris not get all those votes?
  • What happened to the votes?
  • That shows you the size of the fraud campaign in 2020.
  • Biden was said to have gotten 81 million votes in 2020.
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h2mBorder Czar

  • He doesn’t have to fill HHS w/ Homan or ICE.
  • If he wants to call it the Department of Ass Kicking Illegals he can call it that. 
  • He can create whatever the hell position he wants.
  • Mount Vernon – I met the women that worked there on a few occasions. 
  • The Mount Vernon Ladies Association – 
  • How President Washington made the 1st cabinet departments.
  • Remember this was all brand new at the time.

HEADLINE: How President Washington Made the First Appointments

  • Many people today don’t know that Washington had a temper.
  • NO ONE wanted to get on Washington’s bad side.
  • He had his own cookbook too.
  • Washington received such a large amount of requests for jobs that he eventually had to stop answering them. Friends, acquaintances, veterans of the war, and even total strangers approached him about positions. These people acted according to the old rules for appointments in the British Empire. In Britain, “who you knew” mattered more than one’s qualifications for a position. Washington overturned this corrupt system. He made the primary requirement for a position in government what he called “fitness” for the job – in a word, merit.


CALLER Dr Tom Bonin

Washington’s Immortal book – by Patrick K O’Donnell

  • The untold story of an elite regiment who changed the course of the revolution.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Nicolle Wallace on MSNBC – Mass Deportation – No price tag too big. That is how Donald Trump has described his policy who was elected on Tuesday on a wave of voter rage. When questioned about it he said his administration will have no choice. There will of course be a price tag and the price tag will be devastating to the economy. He is targeting 11 million migrants. This size and scale may not be feasible let alone affordable.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Mass Deportation

  • How does it cost a community money to get rid of a parasite?












HEADLINE: Democrats, Let’s Get Real About Why Harris Lost by Frank Bruni

  • People are busy. People are distracted. People are cynical. They tune out much if not most of this political drama because they regard it, indeed, as theater, as performance, whether it’s Trump’s conniptions or Harris’s “Kumbaya.”
  • They’re responding in significant measure to the state of the world around them, whether it’s to their liking and whom they hold responsible for it. That was Harris’s affliction — the price of food, the elusiveness of homeownership and the fact that she’d been the No. 2 figure in the administration in charge of the country for the past four years. The obvious, boring nature of the diagnosis didn’t make it any less fatal.
  • Another blind spot: the belief that seemingly key moments matter more than ongoing conditions. Sure, Democrats had an expertly choreographed convention. Yes, Harris had a great debate. No doubt, Trump had a miserable one. And then came his Madison Square Garden debacle.

HEADLINE: The Elites Had It Coming by Thomas Frank 

  • I hope Mr. Obama finds his silicon satisfaction. I hope the men of capital whose banks he bailed out during the financial crisis show a little gratitude and build him the biggest, most expensive, most innovative presidential library of them all. But his party is in ruins today, without a leader and without a purpose.
  • The MAGA core is going to grow as soon as America starts being great again.
  • It isn’t just that Trump survived, WE survived.
  • WE get a chance to fight another day.
  • Mr. Trump, meanwhile, put together a remarkable coalition of the disgruntled. He reached out to everyone with a beef, from Robert Kennedy Jr. to Elon Musk. From free-speech guys to book-banners. From Muslims in Michigan to anti-immigration zealots everywhere. “Trump Will Fix It,” declared the signs they waved at his rallies, regardless of which “It” you had in mind.
  • This is where you are wrong, we are NOT disgruntled.
  • You are misreading it too.
  • I am wearing this MAGA hat b/c I was treated unfairly.
  • That is why millions of people voted the way they did on November 5th.
  • You can’t make the debt if you can’t print the money its all over!
  • This is not your fathers Trump administration.
  • This is where you keep your voice.
  • You want, for better or worse people like Glenn Beck.
  • The mainstream media, the one thing we can conclude this day is that the MSM is done!
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AUDIO/VIDEO: CEO of Axios & Former co-founder of Politico Jim VandeHei on MSNBC – Legacy Media – I think all of us have to come to grips that legacy media isn’t as important as it thinks it is. Joe Rogan’s more important than any of us. He just has a much bigger hyperconnected audience that listens to his every word. Right wing discourse is now taking place on X. Elon Musk is now arguably the most powerful civilian in the history of the country.


















Political Affairs Correspondent 

Follow Mahgdaelen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • There is so much to offer now on X.
  • You can use X to your businesses benefit. 
  • You can’t use Twitters API anymore.
  • What that means is you can’t get a X embed to put directly into your Substack.
  • There still is a problem w/ bots but it has made great progress.
  • 330 million followers between Elon and Donald Trump.
  • Elon made the social media market competitive again.
  • Elon is repaying the favor in this.
  • QUESTION: What does this do to the political class now?
  • There is practically a Sunday morning show daily and almost hourly on X now.
  • The lack of opportunity, you have to be up to date and constantly push out content on X to stay relevant. 
  • These people know how to work in the current media landscape.
  • You can’t just ignore us anymore.
  • This platform is really silencing the older Rhino types too b/c they don’t know how to use X to their advantage. 
  • I don’t think Rick Scott can do this job, I differ w/ a lot of people.
  • He may have been a good Governor but he just isn’t tough enough to do that job.
  • You have to be vicious. 
  • He just isn’t that.
  • I’d like to see a young vicious Senator take that seat.
  • This might be a Josh Hawley kinda guy.
  • I want them to steal SCOTUS seats!
  • I want someone that has either been there long that would be vicious or a younger vicious person take that spot.
  • He screams ‘nice guy’ to me.
  • Mitch McConnell doesn’t scream nice guy to me.
  • He singlehandedly killed Merrick Garland!
  • That is probably why he was so vicious now in the DOJ.
  • Ted Cruz could get to that level of petty I think.
  • He is also someone that LOVES the media.
  • It would give people the appearance of hey you don’t have to be 80 or 90 to hold a position of power in the GOP.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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The Change In America

  • TKD tells story of local seafood market.
  • Business is back to where it was prior to Biden and it only took a day or two.
  • She didn’t sleep until Trump came out on the stage b/c she was so worried something bad was going to happen.
  • She had to stay up until Trump declared victory.
  • That is every Miss America.
  • That story tells you everything you need to know.
  • They are completely misreading what happened in this election.
  • The left is acting as if they just didn’t communicate well enough what they stand for.
  • They just don’t get it.
  • We don’t want to be RULED.
  • We want to be left alone.
  • This was America telling them we are done w/ you thinking you rule over us.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy – January 6th – I would say looking at the facts and the video footage that was finally released. Capitol police allowed them in. That is a case of entrapment. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy on w/ Tucker Carlson – Federal Bureaucrats – Tenure is no protection at all like protection of federal bureaucrats. The funny thing is if you just mandated they have to show up to work Monday-Friday a lot would quit on that alone. Watch 25% of federal bureaucrats quit. That is an easy first step.

  • You are NOT entitled to Civil Service.
  • I think if John F Kennedy were alive today he would say he made a mistake.
  • Hiring freeze – another way to get rid of these people.


AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK  Tom Homan w/ AOC – Family Separation – The recommendation, one of many, is zero tolerance. When the parents get arrested in the US for DUI w/ a young child in the car, I am separated from that child. You want to seek asylum you go through a point of entry. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch