6:03am cst | Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE |
| Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel crusadechannel.com/glory |
| Graduation of McNeese State University You Are My Sunshine – Jimmie Davis – writer - Maggie’s niece graduated this weekend.
50m | Stupid People In Government- They want stupid, morally compromised people in positions b/c they won’t ask questions.
- Let’s talk about Janet Yellen for a minute.
- Drudge headline:
AUDIO/VIDEO: Treasury Sec Janet Yellen – I think we will see a substantial reduction in inflation by the end of next year. |
| Grocery Stores- They all over ordered for Thanksgiving.
- They thought the average American would buy like they normally buy for the holiday but…the consumer only bought the bare minimum.
| Ethanol vs Non-Ethanol Gas |
1h04m | Old Christmas Movies Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer – 1961 Frosty the Snowman – - How the animation was mastered back then.
- Amazing how they did this and then following the claymation.
- The effort they put into making this movie is simply incredible.
The Army/Navy Game - Army lost 13 games in a row to Navy.
- Army guy on D line gets his hand in b/w a Navy dude and the ball, punches it out and that was the play of the game that allowed them to win the game w/ a field goal at the end.
- I love rivalries – this is Squids vs Grunts
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| If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] |
| Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia today from the fine folks at BullDog Kia in Atlanta Georgia. |
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7:15am cst | Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders. |
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1h27m | HEADLINE: Hide Your Refrigerator: Biden’s EPA Prepares to Crack Down on Home Appliances by Jack McEvoy - The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed new rules on Friday that would restrict the use of refrigerators, air conditioning equipment and heat pumps that utilize hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
- The EPA said that consumers and manufacturers could save up to $8 billion from 2025 through 2050 due to the proposed rule’s ability to improve the energy efficiency of cooling and heating appliances.
- When is the ozone layer the thinnest?
- Does the ozone layer change each year?
- There isn’t an actual HOLE.
- It is a thinning of the layer.
1h37m | SPECIAL GUEST Carrie Gress The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe NEW BOOK – The End of Woman: How Smashing the Patriarchy Has Destroyed Us - Fellow at Ethic & Public Policy Center, scholar at The Institute for Human Ecology at CUA and the nationally best-selling author of the Theology of Home series, Carrie Gress argues that fifty years of radical feminism have had the opposite of the intended effect and have granted primacy of place to the traditionally male sphere of life, while simultaneously devaluing the typical attributes, virtues, and strengths of women.
- Mary Wollstonecraft – was a British writer, philosopher, and advocate of women’s rights. Until the late 20th century, Wollstonecraft’s life, which encompassed several unconventional personal relationships at the time, received more attention than her writing.
- Congress for American Women –
- ONE single vote per family.
- This would get rid of the division b/w the husband and the wife.
- The real tragedy is what is happening to these young girls.
- This isn’t a ONE off.
- Our Lady of Guadalupe – Directly below Mary’s belt is a small, four-petalled flower that is not found anywhere else on Mary’s tunic. This is the nahui ollin, the jasmine flower, called the Flower of the Sun by the Aztecs, a symbol of plentitude, representing the four compass directions. For the Aztecs, this flower symbolized the center of the universe, and placed above Mary’s womb, they would have read it to say that a new sun was born of this Virgin, and would bring them new life in baptism.
- The gold brooch with a cross at her neck identifies Mary as sacred, like a holy temple, and protected against all profanation. The Aztecs would have also remembered seeing the symbol of the cross on the flags of Cortez’s army.
- The cuffs of the gown are lined with what looks like white ermine, a symbol of purity and honor without stain. (Also, it was cold in December!)
- Infrared rays reveal that the tilma has no traces of paint and that the fabric has not been treated with any kind of technique.
- Theology of the Home Volumes I-III
| Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected] |
| Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA! |
8:13am cst | Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at www.mikechurch.com |
| Make a Contribution to our October Crowdfunding – https://crusadechannel.com/donations/october-crowdfunding/ |
2h29m | HEADLINE: “Net Energy Gain” – US Scientists Make Breakthrough In Nuclear Fusion via ZeroHedge Nuclear Fusion – that is what the movie Back to the Future is based on. That is how the car is pushed to the future. - It is the holy grail if you will, to all energy production research.
- It would be a never-ending supply of energy.
- The electrical infrastructure for all electric cars simply isn’t there and it won’t be there in the year 2030 like Biden said it would be.
- This however is the solution IF you can get away with it.
HEADLINE: Lithium-Ion Battery Prices Rise For First Time via ZeroHedge - The volume-weighted average price of lithium-ion battery packs across all industries increased to $151 per kilowatt-hour in 2022, a 7% increase from last year.
- This defies all the government has worked for and their narrative.
- You and I as human beings are sustainable.
- QUESTION: How do we know this?
- ANSWER: The Bible
2h38m | AUDIO/VIDEO: Jeff Schroeder on Daily Blast Live – talking about Balenciaga and their sex/bondage photo shoot. - He is right, the MSM has covered up this story and run cover for Balenciaga.
- Just as they covered for Epstein and they covered for Hunter Biden.
- We need to be asking why MSM is covering and running interference for child predators.
2h44m | HEADLINE: Court Shuts Down Biden Attempt To Force Doctors To Sterilize Sex-Confused Patients by Victoria Marshall - In Sisters of Mercy v. Becerra, a coalition of Catholic hospitals, nuns, and a Catholic university that run health clinics for the poor sued the Biden administration over a Department of Health and Human Services mandate that would have compelled religious doctors and hospitals to administer mutilative gender “reassignment” surgeries — even if the surgeries violated the healthcare provider’s conscience.
- Is there no one out there listening to our show?
- We have been telling people how evil this Regime.
- The Eighth Circuit’s opinion comes after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals rules this past August that the Affordable Care Act could not require doctors to perform cross-gender surgeries if it violated their conscience.
- The Biden administration has 60 days to ask the Eighth Circuit to re-hear the case or 90 days to appeal to the Supreme Court.
- At some point physical refusal is going to happen.
2h52m | HEADLINE: Retired Navy SEAL Chris Beck, who came out as trans, announces detransition: ‘destroyed my life’ by Emma Colton - “Everything you see on CNN with my face, do not even believe a word of it,” Chris Beck, formerly known as Kristin Beck, told conservative influencer Robby Starbuck in an interview published earlier this month. “Everything that happened to me for the last ten years destroyed my life. I destroyed my life. I’m not a victim. I did this to myself, but I had help.”
- Beck served in the US Navy for 20 years, including on SEAL Team Six. He was deployed 13 times and received more than 50 medals and ribbons for his service.
- “I was used … I was very naive, I was in a really bad way, and I got taken advantage of. I got propagandized. I got used badly by a lot of people who had knowledge way beyond me. They knew what they were doing. I didn’t.”
- In one day, in a one hour session they told him he was transgender and they put him on hormones SAME DAY. He says he is now going to spend the rest of his life trying to save children. He says if I could be persuaded into this nonsense b/c I was at a low point, then kids will be very easy to target.
- SEAL teams –
| AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Louie Gohmert – verbally beats down former FBI Peter Strzok |
3h13m | HEADLINE: Juan Diego And Our Lady Of Guadalupe (Part I Of III) by Diana Von Glahn “Know for certain, least of my sons, that I am the perfect and perpetual Virgin Mary, Mother of the True God through whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near and far, the Master of heaven and earth. … I desire very much that they build my sacred little house here, in which I will show Him. I will exalt Him in making Him manifest: I will give Him to the people, in my compassionate gaze, in my help, in my salvation, because I am truly your compassionate Mother. I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in this land, and of all mankind, of all those who love me, of those who cry to me, of those who seek me, of those who have confidence in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their sorrow, and will remedy and alleviate all their multiple sufferings, necessities and misfortunes.” – Our Lady of Guadalupe “Hear and let it penetrate your heart, my dear little son: let nothing discourage you, nothing depress you. Let nothing alter your heart or your countenance. Also do not fear any illness or trouble, anxiety or pain. Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the fold of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do not be troubled or take thought of your uncle’s illness, for he will not die of this. He is well already. Is there anything else you need?” – Our Lady of Guadalupe - Castilian roses, not native to Mexico. He brought the flowers back, and as Mary rearranged them in his tilma, she said:
“My little son, these roses are the sign that you must take to the Bishop. In my name, tell him that with this, he will see and recognize my will, and that he must do what I ask.” – Our Lady of Guadalupe Here are some other symbolic meanings of the image on Juan’s tilma: - The rays that surround our Blessed Mother symbolize supreme power.
- The crescent moon symbolizes Mary’s perpetual virginity and hearkens back to Revelation 12:1, “a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet…
- Blue symbolizes eternity, immortality, divine contemplation, and godliness of conversation.
- The gold border around Mary’s mantle symbolizes her royal dignity.
- The stars are reminiscent of heaven, identifying Mary as Queen of Heaven.
- The eight-pointed stars symbolize baptism, and the gifts of new birth that God gave Juan and all American through Mary.
- The stars on Mary’s mantle are in the same pattern as the stars that were present over Tenochtitlan just before sunrise on December 12, 1531. They are seen in reverse, as if seen from outside the dome of the heavens (God’s perspective!).
- The rose-colored gown, similar in design to what Our Lady would have worn during her life, is a symbol of martyrdom for the Faith and of divine love. It also represents the color of the dawn of a new era.
- The cuffs of the gown are lined with what looks like white ermine, a symbol of purity and honor without stain. (Also, it was cold in December!)
- The floral designs on the Blessed Mother’s gown have an have an astounding array of meanings, part of which include new life for the Aztecs, transforming their culture from one of human sacrifice to one of love, founded in her Son.
- The black girdle around her waist would have been a clear symbol to the Aztecs that Mary was pregnant.
3h25m | Tilma Continued: - Directly below Mary’s belt is a small, four-petalled flower that is not found anywhere else on Mary’s tunic. This is the nahui ollin, the jasmine flower, called the Flower of the Sun by the Aztecs, a symbol of plentitude, representing the four compass directions. For the Aztecs, this flower symbolized the center of the universe, and placed above Mary’s womb, they would have read it to say that a new sun was born of this Virgin, and would bring them new life in baptism.
- The gold brooch with a cross at her neck identifies Mary as sacred, like a holy temple, and protected against all profanation. The Aztecs would have also remembered seeing the symbol of the cross on the flags of Cortez’s army.
- The angel’s red, white, and blue feathered wings symbolize loyalty, faith, and fidelity. His red tunic symbolizes love for the Virgin, and his position indicates that Mary has been raised above the angels, as Mother of God.
- The temperature of the tilma is a constant 98.7 degrees.
- Her eyes contain images of Saint Juan Diego and the Bishop.
HEADLINE: The Bomb in the Basilica by Ricky McRoskey |
| BREAKING AUDIO/VIDEO: “While his legal reasoning is twisted and unsound, we must take Justice Thomas at his word and the hateful movement behind him at their word.” – Nancy Pelosi |
| CROSSTALK WITH RICHARD BARRETT Host of the Barrett Brief |
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Meta-tags for show | Ricky McRoskey, Saint Juan Diego, Aztecs, Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, tilma, Nahui Ollin, Jasmine flower, Cortez, Jimmie Davis, McNeese State University, Janet Yellen, Ethanol, nuclear fusion, Frosty the Snowman, Navy vs Army, Rep Louie Gohmert, Jack McEvoy, EPA, Carrie Gress, Theology of Home, feminism, LGBTQ, patriarchy, transgender, gender affirming surgery, Emma Colton, Chris Beck, SEAL, Peter Strzok, FBI, Victoria Marshall, Jeff Schroeder, CNN, Balenciaga, Lithium-ion batteries, solar power, ozone layer, Mercy vs Becerra, 8th Circuit court, human sacrifice, abortion, pro-life, Affordable Care Act, inflation, HHS |