6:03am cst | Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show 844-5CRUSADE |
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42m 1h01m | HEADLINE: Told Ya So: PizzaGate Is Real & The Wall Street Journal Is Confirming It by Mike Church - We understand people don’t want to believe our favorite actors and actresses and government officials are pedophiles.
- We don’t want to think people are capable of this.
- People are capable of raping and selling defenseless children.
- But we must shout it from the rooftops and punish these people to the fullest extent of the law.
- We must challenge this narrative.
- We must STOP still now.
- Social media has provided a global, instantaneous vehicle for the transmission and metastasizing of sexual depravity and specifically the sexual corruption, trafficking, then perversion of children. Of course it is the physical act of pederasty that ultimately attempts to kill the child’s soul by literally drawing the life out of it.
- Just b/c you know names like Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein, you have to realize he was doing it for the NOT so RICH too!
- The Great Reset Elite – they wanted black mail material on these guys so they could pass whatever global agenda they put in front of them.
- Remember Liz Crokin?
- QUESTION: How many user are on Instagram?
- The actual inspiration is from an obscure 1960’s case in China of one Fong Long Fai who was convicted of multiple counts of raping children after luring them away from guardians by promising to “take them to see the goldfish”.
- Tim Ballard – Operation Underground Railroad – 4 pt Series
- Jim Caviezel – he speaks to people being addicted to adrenochrome.
- He even talks about how difficult it was to play this part.
HEADLINE: Jim Caviezel Decries “The Adrenochroming of Children,” As If That’s a Thing by Jordan Hoffman |
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| Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX – https://podcasts.crusadechannel.com |
7:15am cst | Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders. |
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1h37m 1h58m | AUDIO/VIDEO: Investigative Reporting Series on PizzaGate - Remember Sam Bankman-Fried?
- He was part of this too w/ his elfish looking girlfriend.
- These are Satanic things folks.
HEADLINE: Instagram Connects Vast Pedophile Network by Jeff Horwitz and Katherine Blunt - Currently pedophilia is illegal.
- It is even illegal, currently in California.
- Louisiana passed legislation on Obscenity Laws at pornography websites.
- This would give parents rights to pursue legal actions against Meta and Instagram.
- In the past 2 years Meta claims to have taken down 27 pedophile networks and plan more removals soon.
- Why wait Meta?
- Why allow this to continue on your platform if you KNOW what is happening?
- Now you have this report, this is the kind of stuff that will get Presidents thrown out of office.
- Remember in COVID if you posted anything that went against the MSM COVID line, you were removed immediately for misinformation.
- If they could do it then w/ medical misinformation why can’t they do it w/ child sex-trafficking and child pornography?
- The FBI tracked down every single human at January 6th through social media but we can’t use social media to track these pedophiles down?
- Remember PayPal stopped allowing its users access to their accounts when they posted something about COVID that went against the MSM?
- TV Series Undercover Underage –
- Movie 8mm w/ Nicholas Cage
- Who remembers John Wayne Gacy?
- What did he continue to say up until his death?
- He was procuring young men for people high up in the Democrat party.
- He also stated he never killed any of the boys and he never buried them.
- This is why this LGBTQ stuff is so disturbing and needs to stop.
- They are grooming children, they are desensitizing these kids to sex.
8:13am cst | Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at https://crusadechannel.com/crusader-stadium/ |
| Crusade max.com – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase) |
| HEADLINE: With Friends Like These… by Rod Dreher |
2h35m 3h01m | SPECIAL GUEST George Webb Follow George Webb on Twitter – @RealGeorgeWebb1 HEADLINE: Oliver North’s Iran Contra Jet Just Crashed? by George Webb Dick Cheney and 9/11 – - I’m not saying people knew about it before hand, the only person that had the authority to shoot that plane down was in-fact Dick Cheney.
- Federal Bridge known as PKI – Private network that governments use to exchange information in a encrypted fashion.
- This Anthrax attack is on 9/11 way before the attacks when they were mailing them to members of Congress.
- The Patriot Act came AFTER the letters to sitting members of Congress.
- What happens if you are in a small engine aircraft and and F-16 goes by you at super sonic speed?
- REx 84 and Oliver North
- DARPA program
- 3 Generals at this lab – a lab for cancer research and heart conditions, so why are 3 Generals there at this lab?
- It was a bug-out location for people in New York, it has mountains on both sides and it has coal mines already there.
- QUESTION: What is a railgun exactly?
- Did you check the people coming back from the crash site and did you do a report for Congress?
- No one knows if anyone from the crash site that was looking for things on the plane, debris or bodies etc, none of them were tested for Anthrax.
- Iran Contra – Reagan came out and apologized for his role in that.
- If Donald Trump came out and did the same thing on COVID it would go a long way.
- TWA 800
- If I can just shake the test tube –
- For having Amjad Awad’s plane fly into the Capitol would have cleaned up a multitude of sins. First, all the sins of Palmer Bank, BCCI Bank, and Iran Contra would be a forgotten memory. Second, Oliver North would have delivered the desired Continuity of Government crisis for the operational plans he wrote for his boss, Dick Cheney, to dispense with the Constitution and put in a surveillance state.
| AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Chuck Schumer on Canadian Wildfires – This smoke and fog over NY and the rest of Northeast is a warning from nature that we have a lot of work to do to reverse the destruction of climate change. HEADLINE: “Everyone Should Avoid Outdoors”: 100 Million Americans Under Air Quality Alerts As Canadian Wildfire Smoke Blankets East Coast via Zero Hedge |
3h26m | AUDIO/VIDEO: Pete Buttigieg on transgender boys competing against biological girls – Honestly I think where it largely comes from is folks who don’t want to talk about why they were against the infrastructure law. |
3h39m | AUDIO/VIDEO: Tim Ballard Founder of Operation Underground Railroad – 4 part docs-series w/ Mel Gibson, I showed up w/ about 12 names of children I needed to look for and the Ukrainian people gave me over 10,000 names of orphans that they had no idea was b/c of the chaos of war. It is the fastest growing business in the world.- Look at everything that is coming out of Ukraine.
- Sex-trafficking of children, the adoption/surrgagte child mills, money laundering and much more.
- Tell me again how the Ukrainian/ Russia war —-we are the on the right side?
HEADLINE: As Migrant Children Were Put to Work, U.S. Ignored Warnings by Hannah Dreier - Over the past two years, more than 250,000 migrant children have come alone to the United States. Thousands of children have ended up in punishing jobs across the country — working overnight in slaughterhouses, replacing roofs, operating machinery in factories — all in violation of child labor laws, a recent Times investigation showed. After the article’s publication in February, the White House announced policy changes and a crackdown on companies that hire children.
- Again and again, veteran government staffers and outside contractors told the Health and Human Services Department, including in reports that reached Secretary Xavier Becerra, that children appeared to be at risk. The Labor Department put out news releases noting an increase in child labor. Senior White House aides were shown evidence of exploitation, such as clusters of migrant children who had been found working with industrial equipment or caustic chemicals.
| Caller Crusader Greg – - Haiti Earthquake and remember all those kids that were being smuggled by that lady from the Clinton Foundation?
| BACK TO ROD DREHER AUDIO/VIDEO: One child who identifies as pansexual himself explained that “we deserve to have books in our schools that teach people about LGBTQ.” – “It’s not touching you, hurting you physically, or doing any physical damage to you,” he says. “I don’t know why you hate it so much!” |
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Meta-tags for show | LGBTQ, Rod Dreher, Hannah Dreier, Operation Underground Railroad, Tim Ballard, Mel Gibson, sex-trafficking, Ukraine, migrants, DHS, DOJ, Health of Human Services, Labor Department, Xavier Becerra, Pete Buttigieg, Sen Chuch Schumer, Canadian wildfires, PizzaGate, Liz Crokin, Fong Long Fai, Jim Caviezel, Jordan Hoffman, adrenochrome, Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein, Governor Ron DeSantis, Jeff Horwitz, Katherine Blunt, Oliver North, Donald Trump, 9/11, Iran Contra, pentagon, George Webb, Nicholas Cage, John Wayne Gacy |