The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-There’s A New Sheriff In Mordor On The Potomac

today11/03/2023 192

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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HEADLINE: Does New Speaker of the House Mike Johnson Have a Bank Account? by Roger Sollenberger 

  • Speaker Mike Johnson has never listed a bank account on his financial disclosure. In fact, on his newest disclosure he doesn’t list a single asset at all. 
  • Over the course of seven years, Johnson has never reported a checking or savings account in his name, nor in the name of his wife or any of his children, disclosures show. In fact, he doesn’t appear to have money stashed in any investments, with his latest filing —covering 2022—showing no assets whatsoever. 
  • Of course, it’s unlikely Johnson doesn’t actually have a bank account. What’s more likely is Johnson lives paycheck to paycheck—so much so that he doesn’t have enough money in his bank account to trigger the checking account disclosure rules for members of Congress.
  • House Ethics Committee filing guidelines state that members must disclose bank accounts they have at every financial institution, as long as the account holds at least $1,000 and the combined value of all accounts—including those belonging to their spouse and dependent children—exceeds $5,000.
  • So he isn’t the average Congressman and that raises questions?
  • He doesn’t play the stock market, he doesn’t have millions stashed away from lobbyist. 
  • So he is basically frugal w/ his money and they can’t understand why someone would do that.
  • The average American does this but they are so far removed from how the average American lives, this is a red flag for them.
  • “One of the reasons we have these financial disclosures is to know whether politicians are having financial difficulties—which could make them ripe for influence buying,” Libowitz said.
  • Isn’t it amazing that if you know someones home address you can type it into Zillow and find out an estimate of it’s worth?
  • Keep in mind Zillow is owned by BlackRock.
  • Could he be doing the “Be Your Own Banker”?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson on Spending Bill to IsraelNo we are in dire straights as a nation. If you talk to join leaders under oath they all say our greatest threat to our National Security is our National Debt. We need to make sure our house is in order first. Washington should run the same way as your home, you make budgets and have to stick to them.

  • There will come a day where they will say “we aren’t loaning you anymore money”. 
  • We don’t think this will happen b/c we think we are bulletproof. 
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
1h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) on TubervilleWe shouldn’t be infecting politics into the military. What are we doing to these military men and women. We have men and women that deserve to be promoted. Our military families today are saying we don’t want to be used as political pawns.

  • Whatever happened to be a patriot?
  • Being used as political footballs – THIS IS NOTHING NEW!!!
  • She says ‘they don’t want to have their children serve b/c of what’s happening now’. 
  • Newsflash, you told many that wanted to serve get the jab or you can’t serve.
  • Newsflash, you injected politics when you injected diversity training and LGBTQ adherence. 
  • You don’t need a land war agains Hamas.
  • Send a letter of Marque and Reprisal, name the leaders of Hamas and send in the headhunters. 
  • BOOM, problem solved. 
  • You can issue this letter, if you really want to start WWIII and you really think these leaders that were armed w/ our equipment that was left, a prudent smart 1st move would be to issue Letters of Marque and Reprisal. 
  • Issue the bounty right after for all the leaders listed in the Letters of Marque and Reprisal. 
  • You can identify the Hamas leaders just like you can identify the leaders of the Sinaloa Cartel bringing in drugs at the Southern Border.
  • They wanted to avoid wars – The Founding Fathers

AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on TubervilleIt’s an abuse of the powers we have as senators to say if there’s something we vehemently disagree w/ that we’re going to use that power to hold up military promotions.

  • This just never ends.
  • What could possibly go wrong w/ our elected officials not having moral convictions? 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Ally Sammarco on banning weapons of warImagine being in a bowling alley w/ a handgun. 
1h40mCaller A-aron from Illinois 

  • Registration of your guns in Illinois or else.
  • $5,700 in taxes to your government as a citizen
  • Even with all of this your state government is going to be broke.
  • These laws are even very cryptic on what is an assault rifle and what hand rail you can have.
  • What is going to happen when the government wants to confiscate these guns?
  • The LAW ABIDING citizens register their guns w/ the state, the CRIMINALS do not.
  • All you are going to do is punish the citizens that follow the law.
  • Criminals don’t care about your stupid mandatory registration. 
2h05mHEADLINE: Jobs Come Crashing Down: October Payrolls Up Only 150K, Missing Estimates And Follow More Downward Revisions via ZeroHedge

  • As usual, historical data was revised massively lower, with the jobs change for August revised down by 62,000, from +227,000 to +165,000, and the change for September was revised down by 39,000, from +336,000 to +297,000. With these revisions, employment in August and September combined is 101,000 lower than previously reported. In total, 8 of the past 8 months have been revised sharply lower in what only idiots can not see is clearly mandated political propaganda designed to make the economy look stronger at first glance then quietly revise the growth away. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Houston, TX on InflationBiden’s, Crooked Joe’s, green new energy calamity is one of the biggest factors causing, as you know, the inflation disaster. If you look at overall cost it is about $8,000 per family.

  • More and more people are just saying you know, screw it, I’m just not going to work.

HEADLINE: Target CEO says shoppers are pulling back, even on groceries by Melissa Repko 

8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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HEADLINE: Judge Overturns Bridgeport Mayoral Election Due To Evidence Of Mail Ballot Fraud by Mark Hemingway 

  • Clark’s decision affirmed that there was merit to accusations that Bridgeport’s incumbent mayor, Joe Ganim, won his election as a result of significant fraud involving absentee ballots. “The volume of evidence in this case, including the many hundreds of hours of video surveillance disclosed and accepted into evidence is, perhaps, unprecedented in the State of Connecticut in an election case,” observes Clark.
  • This is Democrats claiming fellow Democrats were cheating via mail in ballots.
  • You see what the scheme is here?
  • Let them cast their ballots on the day of, we will fix the absentee aspect to keep the vote going OUR way.
  • According to Clark’s decision, Geter-Pataky “asserted her privilege against self-incrimination” 71 times when she was asked questions relating to her work for Ganim, “whether she appeared on the video … [and] whether she took custody of absentee ballots that did not belong to her” in September’s election. She is presently on leave from her job as a city employee while she’s being investigated by the city.
  • Another woman, Eneida Martinez, a candidate for city council running on a slate with Mayor Ganim, also “asserted her privilege against self-incrimination” when she was asked “whether she took custody of absentee ballots that did not belong to her.”
  • That absentee ballot fraud has been conclusively determined to alter the results of an election in a major American city highlights the fact that much of the national debate over the rapid increase in mail ballots has been dishonest.
  • Do you see what they did?
  • They welcomed in the mail in ballot, then used the absentee ballots to get what they wanted.
  • This is why you need 8 million illegals and registering to vote.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Senator John Kennedy Judiciary Committee on Confirmation Hearing for Pending Nominees – Prof Sarah French RussellDid you sign this? Of course you did we have it right here. You stated prisoners in jail were detrimental. If you believe that about our prisons, how will you ever be able to send anyone to prison?

  • It is very telling she “accidentally” left this correspondence out of her discovery package.
2h56mHEADLINE: Landry appoints a committee to focus on New Orleans; Mayor Cantrell reacts by Sabrina Wilson

  • New Orleans has been plagued by corrupt Democrat Mayors. 
  • Ray Nagin, Mitch Landrieu and LaToya Cantrell…they are all the same.
  • What is the one thing they have in common?
  • Democrats
  • Governor Landry – “We want the city of New Orleans to operate like the city of Charleston, or the city of Nashville or some of the other great Southern cities around the country and we know that it can, but it’s got a lot of problems and we know that one of them is crime but there’s a lot more problems than just crime in the city of New Orleans.”
  • The city used to be beautiful, fun and full of great food and great entertainment.
  • Now, you can’t go w/o risking your life.
  • We used to go all the time with friends and family, no more.
  • Nagin went on live TV and said “This city will be chocolate again”. 


AUDIO/VIDEO: Vivek Ramaswamy on w/ Pierce MorganIt’s pathetic that the ‘good vs evil’ crowd who waxes eloquent about Russia-Ukraine has absolutely nothing to say about Azerbaijan-Armenia. The reason why is the same reason for everything in DC special interest. Azerbijan & Ukraine have exceptionally powerful lobbies, while Armenia does not.

  • If he wasn’t running for President in this cycle, I’d vote for him.
  • I don’t think he stands a chance against Trump this go around.

Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan M from NJ

  • I hate the cold and I am too old for the cold! 
  • We had a hard frost and things are DED, dead.
  • New Homestead Act idea – 
  • A lot of that BLM land is more suitable for grazing.
  • You’d have to work together w/ your neighbors to run more cattle.
  • Scaling down the food system to more local and regional levels is definitely the answer.
  • Land Grant – 
  • State Parks – 
  • There is plenty of land but we have to make sure we have the Health Departments inline. 
  • Small scale slaughter houses and such have to be open and done right.
  • The commodity vs conservation – 
  • These two things work against each other in the government.
  • They are getting huge payments on both ends.
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Meta-tags for showSam Bankman Fried, Free Farm Friday, Brian Koch, Dan Mundy, regenerative farming, Tyson, Vivek Ramaswamy, Pierce Morgan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Donald Trump, Speaker Mike Johnson, Senator John Kennedy, Senator Joni Ernst, Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Tuberville, US Military, inflation, Israel, Russia, Joe Biden, Roger Sollenberger, Ally Sammarco, gun violence, New Orleans, Mayor LaToya Cantrell, Governor Jeff Landry, crime rates, State Parks, BLM, Sabrina Wilson, Sarah French Russell, Mark Hemingway, election fraud, Geter-Pataky, Melissa Repko, Target

Written by: candacechurch