The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Today The L.A. Dodgers Open A Portal To Hell!

today06/16/2023 264

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

LA Dodgers and the Sisters of Perpetual Help

  • Today we will fast for reparations of the MLB allowing this to happen.
  • This should not happen.
  • Maybe in the days of old the local police department would refuse any kind of detail near the stadium and for these men.
  • Would it be a sin against charity to pray that the ground of Dodger stadium be opened up and the ‘sisters’ be sucked up?
  • What is about to occur today is truly depraved.
  • They were founded in 1978 – they have been around THAT long and we have allowed it.
  • Bishop Strickland from Tyler, TX is in California and they are doing a Eucharistic procession, reciting the Sacred Heart litany and then processing to the stadium.
  • The City of the Angels – 

HEADLINE: Firebrand Texas Bishop Strickland to lead procession to protest LA Dodgers by Brian Fraga 

  • Some faithful Catholics in the state of California might change the whole state!
  • Could this be a set-up for our fellow Catholics?
  • Could this be the Catholic version of January 6th?
  • What has happened to the faithful?
  • What has happened to our willingness to stand up and defend Christ?

HEADLINE: Close Your Wallets, Cleanse the Temples—and Hit the Streets by Dr Matthew Petrusek 

  • What to do? The most tempting response is also the most useless: get angry and indulge in defeatism. Shake your (lowered) head. (Re)post, (re)tweet, and whisper your consternation among other believers. Feeling a bit bolder? Write a whole article about this new absurdity (same verse, just like the first) in tones of deep indignation.
  • It won’t change a thing. The reason is because no one who has the direct power to stop this carnival of prejudice and depravity cares what any of us think. They do not care about logic, about arguments, about science, about hypocrisy, about civilizational stability, about tradition, about religion, or even about whether, outside of their peer group, they are widely disliked.
  • Jesus Christ commanded us to love our enemies, not to guide their boots onto our necks. So let’s put away our wallets, pick up our cross, and make it clear to every marketer, accountant, and CEO who still cares about staying solvent that they now have a choice to make: it’s either us (people who are content giving you money and being on our way as long as we aren’t excluded and insulted) or them (people who have no qualms running your business into the ground if it serves the totalitarian elite). 
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Jeopardy $200 questionMatthew 6:9 says, “Our Father which art in heaven ____ be thy name.
 HEADLINE: Joe Biden Announces Ambitious Plan to Build a Railroad ‘All the Way Across the Indian Ocean’ by Debra Heine 

  • “Of course, that’s completely absurd and it’s not worth exploring. Far more troubling are these erratic, brazen untruths and bizarre asides that have defined Biden’s presidency.

Biden has been a shameless liar his entire life, but Americans clearly agree the problems run far deeper. In fact, a “significant majority of Americans” — including seven-in-ten independents — say Biden’s mental fitness is a “real concern,” while just 32 percent believe Biden has the “mental sharpness it takes to serve effectively as president.”

 When the president of the United States announces an 8,000+-mile railroad spanning a miles-deep ocean — something that is not now nor has ever been under consideration — Americans have every reason to be concerned.

 Marjorie Taylor Greene Twitter Thread:  One of my all time favorite stories is when Thomas Massie was the only Member of Congress that stood against the entire weight of Washington to try to stop the CARES ACT from passing and was the lone voice trying to remind everyone the Constitution still stands…….



Kennedy Hall

Author of Family Be Damned, Terror of Demons and SSPX

Follow Kennedy on Twitter – @kennedyhall

HEADLINE: God Bless Bishop Strickland! by Kennedy Hall 

  • Thank God for good shepherds like Bishop Strickland.
  • He truly is a wonderful spiritual father.
  • We pray for their conversion, we don’t want these LGBTQ people to go to hell.
  • God wants all His creatures to be saved.
  • They mock the religious sisters who even pray for them in their convent.
  • That is what Catholics are.
  • That is who we are.
  • That is what we are called to be!
  • That is what Jesus would want us to do.
  • I am a simple man and have simple reasons for doing things.
  • I just wanted to set the record straight w/ the SSPX.
  • The attacks have gotten strong in the last 6-12 months and I felt compelled to write this book.


HEADLINE: Fox News promotes ‘glory holes’, child sterilization to employees, leaked documents reveal by The Post Millennial 

  • The Trevor Project outright encourages minors to transition gender and offers all kinds of resources for kids and teens seeking to do this. They are big on secrecy, too, offering a “quick exit” button on their site so that if kids are interrupted by an adult during their exploration of the site, they can get away fast, with no trace. When a teen is looking for info about detransitioning, the Trevor Project offers absolutely no resources.
  • People that are homeless should be more concerned about finding a home than changing their gender.
  • Right or are we just crazy in thinking that?
  • This can all be explained very simply by this…the people that are running all major companies today, in the ‘service’ industry w/ HR departments are all staffed w/ college graduates from the last 10 years so they have zero faith of any kind and they have been indoctrinated w/ Communism.
  • It isn’t woke – it is Communism which denies God.
  • The selling point of Communism is there is no God, man is elevated to God.
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
 HEADLINE: Dodger Blues by Robert B Greving 

  • The Holy Ghost is out there moving brothers.
  • The first school was in Massachusetts and now in Ottawa. 
  • The kids that have decent parents are going to the schools and saying…no, not anymore.

HEADLINE: Anti-Catholic Hate Has No Place in America, Much Less America’s National Pastime by Sen Marco Rubio and Brian Burch

  • What Catholics hold most dear in life is their faith, the sacred symbols, traditions, and practices of which have been handed down over 2,000 years to the most diverse congregation on the planet. The SPI know this, and that’s why they engage in the most grotesque parodies of those symbols, traditions, and practices that they can come up with.
  • We will not stand for these attacks on our faith. Everyone in Southern California should understand that the Dodgers they knew and loved sacrificed their legacy and honor on the altar of anti-Catholic hate.
2h29mHEADLINE: Yuengling sponsors venue hosting PA Pride drag show for families by Sara Higdon 

  • Take Yuengling off the table fellas.

Katie Beeman from Pennsylvania 

  • I have meat birds and keep in mind they are cannibals so be very aware of that.
  • They are cannibals so be prepared and make sure they have lots of space.
 Trump Indictment

Attorney-Client Privilege 

  • This is a two-way street though.
  • The attorney remains silent and the defendant remains silent. 
2h50mAUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on Twitter what a wannabe dictator would look likeThis non-dictator administration is collecting all your information, who you talk to, how  much porn you watch. They aren’t a dictator but they just need the information just in case. 
 HEADLINE: Secession talks emerge in one Northern California county. Is a new state a possibility? by Michael Mcgough

  • Do people in California need San Francisco? 
  • Do people in California need LA?
  • The people that run the cities want to rule over people that don’t live in them.
  • Is the answer to invade the cities and take them back?
  • Is the answer to just leave them alone and secede? 
  • A new proposal, put forth by a resident and supported by at least one former county leader, would have El Dorado County secede from California and become its own state.















Free Farm Friday

Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan M from New Jersey

Meatless Agenda 

  • Look at what is going on in Denver.
  • Colorado the Eastern half of the state averages 15 inches a year and you can’t have crops in that area that is why they don’t grow things there.
  • The thing is the greater agenda is where this is coming from.
  • They want to take whole milk out of schools, they are now wanting to go completely meatless at public schools.
  • If your kids are still in these schools, shame on you truly at this point.
  • If you put animals in a 10×10 room you too wouldn’t be that clean and healthy.
  • Humans just like animals need space.

HEADLINE: Denver initiative would ask voters in 2024 to ban livestock slaughter facilities and uses by Dan Flynn 

  • While a lamb slaughter might fall under such an initiative, how might products from slaughterhouses outside of Denver be affected? The prohibition on the “use of slaughterhouses” might give voters pause. Any facility that processes meat, defined as “livestock” under Colorado law including beef, lamb, pork, and poultry, is covered by the initiative. 
  • Colorado livestock interests are already trying to determine how much damage Denver voters could do to the state’s $14 billion industry. As recently as 2021, the Colorado livestock industry went to the state Supreme Court to stop a harmful initiative to prevent the use of artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis for farm animals.

HEADLINE: Proposed initiative bans meat processing in Denver; offers those out of work ‘assistance programs’ by Sherrie Peif 

  • Superior Farms is one of the largest lamb processing facilities in the United States, employing 170 people at its Denver plant. It originated in Colorado and expanded to California several decades ago. They not only ship their product out of state, but to most every grocery store and restaurant in Colorado that sells lamb.
  • I’m sure they targeted Denver for a reason.
  • The people in Denver also voted to murder babies up until birth.
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Meta-tags for showFree Farm Friday, Sherrie Peif, Dan Flynn, Denver, Dan Mundy, Brian Koch, El Dorado County, secession, LGBTQ, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, LA Dodgers, Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Bishop Strickland, MLB, Brian Fraga, Dr Matthew Petrusek , Jeopardy, Debra Heine, Tucker Carlson, Michael Mcgough, Katie Beeman, Fox News, Yuengling, Bud Light, Humility Month, Pride Month, Sen Marco Rubio, Brian Burch, Robert B Greiving, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Thomas Massie, Marjorie Taylor Greene

Written by: candacechurch