The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Trump Assembles The MAGAvengers To Drain The Swamp

today10/29/2024 102

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows on
14mNovember 5th Right Around The Corner

  • Why are swing states coming out saying it might take 7 days to count all the ballots?
  • What does this all mean?
  • Why can’t we count ballots same day?
  • Entire COUNTRIES count all ballots, paper ballots in ONE day.
  • Is it b/c calls have to be made to foreign dignitaries like Zelensky and Putin? 
  • In 1981 Reagan appointed the Grace Commission and it was charged w/ the task of ‘fixing the swamp’ and back then it was a kiddie wadding pool.
  • Trump assembles a transition team and he is paying for it all himself.
  • This also sends a notice to all the bureaucrats that hey there will be a new Sheriff in town.
  • He admitted he had no idea how to govern and that he was taking people at their word. 
  • They just weren’t men of good will.
  • They didn’t have the good intentions Trump had.
22mHEADLINE: Harris stiff-arms Biden in final stretch by Alex Thompson

  • Harris’ campaign keeps responding: We’ll get back to you, three people familiar with the dynamic told Axios.
  • People still don’t like her.
  • The very idea that Obama is more popular than Biden, the current President is very telling.
  • They did this!
  • They did this to themselves.
  • One person familiar with the situation compared it to a slow-moving break-up: Harris’ team and allies respect Biden’s service, but are wary of further tying Harris to the unpopular president on the campaign trail.
  • They also believe Harris’ team is underestimating Biden’s appeal among white, working-class communities in the Rust Belt — including in the critical state of Pennsylvania, where Biden has spent extensive time during his life and career.
  • Can he be more unpopular than her?
  • No even the polls show that registered democrats still prefer Biden over Harris.
  • She is THAT unlikable. 
  • Remember she stayed in the WH and watched Joe Biden and his decline and lied to us all that there was nothing wrong w/ him.
  • That alone should be the end to her campaign.
  • Earlier this month, Biden made an unannounced first appearance in the White House briefing room to take questions from reporters — accidentally stepping on media coverage of a Harris event in Michigan.
  • So is it him lashing back at her?
 Comedian at Madison Square Garden Trump Rally

Tony Hinchcliffe 

6:35am cstSEGMENT 2
42mAUDIO/VIDEO: Robert F Kennedy Jr – Trump Cabinet – Here is the difference, when I got in last time I had no idea how to govern and people told me who to appoint. A donor got me to appoint John Bolton, he is a really bad guy. This time I won’t do that. Normally the transition team isn’t created until November 6th. Trump is paying for this transition team 3 months early, and he got private donors to fund it. He has appointed 20 people including me and Tusli Gabbard. 

  • I’d like to know who the other cabinet members are but the fact Tulsi is in there is very anti-war.
  • She isn’t a Neo-Con and neither is RFK Jr.
  • You don’t do this to win a popularity contest.
  • You do something like this b/c you anticipate massive change.
  • There is hope that something will change.
  • That is why I mentioned the Grace Commission.
  • There have been attempts to change the government.
  • The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act – Amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 (Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act) to require certain revised reports by the Congressional Budget Office to include an analysis of post-sequestration legislation. Amends the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974 to require a reduction in the maximum deficit amount for any fiscal year in which the deficit for the preceding fiscal year exceeded the permissible amount.
  • It was enforced all the way up until 9/11.
  • Everything is not rotten and everyone doesn’t suck folks.
  • There is hope and we must remain positive. 
  • They used to sequester entire bills back then.
50mEthical Violations

  • These are pointed acts of desperation.
  • If you feel like the good guys are going to win big, you do things like this.
  • Call their leader Hitler and his rallies Nazi like.
  • This is what you do to get people killed.
 Don from the Bronx – Data (r)epublican

  • PA has been updated w/ the weekend numbers.
  • Over one weekend alone the advantage for Trump grew from 11.94% to 14.13%.
  • If that sounds incredible that’s because it is.
 HEADLINE: After “Colossal” Exodus Of Subscribers, WaPo Boss Bezos Explains “The Hard Truth” About Not Endorsing Kamala via ZeroHedge
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




















Political Affairs Correspondent

Follow Mahgdalen on X – @MahgdalenRose

  • The VP’s are duking it out. 
  • They are in full campaign rally mode.
  • There is a weird thing happening in Democrats, they are desperately trying to create an October surprise like the old swimsuit model.
  • Donald Tump hasn’t done anything stupid in a long time and it is frustrating them at this point.
  • One candidate did something no one knew about – Trump is an open book and has been for a while now.
  • The Dems have gone through his past w/ a fine tooth comb already when they tried to put him in prison.
  • There is NOTHING left to find.
  • Jeff Bezos and WaPo – 
  • People don’t want to go back to when the Democrats were constantly waging war through the media against Conservatives.
  • No one wants to go back to COVID and Russia Russia Russia.
  • Except maybe Democrats.
  • The turnout in Ohio will be in favor of the Republicans.
  • That is a flip seat I belive. 
  • The PA Republican is neck and neck too in that Senate race.
  • I like Sam Brown and Hung Cao this could be the biggest election night since 1984.
  • Things have been on fire and the Dems are just acting like NOTHING is wrong or has been going on.
  • You can’t deny these realities of life and the REAL Americans know it b/c they have seen it w/ their own eyes.
  • People don’t care anymore if people think you’re a Racist. 
  • The culture has moved to a point where they simply don’t care what people call them anymore.
  • Call me Hitler, call me a Nazi, the left has made these words mean absolutely NOTHING.
  • There is joy being created by the Trump/Vance campaign.
  • There is a guy that made the Eating the Dogs & Cats song he raised over $70k for the local animal shelters from this song.
  • Dr Phil has been doing a lot of soul searching in the last few years.
  • I think he is coming to understand these people are monsters.
  • He can’t believe people in his profession are doing this to young children.
  • Absolutely mutilating their bodies forever.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Megyn Kelly w/ Bill Maher – Transgender Children – It’s the issue of our time w/ both respect to children and women’s rights. Kids who are suffering from bullying and going through normal feelings while going through puberty…they are told they are transgender. 

  • Fox hired her b/c she was speaking to the American woman, she was their girl.
  • This group moved away from Trump.
  • The more she can push this is a win for the Conservative movement.
  • The fact Bill Maher knows this and acknowledges the mutilation of children shows the shift. 
  • Elon Musk will usher in a movement of inspiration and imagination.
  • Donald Trump has an interest in improving infrastructure.
  • Under him we will have innovation run by Elon and he should discuss that in this homestretch.
  • Elon Musk has worked really hard to obtain everything he has.
  • He is a jet fuel genius. 
  • Optimistic people is what we need now more than ever.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chinese Woman in Crowd at RallyKamala you soooo stoopid you need to go home. 
1h43mAUDIO/VIDEO: JD Vance Rally Wausau, WI – Tim Walz & AOC Video Games – He was talking about playbooks and trying to connect that to Project 2025. He said AOC ran a pick 6 you don’t run a pick 6. I think even though they say he was a college football coach I think I know more about football than Tim. And it’s appropriate cause I think my running mate knows more about working at McDonald’s than Kamala Harris does.
 HEADLINE: After “Colossal” Exodus Of Subscribers, WaPo Boss Bezos Explains “The Hard Truth” About Not Endorsing Kamala via ZeroHedge 

  • Jeff Bezos Letter to Employees at WaPo – 
  • Reality is an undefeated champion. It would be easy to blame others for our long and continuing fall in credibility (and, therefore, decline in impact), but a victim mentality will not help. Complaining is not a strategy. We must work harder to control what we can control to increase our credibility.
  • Presidential endorsements do nothing to tip the scales of an election. No undecided voters in Pennsylvania are going to say, “I’m going with Newspaper A’s endorsement.” None. What presidential endorsements actually do is create a perception of bias. A perception of non-independence. Ending them is a principled decision, and it’s the right one. Eugene Meyer, publisher of The Washington Post from 1933 to 1946, thought the same, and he was right. By itself, declining to endorse presidential candidates is not enough to move us very far up the trust scale, but it’s a meaningful step in the right direction.
  • Lack of credibility isn’t unique to The Post. Our brethren newspapers have the same issue. And it’s a problem not only for media, but also for the nation. Many people are turning to off-the-cuff podcasts, inaccurate social media posts and other unverified news sources, which can quickly spread misinformation and deepen divisions. The Washington Post and the New York Times win prizes, but increasingly we talk only to a certain elite.
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2h15mFox News – A Very Plausible Map

  • Shows Harris winning over Trump 270 to 268
  • What?
  • It is a plausible way for her to win?
  • The next thing was “the presidential race is too close to call” and “the race is neck n neck”.
  • These people are bums.
  • They are demon inspired bums.
  • You should have to earn everything and that includes power.
  • If everything was perfect why write the Summa?
  • If everything was perfect why pray the rosary?
  • We live in a fallen world people.
  • We are all born w/ Original Sin and must be Baptized, we are perfected by Grace.
  • NO ONE is perfect we aspire to become Saints.
  • All is not lost!
 Back to Bezos and WaPo
2h25mAUDIO/VIDEO: Douglas Macgregor w/ Tucker Carlson – Illegals v Retired Americans – Keep in mind a person that works all his life expects to draw a Social Security check. They get on average $1,400 per month. We had every alleged asylum seeker, illegal migrant pouring into the border and they received $2,200. We put them on that $2,200 diet from there on per month. Yet somebody who works all his life retires and draws SS gets $1,400.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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  Donald Trump MSG Rally – 

Later today Trump will be in Allentown PA – we will air that live as well. 






AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Comedian Don Rickles at Ronald Reagan Event

  • He was a Democrat folks.
  • We can in fact laugh at jokes.
  • We can laugh even at the ones that aren’t PC.
  • This is comedy. 
  • The Dean Martin Roasts were hilarious. 
  • No one was woke back then and you could laugh at each other w/o being pissed off all the time.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Actor Zachary Levi w/ Megyn KellyI’m not voting for Donald Trump, I’m voting for Donald Trump and Bobby Kennedy and Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ramaswamy and Elon Musk and JD Vance and everyone else that they’re gonna bring in. I love that Trump is privately funding his own transition team, not waiting for the government. So they are ready to go and they are not compromised. 

  • So when you hear that what is wrong w/ that?
  • That is an effective campaign.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jon Stewart Roast Comedian Tony Hinchcliffe at the Madison Square Garden 

Every time Donald Trump opens his mouth there is a new song and dance that drops.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on The Five – Nagg Spiral – How do you grow as a person if you’re in the Democrat party if everything is someone else’s fault? The dems have walled themselves in. So you are all stuck w/ the same identity meaning you can’t learn anything from anyone. That is what is so appealing about the Trump party. They are all so different. 

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch