The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- Trump Indicted! Biden Will Go Down In History As Muricah’s Cesar

today06/09/2023 569

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Government Appointed Agencies

  • 2nd day of debate in the 1st House of Representatives 
  • Washington then decides he needs to appoint an Attorney General.
  • Edmond Randolph was then appointed.
  • There doesn’t have to be a Secretary of State, a Secretary of Transportation, the EPA director.
  • All of these are agencies created by the Congress. 
  • The President could in-fact fire them all. 
  • I want to drill down and focus just on the Attorney General of the US.
  • He wields the power of the President…plain and simple.
  • Why is this important?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on wielding the power of the DOJI have never once, not one single time, suggested what the DOJ should or should not do relative to bringing a charge or not bringing a charge. I’m honest. 

  • He even did the Bill Clinton finger while stating this.
  • This is projection – your AG that works for you…is YOU.
  • He does YOUR bidding. 
  • If Trump were to go out there and say when Bill Barr was the AG, I told Bill you work for me!
  • Trump fired Jeff Sessions – why b/c he wasn’t doing what Trump wanted him to do.
  • Merrick Garland is discharging a power that belongs to whomever holds the office of the presidency. 
  • In a state the AG is voted on but can be fired at any point by the Governor. 
  • The AG does NOT have to exist for the US.
  • That Sec is discharging a power that is assigned and belongs to the President so what Biden just said was an out right lie.
  • Merrick Garland can’t do anything w/o Biden’s consent. 

HEADLINE: Democrats’ Indictment Frenzy Isn’t Just About Taking Out Trump, It’s About Eliminating Wrongthink by Jordan Boyd 

QUESTION: Why did Nancy Pelosi seek impeachment of Trump in 2019? What was the primary driving force behind this impeachment?

ANSWER: They said this was about our precious Democracy that he was attempting to take out Biden. They claimed he tried to use his position as President to take out Biden, a political rival.

  • That was the OFFICIAL charge.

HEADLINE: Trump faces 100 YEARS behind bars if he’s convicted of federal charges – including espionage – over classified documents, as sources claim outraged ex-president was blindsided by indictment by Harriet Alexander 

  • Trump is facing four separate counts each carrying a potential prison time of 20 years: conspiracy to obstruct justice; withholding a document or record; corruptly concealing a document or record; and concealing a document in a federal investigation.
  • One count carries a 10 year sentence: willful retention of national defense information.
  • You don’t think the people willing to mutilate young children for the sake of LGBTQ or dismembering babies in the womb are capable of this?
  • These people are playing for keeps.
  • DeSantis, who is second place in polls across the country, stopped short of saying he would pardon Trump if he won the 2024 race, and the former president was convicted. 
 Trump Continued – 

HEADLINE: Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe by Julie Kelly

  • Why does June 8th have such meaning?
  • What happened on June 8, 1776?
  • On June 8th the great grand Uncle of Richard Henry Lee – Independence Hall introduced the LEE RESOLUTION.
  • It is in the last paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. 
  • They had 21 days to ask their people from their individual states if they wanted to join.
  • Dates have meanings – 
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7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


HEADLINE: Former President Donald Trump Charged in Classified Documents Probe by Julie Kelly 

  • They forced Trumps attorney to divulge client attorney privilege to get where they are today.
  • Is that technically legal?
  • Is Trumps former lawyer up for legal recourse from Trump?
  • Call the Clinton hitman and just get it over all ready.
  • They want him he is excommunicato in t-minus 30 minutes like in the John Wick movies.
  • What would you do if you were Donald Trump and you were facing these charges?
  • Does it really matter if he is guilty or innocent?
  • You have angered the pedo-sex cult by ending Roe v Wade…where can Trump retreat to?
  • Is there a country that would take him other than Russia?
  • Unprecedented acts should be responded to by unprecedented reaction.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden on LGBTI’m announcing today a series of new initiatives that we’re taking to protect the LGBT community.

  • Children do not have a civil right to view pornography.
  • Children do not have a civil right to see images of adults having sex.
  • Children do not have a civil right to being groomed.
  • Children do not have a civil right to learn how to use gay apps.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker on Twitter Episode 2: Cling to your taboos – What we are allowed to dislike is being dictated to us by our elected officials. It is dangerous to reduce people to their genetic codes as the Nazi’s did. Now we are hiring people solely based on the color of their skin. Now the last taboo, child molestation is becoming the norm.



HEADLINE: Tucker on Twitter Proves That Carlson Needed Fox by Daniel J. Flynn 

  • They never invited Tucker to any of the other shows on Fox if you noticed.
  • They never had him as a guest on The Five.
  • Tucker Carlson morphed into this generation’s Rush Limbaugh. On Twitter, he sounds more like Art Bell.
  • Both men pulled a crowd, so the comparison does not intend to insult but instead raise a question: What crowd? Does Carlson want an audience of the easily influenced? Then keep talking about UFOs and the Kennedy assassination. Does Carlson want an audience of the especially influential? Then emphasize illegal aliens and not space aliens.
  • Do you think they care about telling the truth?
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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AUDIO/VIDEO: Oklahoma softball team after winning their 3rd Women’s College World Series (all 3 players Grace Lyons, Jayda Coleman & Alyssa Brito)You can’t find fulfillment in the outcome of the game, you can only find that in love of the Lord and glorifying Christ. 

  • Joy is not in the will, it is found in the contemplation of God.
  • True joy only lies w/in Christ.
  • This is exactly what you want your daughter to sound like correct?
  • Eyes up to Heaven, this is not my home, I live to be able to spend eternity w/ God.
  • They may not be Catholic but take the win.
  • What they are saying is needed now more than ever. 














Mike Parrott

Follow Mike on Twitter – @rtf_media

Host of Parrott Talk on the Crusade Channel

HEADLINE: Fr. James Jackson pleads guilty to child porn charge by Michelle La Rosa 

  • What is the distinction b/w receiving and possessing? 
  • If I receive something unwittingly am I culpable for it?
  • It may in-fact be true that those images were transferred on that computer.
  • The government is saying we know Father was arrested and sent to Kansas.
  • We as a public never really knew what was happening.
  • The court monitored all of the traffic on the one device he was allowed to use.
  • He brought the computer to the courthouse so they could put a tracker on it.
  • Supposedly when he dropped that laptop off, they took the initiative to scan that computer.
  • They found a file that had a name that the cops said could have relations to pedophile things.
  • Given that it doesn’t look good for Father Jackson at this point.
  • But why would he take a device to the court w/ a computer that previously had pedo images on previously.
  • We are just left to sort this out ourselves.
  • What CM is doing though is gloating over this.
  • We should never gloat over losing a Priest. 
  • All sodomite, sexual predators should be jailed.
  • ABSOLUTELY all child sex predators should be jailed and never see the light of day but we don’t need to celebrate it.
3h31mFree Farm Friday

Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan M from New Jersey 

  • Remember when that dairy farm caught on fire and killed thousands of mil cows?
  • That is what happens, you pack as many in as you can and hope for the best.
  • CAFO = Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation 
  • CAFO – as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture, is an intensive animal feeding operation in which over 1,000 animal units are confined for over 45 days a year. An animal unit is the equivalent of 1,000 pounds of “live” animal weight.

HEADLINE: The Nation’s First Regenerative Dairy Works with Nature to Heal the Soil—at Scale by Gosia Wozniacka 

  • It took the Alexandres more than three decades to fine-tune their system of building up soil, restoring wetlands, and bringing a multitude of birds and wildlife to their property, from bald eagles to coho salmon. Stephanie and her husband Blake are both fourth-generation dairy operators who grew up on conventional dairy farms in California. They met at Cal Poly, where, they said, they were taught plenty about farm chemicals and livestock antibiotics but nothing about soil biology. But they were willing to try different approaches, and it turns out that willingness to farm against the grain has been key to their success. 
  • The couple currently farm on about 9,000 acres (up from 560 acres when they first bought the ranch) with 8,000 head of cattle, including 4,500 mature cows, spread across four locations. All of their cows are on pasture after 5 months of age and the entire land gets grazed eight to nine times per year.
 Just In – The US to send another $2.1 billion in weapons to Ukraine
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump responds to being indictedThis has been going on for 7 years. This is election interference. I’m an innocent man, I’m an innocent person. After 2 1/2 years they came out w/ no collusion but this is what they do. If they would devote this time to honesty, we’d be far better off as a country. 
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Meta-tags for showUkraine, Donald Trump, Russia, Vladimir Putin, DOJ, Joe Biden, Gosia Wozniacka, CAFO, Brian Koch, Daniel Mundy, regenerative farming, Free Farm Friday, Department of Agriculture, Michelle La Rosa, Merrick Garland, Edmond Randolph, George Washington, Bill Clinton, LGBTQ, EPA, Jordan Boyd, Bill Barr, Nancy Pelosi, Harriet Alexander, Gov Ron DeSantis, Julie Kelly, Jeff Sessions, secession, Father James Jackson, Catholic Church, Restoring Faith Media, Mike Parrott, Church Militant, Grace Lyons, Jayda Coleman, Alyssa Brito, Oklahoma University, Daniel J Flynn, Tucker Carlson, taboos 

Written by: candacechurch