The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Trump Is Set To Take Out America’s Real Garbage

today10/31/2024 120 1

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Good morning Deplorable Nazi Garbage!

  • Was this a Deplorable moment for the Biden/Harris campaign?
  • The damage is done but it is good humor damage.
  • Biden just delivered the October surprise!
  • Trump took the highest of all highest roads.
  • He said let me tell you something Joe, I don’t think millions of Americans are garbage.
  • This is what good people do, you forgive, you have mercy on others.
  • The rally in Wisconsin was done w/ Trump still wearing the construction orange vest.
  • This is low hanging easy fruit but it makes all the difference in the world.
  • By yesterday afternoon the Garbage MAGA people, never let a crisis go to waste, so they took this insult that was hurled at them and they ran w/ it.
  • They embraced it just like they embraced the Deplorable.
  • Tim Walz said he saw the MSG rally and he stated he thought it was Nazi-like. 
  • He was asked to walk it back or retract and he refused.
  • The Trump team had their morning meeting and they said okay what are we going to do about this garbage comment?
  • Someone then said, lets embrace it.
  • No Democrat couldn’t have pulled this off, only Donald Trump could have pulled this off.
  • Trump would have said ‘who do we know in garbage’?
  • There is no trademark blue suit.
  • There is just the construction reflective vest.
  • Maggie O’Connell said yesterday Trump should show up in a garbage truck and he will take this Presidency. 
  • And boom Trump showed up to his rally in a garbage truck w/ a vest.
  • The World’s Greatest Showman.
  • By the time Trump gets to the airport, the news media is there and here comes the Trump Garbage Truck!
  • This is what you do.
  • You illustrate absurdity by being absurd. 
  • They made a joke about it and rolled w/ it.
  • The most epic troll in the history of the internet.
  • These are two public relation coups.
  • This is the equivalent of millions in advertising and he didn’t even have to pay a cent.
  • There is no force or PR company on Earth that can combat this.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2

























Deplorable Garbage

  • There is something wrong w/ those people. 
  • Anyone that cheers the killing and dismemberment of defenseless, helpless babies you know there is something mentally wrong w/ them.
  • You wanna be a Saint, convince people that abortion is murder. 
  • Think of the Styx song Mr Roboto.
  • These public schools work really well and educating 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris at Rally in Harrisburg PADonald Trump isn’t done. He would ban abortion nationwide. He would restrict access to birth control and for states to monitor women’s pregnancies. Just Google Project 2025. The government shouldn’t be telling people what to do.

  • Where is she getting this from?
  • She made it up of course.
  • There is nothing in Project 2025 about pregnant women having to register w/ the government so they can be monitored. 

HEADLINE: Walz’s False Project 2025 Pregnancy Monitoring Claims by Catalina Jaramillo

  • Why do you want to kill the citizens you claim to govern?
  • Short answer they are evil.
  • When you repeat the lie over and over some people will start to believe it and that is what they are attempting to do w/ this whopper.
  • “Think about what they’re saying in Project 2025. You’re going to have to register with a new federal agency when you get pregnant? This is personal, people.” – Tim Walz
  • What Project 2025 recommends, as we’ve written previously and as we will explain in more detail below, is to expand the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s abortion data collection from states and to make it mandatory. Currently, states are not required to report abortion data to the CDC, but most of themincluding Minnesota, do.
  • The plan includes proposals to significantly curtail abortion rights. It calls for the president to “enact the most robust protections for the unborn that Congress will support” and deploy “existing federal powers to protect innocent life.” The playbook suggests blocking the mailing of abortion pills, which are used in more than half of U.S. abortions, by enforcing an anti-vice law from 1873; ending mandatory insurance coverage of the emergency contraceptive Ella; and ending federal funding for “Planned Parenthood and all other abortion providers.” (Planned Parenthood provides many services, including tests and treatment for sexually transmitted infections, cancer screenings and contraception services, but Republicans have long sought to eliminate funding for the organization, because it provides abortion services.)
  • Should you be able to get Cyanid pills through the mail?
  • It kills people does it not?
  • Maggie has to show ID to get Sudafed that is kept behind the counter for her allergies.
  • Parents supervise what children put in their bodies but a teenager can go to a pharmacy and grab a Plan B pill?
  • What does the Hyde Amendment say?
  • You can’t take Federal funds and kill babies w/ it.
  • The plan even calls for deleting the word “abortion” from “every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant … and piece of legislation that exists.” But it doesn’t force families to disclose their pregnancies to a federal agency. 
  • Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are liars.
  • They know what they are saying isn’t true but they say it anyway to stoke fears.
  • This is a lie.
  • Plain and simple and it is slanderous. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Howard Lutnik w/ Kaitlan Collins on CNN – Robert F Kennedy Jr & HHS – I spent 2 1/2 hours w/ Bobby Kennedy Jr and we’ve all heard on the news comments about him. He explained that when he was born we had 3 vaccines and Autism was 1 in 10,00o now babies take 76 vaccines. They waived product liability and now they pay them a piece of the money for vaccines. Autism is now 1 in 34. Why do you think vaccines are safe?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected]
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



AUDIO/VIDEO: Howard Lutnik w/ Kaitlan Collins on CNN – Robert F Kennedy Jr & HHS – I spent 2 1/2 hours w/ Bobby Kennedy Jr and we’ve all heard on the news comments about him. He explained that when he was born we had 3 vaccines and Autism was 1 in 10,00o now babies take 76 vaccines. They waived product liability and now they pay them a piece of the money for vaccines. Autism is now 1 in 34. Why do you think vaccines are safe?

  • How many parents actually research the vaccines before allowing the Doctor to inject their babies?
  • I want you to pay attention to this interaction.
  • Collins simply can’t conceive that vaccines could be bad in any way shape or form.
  • Lutnik is talking to a brick wall she simply won’t even acknowledge there may be an issue w/ the vaccines and the schedule.

AUDIO: Mike Church Show Band – Al Gore – FIRE! 

  • Anyone w/ a critical mind will look into vaccines and climate change.
  • These people that refuse to discuss vaccines are the same ones that refuse to discuss climate.
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


AUDIO/VIDEO: Secretary of State of Colorado Jenna Griswold on Next w/ Kyle Clark – Password Breach – Our security has improved and strengthened since then. 

  • You leaking those passwords, the bad guys are being caught in the act of preparing the steal or starting the steal.
  • I saw Lara Trump retweet this out and reminded people of Election Interference Crimes.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jocelyn Benson Secretary of state of Michigan – Dominion Machine Malfunction – This is a nationwide issue w/ Dominion voter access terminals. It has an issue w/ straight party voting. All of us that use Dominion machines were unhappy to learn this in the testing period and we have informed our pollers of the issue.

  • All you have to do is count votes.
  • That is her ONE job!
  • The failure here is stunning.
  • She has ONE thing to do, count votes.
  • So the ‘party line vote’ function is broken on Dominion machines nationwide.
  • This is fixable.
  • If you can program it to do party line, you can program it to do it right.
  • This should be over.
  • Congress needs to propose a bill to do away w/ these Dominion machines.
  • Article 1 Section 4 – Elections Clause –  The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
  • You could also have as an Act, clarify Article 1 Section 4 w/ and Amendment to say only citizens of the United States can vote.
  • Here in Louisiana we had these machines w/ a button that would show you your vote and then you pull the lever and you could hear the machine counting the votes you cast.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Brett Favre Donald Trump Rally WisconsinI want to address the comment that Joe Biden made yesterday that said the supporters of Donald Trump are garbage. How dare he say that. Looking out I see police officers, teachers, nurses, grandparents, students…everyday Americans that make this country great.
1h57mAUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Rally Wisconsin – 250 million Americans are NOT GABAGE. Crooked Joe said what he and Kamala really think. He called our supporters garbage. My supports are far superior than Crooked Joe or Lying Kamala. You can’t lead America if you don’t love America. You can’t be president if you don’t love the American people. We know this is really what they believe. 
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2h15mPresidential Home Stretch 

  • I believe people vote for good outcomes.
  • Killing babies is not a good outcome.
  • Mutilating children is not a good outcome.
  • She isn’t qualified to be a candidate for the office.
  • For new listeners, she simply isn’t by definition a Natural Born Citizen.
  • Her mother and father – Father from Jamaica, her mother is from India.
  • They both came here for an education ONLY.
  • They planned on going BACK once they got their degrees.
  • They were not American citizens at the time of her birth either.
  • Law of the Soil and Law of the Blood.
  • Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 – Qualifications for the Presidency: No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
  • The Framers appear to have adopted the requirement that citizens be natural born citizens to ensure that the President’s loyalties would lie strictly with the United States. By barring naturalized citizens from the presidency, the requirement of being a natural born citizen, as Justice Story explained, protects the United States from “ambitious foreigners, who might otherwise be intriguing for the office; and interposes a barrier against those corrupt interferences of foreign governments in executive elections, which have inflicted the most serious evils upon the elected monarchies of Europe”
  • Men and Women of Good Will
  • 2/3 of the American people are people of good will.
  • When she proceeds to lie and repeat as campaign slogans, promises, threats and lies there is no good in it.
  • I know evil people win things all the time but not 100%.
  • Sometimes good wins and good does triumph over evil.
2h26mAUDIO/VIDEO: News Nation Town hall w/ Mark Cuban & Bill O’Reilly – Inflation and Energy 

Cuban – Trump inflation was up 25% over the Obama economy he inherited. He had 4 years to make tariffs work w/ China. China kicked his ass.

O’Reilly – I got to jump in w/ course corrections here. #1 the real wages, which is really the only economic barometer for the folks was up 8.2% in the 4 years Trump was president. 8.2% across the board for working Americans. Under Biden/Harris it is around 1%. #2 inflation didn’t start b/c of Putin or the Arabs. Biden signed at least 20 EO making it harder for every fuel company to harvest their product.

  • Did Mark Cuban really think this was going to work?
  • All he got was golf claps.
  • Then after O’Reilly the crowd erupts.

QUESTION: What did Obama actually run on?

ANSWER: Hope and Change

  • He had something he promised and then he delivered.
  • At least Obama campaigned FOR something.
  • Kamala is just campaigning AGAINST all things Trump.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Pollster Frank Luntz – Garbage Comment – It’s gonna be huge b/c this is not some comedian saying something stupid and offensive at a rally this is the President of the United States. Trump has already seized this. The basket of deplorables was significant, was meaningful in 2016. I can promise you that this is gonna drive Trump turnout. He’s doing it already. This may be a turning point for that final 3% and that’s all it is. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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Political Affairs Correspondent 

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  • A part of me really thinks Joe Biden is trying to sabatoge Kamala’s campaign.
  • It feels like he is doing it intentionally.
  • He took over the media on 2 occasions Kamala was speaking, his garbage comment came during her Closing Argument speech and took over the media again.
  • He is one of the biggest problems Kamala has.
  • Her campaign strategist has to just hang his head and say that’s it, we are done.
  • I would just apologize to the point where it was embarrassing. 
  • Did they learn nothing from the baskets of deplorable?
  • If Biden is doing this on purpose, Kamala Harris must be an actual nightmare. 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris – Biden Calling MAGA GarbageHe clarified his comments, but let me be clear: I strongly disagree w/ any criticism of people based on who they vote for. You heard my speech last night. I believe that the work I do is about representing all the people whether you vote for me or not.

  • She also picked a VP that doesn’t have that ability to speak to a crowd.
  • So neither one of them have that public feel.
  • She can’t keep up the media appearances and Trump is older than her and he is getting a 2nd wind at this point and you can’t create that in a DC think tank.
  • Should Trump make peace w/ Nikki Haley?
  • Yes, you lose nothing by bringing her back into the fold.
  • I think Nikki would be open to that too.
  • She appeals to suburban women.
  • Wisconsin is where he is having the most trouble there.
  • They were within striking distance using the polling numbers.
  • If you need to win Wisconsin bring Melania and Nikki Haley there to Wisconsin.
  • Melania could help close this deal.
  • She would soften Trumps image.
  • Tim Walz’s wife has been putting out videos of herself cooking and they just come off as super weird. 
  • They haven’t been discussing any Governorships.
  • On a state level Democrats are deeply unhappy.
  • Some Democrats might vote for a Republican Governor but not Trump so it is good Trump hasn’t waded into those waters.
  • We need to win Arizona and end the McCain dynasty. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at [email protected] or Candace her personal email [email protected] or [email protected]

Written by: candacechurch