The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Waukesha Mourns 5 Women Massacred By A Demoncrat Protected Class Of ‘Muricans: Criminals

today11/23/2021 40

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    The Mike Church Show-Waukesha Mourns 5 Women Massacred By A Demoncrat Protected Class Of ‘Muricans: Criminals LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel
 HEADLINE: Waukesha Citizens Reel From Christmas Parade Attack, Describe Bodies In The Street by The Federalist Staff

Here is a list of the 5 people that died in Waukesha Wisconsin yesterday:

  1. Virginia Sorenson, 79
  2. Leanna Owens, 71
  3. Tamara Duran, 52
  4. James Coolidge, 52
  5. Wilhelm Hospel, 82


Quality of Life – 

  • In our small town of Madisonville and Mandeville, there isn’t one square inch that hasn’t been built on.
  HEADLINE: Cops: Driver Meant To Mow Down Crowd by Rod Dreher 


  • Rashid Tlaib was asked again yesterday about her stance on the bill she endorsed to remove most Federal prisoners.

HEADLINE: AOC sparks fury by demanding reform of NYC’s ‘excessive’ bail laws – a day after Waukesha SUV driver out on $1K bond killed five: Rep. Tlaib defends bill that would close ALL federal jails by Ariel Wilber 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Jonathan Swan interviews Rashida Tlaib – on her support of the BREATHE Act 

  • If there is no money for mental illness facilities, where will these people go?
  • There is no place or industry to help these so-called mentally ill prisoners.
  • These prisons aren’t rehabilitation places.
  • Alcatraz, Folsom and other prisons.
 Crusade Channel Teaming Up With Epoch Times (affiliate link)
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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

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1h04mHEADLINE: President Biden Announces Release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve As Part of Ongoing Efforts to Lower Prices and Address Lack of Supply Around the World

From the White House 

  • Don’t worry, Biden to the rescue for the gas prices.
  • Hey I have a REAL solution, reopen the Key Stone Pipeline.
  • There are TRILLIONS of barrels in the Permian Basin.
  • Is there a Strategic Sugar Reserve?
  • Is there a Strategic Wheat Reserve?
  • Is there truly a shortage of oil?
  Joe Biden Tweet – Nearly 2 million women in our country have been locked out of the workforce because they have to care for a child or an elderly relative at home. My Build Back Better Act will make caregiving accessible and affordable and help them get back to work.

  • Do you see the LANGUAGE here?
  • Maybe the caregiver, the mother, WANTS to stay at home and take care of children and their aging parents.
 HEADLINE: Kyle Rittenhouse And Every Able-Bodied Man Had A Moral Obligation To Protect Kenosha by Evita Duffy

AUDIO/VIDEO: Sam is an Indian immigrant who owns a family-run car dealership that was destroyed by BLM arsonists. “What did we do to deserve all this?” said Sam. Sam told The Federalist his family has been “in tears” the last few days. BLM rioters burned his lot two nights in a row, destroying all the cars and stealing from the office before burning that too. “This is not the America I came in to,” said Sam.



 BREAKING NEWS with Magdalene Rose

US has imposed travel restrictions to a few countries.

  • Germany is going into full lockdown.
  • Austria is going into full lockdown.
  • Why do you think this is?
  HEADLINE: Waukesha Citizens Reel From Christmas Parade Attack, Describe Bodies In The Street by The Federalist Staff

HEADLINE: Moment Darrell Brooks was caught by Waukesha cops as he banged on stranger’s door, asked for a sandwich and claimed he was waiting for an Uber – 20 minutes after ‘plowing his SUV through Xmas parade and killing five’ by Rachel Bunyan and Jennifer Smith 

 HEADLINE: Illinois County Democratic Party Official Resigns After Calling Sunday Parade Massacre “Karma” For Rittenhouse Acquittal by Zerohedge, Tyler Durden

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 BEE GEES Friday Super Medley 
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Biden Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm: “We’re working through an energy transition. And we’ve got to start by adding energy, and the reality is, we have to take some time to get off of oil and gas, we recognize this. This is a transition.”

  • Notice everything is a ‘transition’ now.
  • I didn’t ask to be transitioned from gas to green energy!
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Kyle Rittenhouse – ‘Lin Wood said I would be better off in jail than at home w/ my family. He raised money for his own benefit, I don’t think he was trying to set me free.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Kyle Rittenhouse‘I have to have people w/ me at all times b/c of the death threats. I would hope the FBI would help but we all know how the FBI works.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Kyle Rittenhouse – ‘It wasn’t Kyle on trial in Wisconsin, it was the right to self-defense on trial.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Kyle Rittenhouse – ‘I wish he would go back & watch the trial, calling me a white supremacist is malice.’

  • Biden called Rittenhouse a white supremacist and said the verdict “angered” him. Rittenhouse is still able to call Biden “Mr. President”. That says a lot about both of them.
  AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – ‘People have more money than before the pandemic, even after accounting for inflation. It is a testament the hardworking of the American people & the vaccines.’



















Founder of the Lepanto Institute

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HEADLINE: Should Catholic Bishops Formally Condemn the Democrat Party? by Michael Hichborn 

  • The problem is, if you condemn a whole party you have to state what the policies are that you are condemning.
  • Modernism

On the 30th of September 1930, Bishop Ludwig Maria Hugo, the Bishop of Mainz, issued a set of three directives regarding the Nazi Party:

  • It is forbidden for every Catholic to be part of Hitler’s party.
  • Members of Hitler’s party are not allowed to take part—as a party—in funerals or other similar functions.
  • As long as a Catholic is enrolled in Hitler’s party he cannot be admitted to the Sacraments.
  • For about 5 years now, I wish it would have been 30, but the entire collapse of faith, doctrine and morals lays squarely at the feet of the Catholic church as it is in the American society.
  • QUESTION: How many Catholics on the SCOTUS?
  • ANSWER: 7
  • The Catholic church could bring an end to LEGAL abortion today!
  • Boone Hichborn – prayer list, Michael’s father, in ICU with COVID
  • Many of your neighbors won’t go against this b/c they want to be ‘liked’.
  • Are they willing to stand a post?
  • They are publicly for abortion but privately might not be so for it.
  • Does it matter at the end of the day?
  • Does it save a baby at the end of the day?
  • This all comes down to the money.
  • They don’t have the stomach of the great martyrs of the faith.

Conclusion: Given the full-fledged condemnations against the Nazi Party (forbidding Catholics from joining among them under the penalty of being denied the Sacraments), and the condemnation against the Communist Party (forbidding Catholics from joining among them under penalty of being denied the Sacraments), one must wonder how the Democratic Party can escape such condemnation. Perhaps as the bishops continue to deliberate how to handle pro-abortion Catholic politicians in relation to Canon 915, they can consider what the Church has done regarding other political parties that profess ideologies directly contrary to the Faith.

  • You cannot be a party to them.
  • Look at all the people that have been led astray.
  HEADLINE: COVID-19 and the Smoke of Satan by Michael C Hurley 
 HEADLINE: The New Blue Confederacy by Victor Davis Hanson 

  • How did the New North become the Old South, and the New South the Old North?
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Meta-tags for show

 Michael Hichborn, COVID, Kyle Rittenhouse, Tucker Carlson, Joe Biden, Michael C Hurley, USCCB, Catholicism, abortion, excommunication, Canon 915, Waukesha Wisconsin, BLM, Rod Dreher, SCOTUS, Wakanda, Nazi party, Bishop Ludwig Maria Hugo, Jennifer Granholm, green new deal, Rashid Tlaib, AOC, Communist party, Lepanto Institute, Ariel Wilber, Tyler Durden, Evita Duffy, Folsom, Alcatraz, hard labor, mental illness,  Victor Davis Hanson, confederacy, Jennifer Smith

Written by: LoneRhody

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