The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Young “Conservatives” Aren’t Reading Reagan, It’s Augustine, Aquinas & Chesterton.

today11/18/2021 11

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    The Mike Church Show-Young “Conservatives” Aren’t Reading Reagan, It’s Augustine, Aquinas & Chesterton. LoneRhody

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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  • Kyle Rittenhouse Trial – if you can still call it a trial
  • Christmas Gift Shopping now open and ready at the Founders Tradin’ Post
  • USCCB and communion for politicians that support abortion rights

















 HEADLINE: Catholic Bishops Drop Effort to Ban Communion for Politicians Who Support Abortion Rights by Ian Lovett and Francis X Rocca

  • The measure passed by a vote of 222-8 and was followed by applause at a gathering here of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
  • They don’t get a vote on this, it is doctrine.
  • People not in a state of grace do NOT receive the Eucharist!
  • PERIOD – there is NO WIGGLE room here.
  • This now says the US Conference of Bishops will not encourage a sincere and reverent practice of it’s own faith and will allow public outrages against it.
  • Last month, after the two men met at the Vatican, Mr. Biden told reporters that Pope Francis had called him a good Catholic and told him to continue receiving Communion.
  • There is no need to prepare a document on Eucharistic conditions! 
  • This has already been determined!
  • It is doctrinal! PERIOD!
  • THIS IS THE PROBLEM – “There is a temptation to treat the Eucharist as something to be offered to the privileged few,” Archbishop Pierre said, “rather than to seek to walk with those whose theology or discipleship is falling short.”
  • A Pew Research Center study this year found 55% of Catholics believe abortion should be legal in most or all cases, compared with 59% of Americans overall. A Pew report released last year said 67% of Catholics who attend Mass weekly believe abortion should be illegal in most or all cases.
  • This is the biggest outrage of the day.
  • QUESTION: What do we do about this?
  • ANSWER: Ignore it, pick up your cross, bear it and know that ultimately they have to answer to HIM.
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7:15am cst

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 HEADLINE: Donald Trump’s March 16, 2020, Press Conference that Kicked Off This Catastrophe, Transcribed by Brownstone Institute 

  • Trump had stiff-armed Dr Birx and Dr Fauci but he had Pence telling him these people were good people.
  • People have forgotten about all of this.
  • It didn’t start with Biden and we need to remember that.
  • Trump rolled out the 15 days to slow the spread.





HEADLINE: Over $100M Expected For Louisiana From Today’s Federal Energy Sale by Attorney General Jeff Landry 

This is 2 court victories in 1 day for AG Jeff Landry!

QUESTION: In what part of the continent that is North America where are we seeing the action?

ANSWER: in the South

QUESTION: I keep saying this, where are all the bills for the preservation of human life coming from?

ANSWER: in the South

  • If the Notorious ACB and Kavanaugh side w/ the pro-death side of the SCOTUS and vote down MS and TX here is the question and this is where the war will begin…..
  • The Southern states will have to rise up against SCOTUS and say, no, you have no authority here.
  • We will ignore your ruling and we, the state, has the power to do so.
  • Sanctuary states for abortion like CA and NY and others will they be content knowing that in the Southern states abortion isn’t allowed?
  • The demonic does not offer quarter. 
  • They have to have it all.
  • They will not be able to sit back knowing abortion is illegal in “X” state. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Cuomo and Bill Maher on wokenessI keep saying to the Democratic party ‘the reason why you’re so toxic is b/c you have become the party of no common sense.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Chris Cuomo and Bill Maher on CRT‘Kids are taught & sometimes separated into groups, oppressor & oppressed. Again, does a kid even know what those words mean? Would they gravitate toward that if you hadn’t told them?’

  • If you LEAVE it will become the den of evil they want it to be.
  • They will start eating themselves.
  • Demonic institutions cannot last.




HEADLINE: Old Men Forget: What Is Now Hallowed Was Once New & Shocking by David Deavel 

  • Conservatives avoid the temptation of the ad hominem fallacy. 
  • Conservatives even of the hated Sixties often assumed that we shared the same general mental and spiritual world as those who were on the other side of issues. 
  • We assumed that the classical liberalism that we wanted to preserve in practice, if not entirely in theory, was still operative.
  • This is a pretty good screenplay of what is happening today.
  • The Youth – They are much more open to rethinking things in a very large-scale way because they see that much of the institutional and procedural life we have now is either collapsing or has collapsed already.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to [email protected]

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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 HEADLINE: FDA Wants Until 2076 To Fully Release Pfizer Vaccine Data: Lawsuit by Attorney Aaron Siri via Injecting Freedom 

  • The FDA has asked a federal judge to make the public wait until the year 2076 to disclose all of the data and information it relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. That is not a typo. It wants 55 years to produce this information to the public.
  • This is completely transparent right?



  • If you went onto Google yesterday, you would have gotten ZERO results if you typed in OSHA walks back cracking down on small businesses and vaccine mandates.
  • De Facto and De Jure
  BACK to Headline: Old Men Forget: What Is Now Hallowed Was Once New & Shocking by David Deavel 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: PBS Firing Line w/ Margaret Hoover interviewing Ai Weiwei on authoritarianism in America and wokeness. 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz‘I’m not expert on Japanese anime, but I am told, and I do believe, that it is not real.’

AUDIO/VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi on Paul Gosar Censure‘As a woman speaker of the house, I want to be clear. these threats specifically target a woman, a woman of color, this is about workplace harassment & violence against women.’



HEADLINE: Chemical abortions saw 500% increase in rate of ER visits from 2002-2015: study by Sam Dorman 

  • I thought abortions was SAFE, EFFECTIVE and RARE?
  • Last week’s study looked at “423,000 confirmed induced abortions and 121,283 subsequent ER visits occurring within 30 days of the procedure.
  • 5% of the 3.7 million women who have used Mifepristone according to FDA estimates means at least 185,000 women have suffered and needed surgery and medical treatment as a result.
  • More than 42,000 women, found that chemical abortions saw a four-fold higher rate of adverse events compared to surgical.






HEADLINE: Youngkin Won’t Block Any Local COVID Mandates, a Shift From Other GOP Governors by Natalie Colarossi  

“Localities are going to have to make decisions the way the law works, and that is going to be up to individual decisions. But, again, from the governor’s office, you won’t see mandates from me,” Youngkin said in an interview this past weekend, according to TV station WRIC.

  • Trump did something similar, he said he could MAKE the states do it but never imposed any rules over the states.
  • We know he couldn’t have imposed it anyway.
  • So we can say he is an individual dummy as he and his family are vaccinated and he did encourage Virginians to get vaccinated but he at least says it shouldn’t be mandated.
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Meta-tags for show

Governor Youngkin, Natalie Colarossi, COVID, WRIC, FDA, CDC, Sam Dorman, Paul Gosar, Nancy Pelosi, Matt Gaetz, abortion pill, Mifepristone, chemical abortion, Japanese anime, Ai Weiwei, Margaret Hoover, David Deavel, Kyle Rittenhouse, Ian Lovett, Francis X Rocca, USCCB, Donald Trump, Brownstone Institute, Archbishop Pierre, Pope Francis, Joe Biden, AOC, NFP, Attorney General Jeff Landry, OSHA

Written by: LoneRhody

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