The New Zealand Massacre, A Real-Life Video Game – The Mike Church Show

today03/15/2019 48

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    The New Zealand Massacre, A Real-Life Video Game – The Mike Church Show candacechurch

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
11:04 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE
11:08 HEADLINE: The Massacre in New Zealand Was Made to Go Viral by Charlie Warzel

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HEADLINE: At least 49 people are killed and 48 injured in multiple Christchurch mosque massacres involving an Australian terrorist, 28, who live-streamed himself opening fire on worshippers – as a man in his 20s is charged with murder by Alex Chapman & Ben Hill

  • Instead of leading with the shooters name here, they lead with An Australian RIGHT-WING TERRORIST.
  • Remember in English class they taught you the story pyramid?
  • Pyramid story writing for newspapers and magazines has been around for years!
  • In English journalism this pyramid is done b/c they assume the average reader isn’t going to read the entire story.
  • Most Americans just browse through HEADLINES.
  • Why is he called a right-winger?
  • In his manifesto he displays and exhibits BOTH sides.

HEADLINE: The Great Replacement: New Zealand Shooter Brenton Torrant’s manifesto

His manifesto has a circle image with 8 pieces of a pie so to speak. 

  1. Environmentalism
  2. Responsible Markets
  3. Addition-Free Community
  4. Law & Order
  5. Ethnic Autonomy
  6. Protection of Heritage & Culture
  7. Worker’s Rights
  8. Anti-Imperialism
  • If you look at this pie chart and you say you are against any one piece, you are a liar.
  • Some of the titles, yes you may have an issue with the titles.
  • What if this guy is a counter-revolutionary like you and I and NOT a lunatic? 
  • Our enemies are going to use this pie chart against us.
  • TRUST me on this.
  • If you add Catholicism into this manifesto, subtract the massacre…most of us would put our names to this.
  • This should scare everyone!
  • What I find shocking about this, again…you all might get mad at me for saying this, I dare say that a Traditionalist wrote this manifesto.
  • Michael Whitcraft said yesterday….FIRST COMES CHAOS!
  • What is this? CHAOS

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  • Does it have member access? You cannot share data bases.
  • The data base is NOT linked to VRN website.
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Back to The Manifesto –

  • Well we never actually made it past the cover.

HEADLINE: The Massacre in New Zealand Was Made to Go Viral by Charlie Warzel

  • So this guy chose FB LIVE and a GoPro to stream his massacre.
  • We are all Muslims now memes coming soon.
  • No it isn’t the Christian thing to do to go into a mosque and shoot innocent people.
  • QUESTION: Which religion converts by the SWORD?
  • ANSWER: Islam
  • Christianity does not convert by the sword. 
  • What about the Crusades? It wasn’t about converting Muslims, it was about recovering relics, and Catholics that were taken and much more.
  • What happened in the Philippines two Sundays ago?
  • They shot up a Catholic church during Mass.
  • Was it the Philippines worst day?
  • Did they have all the crews with cameras on site?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Emily’s Abortion Video

  • Agreed this is NOT a Christian act.
  • FB can’t sit out there an monitor all videos being uploaded every second.
  • In MINUTES this video was downloaded and uploaded, shared and re-shared millions of times. 
  • Has any media coverage spoken of these SOULS that were lost?
  • We can never pronounce these Muslims went to hell. We do NOT know as mere humans. God’s grace is abundant. 
  • In mass shootings or mass executions, it is prime for the devil to claim souls. 
  • This will forever be known as the Christchurch Massacre.
  • QUESTION: The mosque in particular used to be what?
  • ANSWER: A Roman Catholic Church
  • These Muslims chose the town Christchurch.
  • These Muslims chose to occupy a former Roman Catholic Church.
  • “And yet the Christchurch shooting feels different, in part due to its perpetrator’s apparent familiarity with the darkest corners of the internet. The recording contains numerous references to online and meme culture, including name-checking a prominent YouTube personality shortly before beginning the attack.”
  • ****“As terrifying as the violence itself is, is how well the online community worked in the gunman’s favor. This may be our new reality. Not only has conspiratorial hate spread from the internet to real life, it’s also weaponized to go viral.”*****
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HEADLINE: Yes, They’re Coming For Kids by Rod Dreher

  • This is a double whammy tranny. 
  • She is a 8 year old acting like a 13 year old b/c of YouTube’s age restrictions.
  • In her video she confesses to stealing her fathers credit card to buy a fake penis.

FLASH SALES – you will get an email again this afternoon. Flash Sales are FLASH! They don’t last all weekend or all day. They are super discounted for a ‘brief’ period of time only.

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
1:02 Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


Hogs For The Cause – 2019

The Barbacoa Brother has a room. A team had to donate or have raised over $75,000 per room. We are almost there!

(see images in the Mike Church Chatroom)







BACK TO HEADLINE: Yes, They’re Coming For Kids by Rod Dreher

AMAB = assigned male at birth

NB = Non-binary 

  • This mother is projecting this onto her son.
  • Children don’t understand gender and sex at this young an age.
  • FTM = Female Transition to Male
  • The doctor tells this TrannyMammy if her lungs aren’t fully inflated several times a day, she will suffer PERMANENT lung damage. 
  • TrannyMammies get a hall-pass on this!
  • This is straight up child abuse.


Caller Don from Florida – 

  • If God doesn’t chastise us for what we are doing, He must apologize to Sodom.
  • It is coming, it isn’t coming soon enough.
  • 3 Days of Darkness – 

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

Rod Dreher, TrannyMammy, transgender, LGBTQ, abortion, Charlie Warzel, manifesto, Alex Chapman, Ben Hill, Christchurch, muslim attack, Brenton Torrant, FB live, streaming violence, gun violence, NRA, 2nd amendment, Hogs For The Cause, Hogs House, pediatric brain cancer, NB, AMAB, New Zealand

Written by: candacechurch

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