The Mike Church Show

The Regime Leader Is Slipping And It Is Not Just His Poll Numbers

today06/05/2024 190

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Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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13mHunter Biden Laptop From Hell

  • Who wrote that book Laptop From Hell?
  • Author Miranda Devine.
  • In 3 years and 7 months all that has happened has confirmed everything on that laptop was true.
  • It also proved that Joe Biden was in-fact the Big Guy.
  • The proof is all on the laptop.
  • The proof of Hunter Biden’s complicity is on that laptop.
  • They put the laptop into evidence as Exhibit A.


Mexican President

  • Claudia Sheinbaum – She is pro-abort, she is pro-lgbtq, she is Jewish and a female.
  • She is a rainbow colored, socialist pig.
  • I can imagine Trump having to try to do business w/ her.
  • All the steps Mexico could have taken, this is the route.
  • The people the illusion of Democracy is completely gone now in Mexico.
  • The Cartels are officially, in broad daylight, running the country.
  • Claudia Sheinbaum is projected to win Mexico’s presidential election and succeed outgoing President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Sheinbaum’s Morena Party was also projected to hold majorities in both chambers of Congress. 
  • We traffics billions of illegal drugs and almost the same amount in LEGAL drugs.
  • Sheinbaum would likely “stay the course” and provide continuity from the Lopez Obrador administration, in part due to the current president’s ongoing presence.
 AG Merrick Garland Committee Hearing

  • Rep Thomas Massie hit him w/ the hardest, most important question I think of all the questions yesterday.
  • He asked if Jack Smith was appointed by Joe Biden.
  • He then goes on to explain Smith was given a title and it was a creation of an office.
  • No one went through Congress for that appointment which is how this whole Constitution thing is supposed to work.
 Restaurant Apocalypse 

  • Rubio’s Coastal Grill – California
  • This restaurant has been open in California since 1983.
  • The new minimum wage has killed them.
  • What finally killed them was $20/hour minimum wage and inflation. 
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2




















HEADLINE: Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo, dozens of former intel officials say by Natasha Bertrand 

  • You see how the Deep State works now?
  • Give them credit and respect what a threat they pose to you, your family and the human race in general.
  • These IC people made a document to state to the public that they knew was false and yet nothing.
  • These people lied to the American people in an effort to sway a presidential election.
  • This is actual election interference. 
  • We should stop wringing our hands and actually secede. 
  • There is nothing left of the country we once knew, the country, the union of states our Founding Fathers created, it’s gone.
  • Remember we played Joe Biden going to an event boasting and bragging that SCOTUS told him not to pay off student loans but he was doing it anyway?
  • That courts decision was final.
  • One branch has authority and power over the other and it is well explained.
  • Congress has the power of the purse.
  • QUESTION: So who spends the money?
  • ANSWER: Congress
  • QUESTION: Who can stop Congress from spending money?
  • ANSWER: The president can slow them down by veto.
  • QUESTION: What about the Justice Department?
  • QUESTION: Who regulates them?
  • Article 3 of the Constitution says – 
  • Congress could tell Jack Smith, that’s it, we refuse to pay any of you guys and it would be legal.
  • Everything I just told you comes into existence because of the money.

BACK to Story

  • Major takeaway you had former heads of every alphabet agency out there LIE about this laptop.
  • Remember in October Biden is just a candidate.
  • Trump is actually President at this time.
  • They directly went against the Commander in Chief.
  • This is a good old fashioned coup.
  • This is treason is it not?
  • How bad will be for the average American if this all crashes?
 AUDIO/VIDEO: King Randall I at Roll Call 2.0 – Stop Waiting on Politicians To Fix Our Communities – Our communities look the way they look right now b/c of us. There is not one politician that we need to blame for the way our communities look. There is nobody that’s going to help us fix our communities but ourselves. 
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
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7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


Biden Lands in Paris for the D-Day Anniversary Tomorrow

  • Biden lands in Paris and calls a lid on the day.
  • So the old man didn’t sleep enough on the plane ride here, he is done for the day.

HEADLINE: Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping by Annie Linskey and Siobhan Hughes 

  • When President Biden met with congressional leaders in the West Wing in January to negotiate a Ukraine funding deal, he spoke so softly at times that some participants struggled to hear him, according to five people familiar with the meeting. He read from notes to make obvious points, paused for extended periods and sometimes closed his eyes for so long that some in the room wondered whether he had tuned out.

HEADLINE: Biden showing signs of decline as pols, aides detail 81-year-old’s slipping cognitive fitness: ‘Not the same person’ by Victor Nava 

  • Some of the more than 45 Republican and Democratic lawmakers and staffers interviewed by the Wall Street Journal described a president who spoke so softly during meetings that participants struggled to understand him. 
  • Others in attendance recalled that it took Biden about 10 minutes from when he entered the room to get the meeting started, and when he did, he used note cards to make obvious points that everyone was already in agreement with and participants could barely hear him. 
  • Biden would “ramble” and mumble, and his ability to command the room varied from day to day during tense negotiations over raising the debt ceiling last May, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) recalled.
  • What is going on in the mind of his family members?
  • Jill Biden has to see and understand what is happening here.


AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK to January 2024 Joe Biden 

Reporter – Will you use EO to close the border?

Biden – “I’ve done all I can do. Give me the power! I asked for it the very first day in office.”

He had more mental acuity in January than he did yesterday when he spoke.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Joe Biden – Asylum – Migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established lawful process.

  • QUESTION: Is any of what he said true?
  • ANSWER: No
  • What was the purpose of the Deep State installing Biden?
  • Import the army that is to take you and I out and to replace us from within.
  • 1 or 2 million that could be a border run over 4 years.
  • We now know we have excess of 9 million but that is an OFFICIAL count.
  • That doesn’t count all the illegals NOT going through proper checkpoints. 

HEADLINE: Biden announces border ‘crackdown’ that will still let in at least 1.8 million illegally per year by Josh Christenson, Diana Glebova, Jennie Taer and Steven Nelson

  • President Biden announced an executive order Tuesday that officials say will shut down the US-Mexico border if illegal crossings top 2,500 per day for seven consecutive days — a “crackdown” that will still allow at least 1.8 million asylum seekers into America each year even if fully enforced. 
  • The order, due to take effect immediately, will bar additional illegal immigrants from applying for asylum during periods of heavy traffic, but would lift those restrictions two weeks after daily crossings average 1,500 per day for seven days, administration officials said.
  • Even if migration is limited to 2,500 per day for a full calendar year, the number of crossings would reach 912,500.
  • Hundreds of thousands more have been allowed into the US using the CBP One app, with 529,250 migrants to gain admission as of the end of this month since appointments increased to 1,450 per day last June. Biden announced the program in January 2023.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump Campaign Ad – Border Crisis 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: ESPN’s Pat McAfee says Caitlin Clark ‘did not feel disrespected’ by ‘white b—-‘ remark by Paulina Dedaj

  • How does a guy like Pat McAfee get a show?
  • Does he earn his way up the ladder of radio?
  • Does he show radio talent?
  • He mocked a young white girl that just made her debut in the WNBA.
  • What kind of people tune into his show daily?

AUDIO/VIDEO: King Randall I at Roll Call 2.0 – Stop Waiting on Politicians To Fix Our Communities – Our communities look the way they look right now b/c of us. There is not one politician that we need to blame for the way our communities look. There is nobody that’s going to help us fix our communities but ourselves. 

  • Remember Don Imus?
  • He said Nappy Headed Hoes – when talking about the girls basketball team?
  • Remember the Reverend Al Sharpton came on and kept repeating Nappy Headed-Hoes?
  • The MSM repeated it over and over again until Imus was removed.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Mark Robinson at Roll Call 2.0 – Men Need To Lead – God calls men to be leaders. In that phrase people got made b/c I didn’t say anything about women. It’s not the fact that women can’t lead it’s the fact that a man should be willing to stand up, and be the first to sacrifice himself. 

  • I haven’t heard of anything like this from strong black men in a very long time.
  • It is so very welcomed since we discuss this often here on the Crusade Channel.
  • Men need to be the leaders of their homes, their communities and this society will change for the better.
  • Rodney Smith Jr – Raising Men Lawn Care Services
  • When you see men standing up and doing good in the community, you should acknowledge it.
  • We need much more of this.
2h13mHunter Biden Trial 

  • What is the primary job of a father/husband?
  • To get his family and wife to heaven.
  • It looks as though the Trump boys are trying to follow in the footsteps of their father.
  • I think overall Trump is trying to be a good man.
  • Trumps sons didn’t have a laptop filled w/ porn and drug use.
  • They didn’t have a child w/ a stripper and refuse to pay child support.
  • There are so many poor behaviors that Hunter Biden displays.
  • Doesn’t Hunter lead the life of a rich boy that has had absentee parents? 
  • MAGGIE – To me he displays the life of a rich boy that instead of having hands on parents they just threw money at him and let him do whatever, they just didn’t want to be bothered with him.
  • He graduated from Yale.
  • The effort is to keep Hunter employees and in the money through brides b/c they all knew he wasn’t worth actually employing legally.
  • He is entitled to a jury of his peers that is the American way.
  • I don’t think this is coincidental the trial is happening now and in that state.




AG Merrick Garland Committee Hearing

  • Your justice only applies when I’m not in the Executive branch.
  • Your rulings don’t apply to the Regime Leader.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz to GarlandYou come in here and you lodge this attack that it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’ that there is coordinated law fare against Trump then we say fine give us the documents and we will know. When you say we will work it through the process, you are actually advancing the very dangerous conspiracy theory you are trying to avoid.

  • Now why won’t he answer the questions Matt Gaetz is asking him?
  • Because he knows what happened in NYC to Trump wasn’t on the up and up.
  • These people are not worthy of being our rules.
  • Why do we allow it to continue?
  • There is no rule in the Constitution that says it perpetuates itself.
  • These things all indicate Sovereignty. 
  • Any state can leave this compact.
  • Example: Louisiana Governor – You don’t have to tell anyone that you are seceding you could just say, I am not going to compel my citizens here in LA to collect taxes for you any longer. 
  • When Mordor goes broke b/c the states refuse to collect the funds, you accomplish secession w/o using the “S” word.
  • We should call it a Christian civilization and we OPT OUT!
  • Just say no.
  • I’m serious about this.
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6


AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Matt Gaetz to GarlandYou come in here and you lodge this attack that it’s a ‘conspiracy theory’ that there is coordinated law fare against Trump then we say fine give us the documents and we will know. When you say we will work it through the process, you are actually advancing the very dangerous conspiracy theory you are trying to avoid.

  • Merrick Garland won’t answer any of these questions b/c he knows what happened isn’t legal.
  • It wasn’t on the up and up.
  • There was nothing about it that wasn’t politically motivated.
  • You have to buy your own stuff, you have to deal w/ all of this.
  • The actual reality of what they have created…they don’t.
  • There is a vast difference b/w what we deal w/ vs what the ruling elites have to.
  • It doesn’t have to be this way.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Thomas Massie to Garland 

Massie – Was Jack Smith nominated by President Biden? You’ve created an office in the US government that doesn’t exist and w/o authorization of Congress.

Article 2 Section II – all those offices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Congress and Senate.

  • This doesn’t cover special council, you have to go to Congress to get that appointment.
  • There is no amount of manipulation that they won’t go through to get what they want done.


AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson on COVID VaccineThe behavior of the people selling me that [vaccine] was so transparently dishonest. I didn’t know that the vax wouldn’t work, which it didn’t, of course. I didn’t know that it would cause harm, which it did. But I did know that the people selling it were liars. Like, I knew that instantly. And I know some of them, but I could just tell by their behavior [that] they’re lying.

  • How many of you immediately said no to this vaccine?
  • Why did you say no?
  • Why was your instinct telling you something wasn’t right about this mRNA vaccine?
  • Because these are beings of darkness and your soul was saying, maybe screaming no don’t do it.
  • Every time an Angel appears in the Old Testament they say “do not be afraid” and why is that?
  • If a demon is horrified – is it that you just know or maybe it is your Guardian Angel telling you to say no?
  • I believe in Guardian Angels, do you?

AUDIO/VIDEO: Oregon Man Walked Up to 2 year old completely naked and that is not against the law. Not until he does something more serious to harm the child. 

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

Written by: candacechurch
