Covid Chronicles

Tuesday-AntiFa Unmasked! They Are The Parent-Hating, Rich Brat, Useful Idiots Their Commie Handlers Programmed Them to Be!

today06/02/2020 39

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    Tuesday-AntiFa Unmasked! They Are The Parent-Hating, Rich Brat, Useful Idiots Their Commie Handlers Programmed Them to Be! LoneRhody

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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 Topic Rundown – 








Justice Roberts – 

California Governor Newsom and Church

South Bay United Pentecostal Church v. Newsom

HEADLINE: Roberts Upholds COVID-19 Restrictions on Churches, Scolds Kavanaugh by Mark Joseph Stern

  • When he cites the 1st Amendment he isn’t citing the religious clause he is citing the speech clause.
  • Mike reads Justice Kavanaugh Dissent – 
  • Father Chad Ripperger is correct and so is Justice Roberts. 
  • Castle Law – I can defend MY home.
  • Florida and Texas have this law.
  Contingent Being – 

HEADLINE: Ascendancy (Church & State Issues) by Fr Ripperger

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.



HEADLINE RECAP : Ascendancy (Church & State Issues) by Fr Ripperger


  • We have been saying this all along here on the Crusade Channel.
  Mitter Chur reads from Twitter – Goldmund @ShamanOfThe
 AUDIO: Benjamin Watson discussing educating children on race
1h48m HEADLINE: CJ Hopkins: Mainstream Media Has Been Conditioning You For This Uprising For Four Years by CJ Hopkins via The Consent Factory
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8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at


HEADLINE: Toxic Patriotism by Joseph Pearce 

  • So if I’m a USA, Trump launched a rocket!!!! 
  • My patriotism is better than yours.
  • It is the sin of pride that poisons patriotism as it poisons everything else. What is needed is a humble patriotism, nourished by an authentic nationalism that respects all nations as unique manifestations of human culture.
  • If nationalism becomes intoxicated with the poison of pride, it will wreck itself on the rocks of international conflict, thereby handing the nations of the world over to the new unhappy lords of globalism. Those national leaders, such as Vladimir Putin, who oppose globalism, should take note.










Special Guest Michael Hichborn 

Founder of the Lepanto Institute 

Follow Mr. Hichborn and the Lepanto Institute on Twitter: @MichaelHichborn @LepantoInst

  • Nothing says “justice” like looting Target right?
  • The ANTIFA are for the most part spoiled, rich brats that hate their parents.
  • They have been recruiting teens and the youth for centuries. 
  • The fire that doesn’t consume – 
  • Beginning of Lent we went on lockdown and couldn’t attend Mass.
  • Beginning of Pentecost the churches are reopening, devil must use darkness to be able to move about, and now the world is on fire. 
  • The FLAMES of revolution. This is the fire that DOES consume!
  • This is an anti-Pentecost!
  • This isn’t a fire that compels, it is a fire that consumes.
  • These people are so angry and the only thing that can FIX this is CHRIST!
  • This didn’t spontaneously happen, this was planned.
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Meta-tags for show

President Tump, riots, ANTIFA, Michael Hichborn, Lepanto Institute, CRS, USCCB, toxic Patriotism, Joseph Pearce, CJ Hopkins, Nationalism, Benjamin Watson, Ascendancy, Father Ripperger, Chief Justice Roberts, Governor Newsom, Chief Justice Kavanaugh, dissent, Church and State, Mark Joseph Stern, George Floyd, lockdowns, COVID, Rod Dreher, Space X, Castle Law

Written by: LoneRhody

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