Covid Chronicles

Wednesday-The Covid Tragedy At Coronamattox: Trump Surrenders To Fake Science, AGAIN!

today07/22/2020 8

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    Wednesday-The Covid Tragedy At Coronamattox: Trump Surrenders To Fake Science, AGAIN! LoneRhody

Wednesday-The Covid Tragedy At Coronamattox: Trump Surrenders To Fake Science, AGAIN!

Mike Church of the Mike Church Show talks about how President Trump has surrendered to fake science, again! 

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The CRUSADE Channel, The Last LIVE! Radio Station Standing begins our LIVE programming with our all original CRUSADE Channel News hosted by 28 year radio ace, Stacey Cohen. Coupled with Mike “The King Dude” Church entertaining you during your morning drive and Rick Barrett giving you the news of the day and the narrative that will follow during your lunch break! 

We’ve interviewed over 200 guests, seen Brother Andre Marie notch his 200th broadcast of Reconquest; the The Mike Church Show over 900 episodes; launched an original LIVE! News Service; written and produced 4 Feature Length original dramas including The Last Confession of Sherlock Holmes and set sail on the coolest radio product ever, the 5 Minute Mysteries series! We are the ONLY outlet to cover the Impeachment of President Trump from gavel to gavel! 

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Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

  Topic Rundown – 
22m China and Communism – 

HEADLINE: U.S. tells China to shut Houston consulate in move China calls ‘unprecedented escalation’ by Reuters

BREAKING NEWS w/ Richard Barrett

  Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity – 


 Governor John Bel Edwards –

  • Attorney General Landry’s letter to the Governor.
  • Edwards did it again w/ his arbitrary lockdowns.
  • Landry has a duty to take legal action against him.
  • HE must enforce the law here in Louisiana.
  • If he is out of order, Landry has the legal responsibility to tell him so in a court of law.
  • You Sir Mr Landry, you have the ability to become a hero here.


 COVID Testing Fraud

AUDIO/VIDEO: Dr. Simone Gold, ER doctor in Los Angeles CA

  • We all know they are doing it but WHY are they doing it?
  • Are they receiving money from the Federal Government?
  • This is an extermination event happening here folks.
  HEADLINE: ‘Can’t Breathe’ Is Making It Impossible For Kids To Live by Jason Whitlock

  • For people who do not believe in the afterlife, fear of death wields total control over decision-making. America’s founders, flawed as they were, believed they answered to a Higher Power and in the concept of heaven and hell.  They prioritized life over death because their religious faith softened the consequence of death on this earth.
  If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.

   RECAP HEADLINE: ‘Can’t Breathe’ Is Making It Impossible For Kids To Live by Jason Whitlock


HEADLINE: President Trump urges Americans to wear masks to contain the coronavirus outbreak by Will Feuer

  • Where are all the sick people?
  • The hospitals aren’t full. Here they are 80% DOWN from last year.
  • #CovidKaren
  • #CovidKyle
  • You aren’t the savior of the world, all you are doing is wearing a mask.
  • Jesus Christ already saved the world Sir.
   HEADLINE: GloboCap Über Alles by CJ H

  • What suddenly began in 2016 was a concerted effort on the part of GloboCap to put down a growing populist backlash against global capitalism and its soulless ideology.
  The Founders Tradin’ Post now offers “group discounts”. Do you have a Latin Mass Society or Bible study group? Contact the store manager and she will get you a discount code specifically for YOUR group

Crusader Monastery – The Veritas Radio Network also have a prayer request line. Send your prayer requests to

  Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cst Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
   HEADLINE: Without A Real Coronavirus Vaccine, Herd Immunity Is Our Only Hope by Joy Pullmann 


 Caller Cindy from Florida –

Constitutional Law Group on mask mandates.

  • Insurance companies will increase your premiums if you don’t take the vaccine.
  BACK TO CJ Hopkins 

  • Where we go from here is anyone’s guess. My hunch is, it is only going to get worse until they can get Trump out of office, which Americans are liable to help them do, simply to make the whole nightmare stop. 
  • Once he’s gone, they’ll probably retire the fake pandemic, call off the riots, and stage some sort of international celebration of the Rebirth of Democracy, after which they can get finally back to the business of ruthlessly destabilizing, restructuring, and privatizing the planet, sanitizing history, curing humanity of racism, hate, and other pathologies, and otherwise enforcing rigid conformity to global capitalist ideology.
  • Maybe they could get the Hamilton composer to write them a hip hop Deutschlandlied to use as a supranational anthem. They could call it GloboCap Über Alles … it kind of has a ring to it, doesn’t it?
2h34m Caller Mike from Mississippi – 

August 22nd in Tupalo MS

  • 82 County Sheriff’s to nullify and interpose these unconstitutional mask mandates.
  • Sheriff ‘Mac’ Malcolm McMillin
  • Sheriffs know these mask mandates are unconstitutional.
  NYC Builds A Wall For Covid-19

HEADLINE: More Than 1/2 of America Is Now on NY Quarantine List; 10 New States Added Tuesday by Jennifer Millman

  • 31 states must quarantine for 14 days if you are attempting to enter NYC.













Follow Brother Andre Marie on Twitter @Brother_Andre

  • Our Lady of Prompt Succor – patroness of Louisiana 
  • Saint Mary Magdalene – 
  • There is no evidence in the Gospels that she is a prostitute. 

HEADLINE: Saint Mary Magdalen (77) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

  • There was a peace b/w man and beast b/c of the enchanted nature of the world before the fall of man.

HEADLINE: Saint Martha (80) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Episode 239 tonight w/ Brother Andre Marie and Sister Maria Philomena – Honoring Saint Junípero Serra

  • Bishop Barron – wrote an article on tearing down Saint Junípero Serra statues
  • From Twitter by a fellow Catholic “the saints all have histories and they weren’t always perfect.”
  • We must evangelize and not go off all half-cocked on social media.
  • That doesn’t help us in any way gaining souls for Christ.
  • Martin Luther was explicit w/ saying Baptism didn’t work with Jews.
  • St Maximillian Kolbe – 
3h40m HEADLINE: Oregon petition to create ‘Greater Idaho’ sees new roadblock from judge by Tim Gruver
   BRAVE BROWSER: Now you can support the Crusade Channel without spending a DIME! Simply use the url to download the BRAVE browser and WE get credit: We can earn up to $50,000 for the downloads if our listeners use this browser.
  Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.

Meta-tags for show

 China, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Amazon, Bishop Barron Tim Gruver, Brother Andre Marie, Saint Martha, Saint Junipero Serra, President Trump, Sheriff ‘Mac’ Malcolm McMillin, Martin Luther, Our Lady of Prompt Succor, TFP, Oregon, Jennifer Millman, Joy Pullmann, COVID-19, NYC, Governor Cuomo, Saint Mary Magdalen, CJ Hopkins, HIPPA, mask mandate, Pfizer, Biontech, Governor John Bel Edwards, GloboCap, Dr. Simone Gold, Jason Whitlock, Will Feuer

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Written by: LoneRhody

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