The Mike Church Show

Where Are The Virile Roman Men When ‘Muricah Needs Them!?

today02/20/2018 90

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Mandeville, LA – Mike renews his clarion call for any Real Men of our era to take up arms – the Rosary – and rally with our brothers to the cause of ending legal protections for mortal sins as Real Men MUST. Listen to Mike’s Arthurian call in hr 1. Dr Kevin Wacasey of talks non-insured health care costs and Michael Hichborn rounds out today’s show that ends with the below linked video on the sin of participating in vital organ transplants.

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines


Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE

Yesterday was Presidents Day – George Washington and his “supposed” conversion to the Catholic faith on his death bed.

Discussion on Facebook – Jeffery Bond and Ryan Grant


HEADLINE: Why This Little Book on Humility Is So Great by John Horvat II






  • in other words he would have done the exact opposite of what the church of “happy” is doing now
  • “I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior”….and it’s gone
  • This is a sin of presumption (once saved always saved) 
  • Point is, the men out there repeating the prosperity nonsenses are leading souls not to Heaven

HEADLINE: PRESUMPTION: The “I am a good person” Sin by Dr. Paul Lavin


President Trump – he still isn’t a skinny jean wearing little guy. That is why most of the people that hate him, hate him. He isn’t touchy feely and doesn’t care what YOU think or feel.






HEADLINE: Needed: Churchmen of Courage by Fr. George W. Rutler

  • Florida shooter – came from a broken home, he had no authority figure, he had no religious life
  • We need MEN to stand up and put a stop to this. Stop these generations of children growing up without fathers.
  • What was missing in almost all of these young mens lives? FATHERS
  • This will not fix itself!
 VRN sign-up special : WE are going you 50% off if you purchase a yearly Founders Pass Membership by using coupon code (join2018)

Since this show was my idea and seeing the controversy it created for Ryan Grant and Jeffrey Bond, here’s the podcast: the Barrett Brief – Was Washington Catholic?



back to HEADLINE: Needed: Churchmen of Courage

  • You will fail, in life there will be many times you fail. You must pick yourself back up, dust yourself off and try again.



Mike’s Pro-Life Talk: If you really want to win this battle, you have chosen the wrong allies.

Obianuju Ekeocha book: Target Africa






The Crusader Knights of the Holy Rosary

Calling for an end to these 4 legal things:

  1. Abortion
  2. Contraception
  3. Sodomy
  4. Pornography

Also an end to the cultural protections of the same.

Fathers are missing: from our houses and our pulpits


back to HEADLINE: Needed: Churchmen of Courage



HEADLINE: Is The Second Amendment Worth Dying For? by John Davidson

  • All of this 2nd amendment nonsense…there is nothing until 20th century thought the 2nd amendment guaranteed them anything other than the duty to serve in a military.


Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.


























Special Guest: Kevin Wacasey

  • Healthcareonomics
  • Direct Primary Care Coalition
  • Direct Primary Care Directory
  • healthcare is like any other service/industry out there
  • I perform a service, and I get paid for it. WOW
  • HEADLINE: Texas teacher dies after opting out of Tamiflu because of the costly $116 copay
  • Health insurance has become an insurance product that you will not use anymore because its so costly 
  • We absolutely over medicate our kids, pharma and families.
  • We cannot just blame medication. Lots of people take these medications, and these mass shooters have a lot more in common than the medication. 
  • What type of mental illness do they have? THAT is the question we should be asking.
  • The inability to feel empathy
  • Look at these reports after the fact: he was a weirdo, he was always in trouble, he got into a fight with his girlfriend….they have issues with social interaction. There is a spectrum for this stuff.
  • We cannot just blame drugs or lack there of. Personality disorders are very difficult to treat. Drugs do virtually no good as they cannot “create” empathy. 
  • Easy way out is to chalk all this up to big pharma and guns.
  • 29 times the police were called to this house 
  • Dispelling the myth that all of these kids are suffering depression.
  • Mental health issues using come with other mental health issues, it is never just ONE issue.
  • Question from chatroom
  • Sometimes you have to do a trial and error with medications. Some work with some people and some don’t. You have to be willing to work with your physician and he/she with you to get the right balance.
  • Also counseling plays a HUGE role in depression. Mental illness is not just pills, but you have to have the conversations with them to see how they are feeling and if things are improving or not.
  • Going back to the flu story…how Dr. Wacasey handles it
  • Dr. Wacasey books
  • 45,989 Texas Public School Teachers in 2015
  • Obamacare employers now you have to buy our product. Health insurance industry was behind that law. 
  • Big companies don’t do anything out of “kindness” there is something is afoot.
  • Obamacare was written by the healthcare industry. This was 100% written to benefit THEM not the patient. Especially raising the age parents can insure their children.
  • California never underestimate their power to be stupid.
  • Great Britain’s healthcare system. They kill
  • Wait Til Its Free director Collin Gunn
  • We should be going crazy of this, this unrestricted system.
  • Euthanasia are blamed on hogging up our healthcare money. No we simply overcharge for the services we are providing them.  
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This family left America and moved to Thailand 



VIDEO: Major Protestant YouTube Star Announces She’s Converting to Catholicism

YouTube star Lizzie Estella Reezay “LizziesAnswers”

  • after researching into what the church was actually like…it was Catholic 






























Special Guest: Michael Hichborn founder of the Lepanto Institute

  • Basically she has just discovered the TRUTH
  • Welcome to the trenches and here is your sword! – Hichborn
  • 3 quotes on the back of Father Feeney’s Card
  • Unam Sanctuam Pope Boniface VIII 1302
  • Adding your own interpretation to the Gospels
  • People don’t dislike Catholicism, they dislike what they have been “told” it is.
  • She went into it as a TRUE researcher.
  • OXFAM (the power of people against poverty)
  • These guys promote contraception and abortion so when a scandal comes to light, we shouldn’t be surprised by this.
  • Field Document 1998 – contraception will be hard to come by so bring your own
  • If you are sending a field agent out to a remote field area, WHY do they need contraception? 
  • If you are encouraging contraception with your own people you will find it somewhere else in their organization…this isn’t rocket science. 
  • Mass Shooting: the lack of “father figures”
  • Sanctuary Cities and Sanctuary Laws – St Thomas Aquinas
  • Safe Environment Training – Bishops are allowing THIS
  • A lack of understanding, they started focusing on worldly things and stopped worrying about the safety of souls.
  • Lepanto Institute – Restoring All Things In Christ

HEADLINE: Can Democracy Save Us? by Ryszard Legutko

  • I have a degree in Political Science so I think about politics a lot.
  • The rise of kingdoms
  • There is no national identity, it is replaceable.
  • It doesn’t matter what system of a civil authority you enlist. 
  • Can you have a king? Does living under monarchy scare you? 

HEADLINE: When Will The Shooting Stop by John Horvat II

  • We live in a land of confusion. 

Going back to Dr. Wacasey and euthanasia 

  • Our current view of death is that it is horrifying and scary because we don’t believe anything is after death. 
  • FSSP Priest delivered a sermon a decade ago on organ donation. Should You Donate Your Organs?” by Father Wolfe
  • If you are an organ donor and Catholic, change your donation status now!
  • They have to murder a patient in order to create the 1st heart transplant.
  • The soul is either there or not.
  • 8 year old boy who had a heart transplant and how it was a gift from God…they had to murder another little boy or girl 
  • It’s a very hard topic but it is one we must discuss.  (Eat my body and drink my blood)
  • This is an education issue and a deadly lethal one at that. (vital organ transplant)
  • 10 pages worth of notes on a new project and not even done – Hichborn
 Sign-up for the Daily [r] Newsletter and we will give you $10 to use in our store. Who doesn’t like FREE money?! Shop the Founders Tradin’ Post today for items such as The Marian Option, The Catholic Quest for the Holy Grail, Small is Still Beautiful, Humility of Heart, Dressing with Dignity and much more.
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Written by: MikeChurch

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