the mike church show

35 Results / Page 1 of 4



Mike Church Show-The Sad Truth Behind The Catholic Campaign For Transgender Development with Michael Hichborn

SPECIAL GUEST  Michael Hichborn  Founder of the Lepanto Institute Follow the Institute on Twitter - @LepantoInst We are on the cusp of ushering him in. Who is ‘him’? Should we carry on w/ the technology? Is this nothing more than an algorithm tree w/ a logic model? What are the dangers here?  Application & Spiritual danger QUESTION: What is AI used for? ANSWER: Making things automatic. Power Grid example -  […]

today04/18/2023 119

The Mike Church Show

What Really Happened In Ireland’s Abortion Vote For Abortion with Paul MacAree

SPECIAL GUEST Paul MacAree Your President Joe Biden is in town and he has basically shutdown my little hometown of Knock. He will be here until Friday and he was in Belfast at University of Ulster. He claims he has Irish decedents. Why do all American Presidents want to claim to be Irish? He went out of his way to display his Irish roots in Belfast the other day. Just […]

today04/13/2023 89 3

The Mike Church Show

111 Years Ago Today, This Historic Priest Went Down On The Titanic with Paul MacAree

The Titanic was built mostly by the Protestants in Scotland. They say it was build by an Irishman and sunk by a British man. Queenstown - 20 minutes from here. There were over 2,000 passengers on the Titanic. The biggest cruise ship built up to that point. It was called the UNSINKABLE ship. There were 9 ministers of faith. 4 of them were Priests the others were from Presbyterian and […]

today04/13/2023 96

The Mike Church Show

The EU Parliament Exists For The Illusion Of Democracy with MEP Kathy Sitton

MEP - 5 years is a set term I was an independent and not a politician. I came out of pro-life and disability. I discovered a lot about Europe. I came to the conclusion the the European Parliament is there b/c it is to fool people into thinking there is Democracy. Celtic Connections - Embryos - mixing human embryos w/ animals. Creating them and then experimenting on them and then […]

today04/13/2023 99

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-Bubba Has Finally Had It! Bud LIght Sales Tank After Beer Goes Tran

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel   HEADLINE RUNDOWN   NASA Going to Mars is all the talk on space platforms. Buzz - meets TKD on elevator back in his Sirius/XM days.   FBI Infiltrating Catholic Churches Representative Jim Jordan -  The FBI was targeting ‘traditional’ churches. […]

today04/12/2023 277

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-The Heroism Of The Nashville MPD Shows The Cowardice OF Uvalde TX PD

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Glory and Shine to the Crusade Channel   HEADLINE RUNDOWN 35m                                   54m Officer Rex Engelbert Officer Michael Collazo Now these aren’t the only two heroes of this story.  There were at […]

today03/29/2023 219 1

The Mike Church Show

The Stations of The Cross

Mandeville, La -  by James Matthew Wilson, On The Mike Church Show A Dramatic Reading.   [purchase_link id="50238" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"]   The Stations of the Cross by James Matthew Wilson, with artwork by Daniel Mitsui A fourteen-part cycle published serially with accompanying iconography. I. Jesus Is Condemned I tried to think for half an hour About the face of earthly powers That would condemn a god […]

today03/29/2018 40

The Mike Church Show

Where Are The Virile Roman Men When ‘Muricah Needs Them!?

Mandeville, LA - Mike renews his clarion call for any Real Men of our era to take up arms - the Rosary - and rally with our brothers to the cause of ending legal protections for mortal sins as Real Men MUST. Listen to Mike's Arthurian call in hr 1. Dr Kevin Wacasey of talks non-insured health care costs and Michael Hichborn rounds out today's show that ends with […]

today02/20/2018 70

CRUSADE Channel Preview Podcasts

The Mike Church Show Episode 345: Why “Conservatives” Keep Choosing Bread & Circuses

Mandeville, LA – Why “The Right Fails”: It Chooses Bread & Circuses Over Intellect Every Time – I have friends and family members who swoon over Tomi Lahren and others over Milo Yiannapoulas for their “telling it like it is” and over how “awesome” they “take it to the man” and the like and this is all well and good for bread and circuses but what does it provide for the intellect? 0.0 […]

today04/24/2017 22
