Why Slim Jim Martin Is A Heretic, ShAmazonian Synod Church of Francis!
PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-Founding Brother, Founding Father & CRUSADER Level Members
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Special Guest Chris Ferrara
HEADLINE: Father Martin: The Pampered Heretic by Chris Ferrara[purchase_link id=”55151″ style=”button” color=”green” text=”Click here to Download”]
How is this man allowed to continue preaching his heresy out in the open?
This isn’t a matter of “opinion” this is from Our Lord.
“This matter is not one of opinion, it is our Lord’s own teaching, as we hear in Luke’s Gospel: ‘Take heed to yourselves; if your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.’ (Luke 17:3)”
We have in Pope Francis, a wink and a nod with the homosexual behavior and lifestyle.
A man who marries another man and runs around flaunting it.
This man is running for Presidency!
Have we lost our minds as a nation?
We lost this fight b/c we were too timid to say sodomy is wrong!
Whether interest is usurious or not, this shouldn’t trouble anyone.
Tucker Carlson – stated usury with PayDay Loans.
It is legalized distortion!
Which is more important: laws or mercy?
Errors of Vatican II – nominal expressions and ambiguity
This Pope has gone after the 6th Commandment – to an objective ideal.
This contradicts even St. John Paul II.
The negative precepts of the natural law admit NO EXCEPTIONS whatsoever.
There is NO PROVISIONAL SOLUTION to living in a state of adultery.
The Great Facade – a regime of novelty
Tradition and the Catholic Mass
The Holy Face Confraternity – Leo Dupont (the Holy Man of Tours)
Holy Orders – Married Priests
Supernatural institution – is celibacy intrinsic to the Priesthood? NO
There are exceptions in the Eastern Catholic Churches but they also have exceptions w/ that as well.
There is no justification of lack of Priests to have them get married.
There is NO HUMAN solution to this crisis.
FROM THE MIKE CHURCH CHATROOM: this exception towards Anglican and other Protestant pastors is an exception and that “pastor” is a vocation and that the good of maintaining the valid sacramental marriage and vocation of pastor of the convert is to the spiritual good and the benefit of the Church.
THE DIVINE part of the faith cannot become Marxist.
We most certainly can have a “human” element become Marxist.
A human construct based upon the construct of the Second Vatican Council.
Between one thing and another – the ability to make distinctions has been lost.
The essence of what it means to become a Catholic.
Everything has been blurred and thrown into a state of confusion.
Most Catholics today are truly Protestant, not Catholic at all.
70% of “Catholics” no longer believe in the True Presence!
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