Having shown the behind-the-scenes workings of the very faulty theory of evolution as so many proofs of Mr. Wolfe’s central thesis — that speech is an artifact of man, not the result of evolution — the book comes to its denoument without a clear conclusion. Mr. Wolfe seems, after having torn the theory apart, to accept evolution — so long as its not applied to speech. If speech is, as Wolfe says, “a cardinal distinction between man and animal, a sheerly dividing line as abrupt and immovable as a cliff” (page 163) — with which conclusion I agree, by the way — where does the ability to speak, the power of language, come from? This is a question Mr. Wolfe doesn’t even raise. As close as Tom Wolfe was to getting at the truth, he seems to have suffered from an intellectual myopia. As a “lapsed Presbyterian” who considered himself an atheist (but could not stand people who called themselves atheists), he evidently lacked the necessary perspective from which to critique Darwinism and answer the question of language more thoroughly. The quote about his religious non-affiliation, by the way, comes from an article that quoted him praising Catholic education!
Modernism cut to the root of doctrine by inserting the idea nothing stays the same everything is in evolution or change.
This is why they hate the traditional church and Mass.
Professional athletes would rather ally with the Alphabet Mafia than with Christians. People who see their primary identity as sexual have and had nothing to do with the rise of professional sports. It’s the people whose primary identity is based in their relationship with Christ who built the sports world and almost everything else we enjoy in America.
The same cowardice and stupidity afflict the athletes. They’re ungrateful. They’re too high on weed or too filled with pride to recognize their treason. Their handlers tell them what to think, whom to support, and what to ignore. Many of the athletes feign religious faith.
Pride is the gateway drug to idolatry. The LGBTQ+ have placed their sexual and gender identity well above their identity in Christ. They’re taking pride in being outside the body of Christ.