The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday: The Incredible Life and Holiness Of Saint Thomas Aquinas with Brother Andre Marie

today03/08/2023 79

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Brother Andre Marie 

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest aired only on The Crusade Channel

  • Thank you to everyone that prayed for me yesterday as I had my disposition. 
  • A lot could be riding on this I mean it b/c it is very ugly and it has complicated what we do here.
  • It has been quite the ordeal.
  • He punched my manliness in the gut – fasting show.
  • One meal a day TKD has been doing this all Lent thus far.
  • Saint Thomas – his father was a knight and several of his brothers were also Knights. They were very well off. The younger child, at that time, it was customary the YOUNGER children would be turned over to God.
  • Angelic Warfare Confraternity – 

HEADLINE: Saint Thomas Aquinas by Brother Thomas Mary Sennott 

  • I was told by a fellow Priest that said anytime he would be tempted by inappropriate thoughts he would do math problems.
  • He said to rid yourself of those thoughts, take on learning something hard.
  • Saint Thomas once confided to his friend Saint Bonaventure, that whatever he knew, he had for the most part learned from the Book of the Crucifix. One day while he was in prayer, Jesus spoke to him from the crucifix saying, “Well hast thou written of Me, Thomas: what reward wouldst thou have?” Chesterton, commenting on this, says: “Nobody supposes that Thomas Aquinas, when offered by God his choice among all the gifts of God, would ask for a thousand pounds, or the crown of Sicily, or a present of rare Greek wine. But he might have asked for things that he really wanted; and he was a man who could want things; as he wanted the lost manuscript of Saint Chrysostom. He might have asked for the solution of an old difficulty; or the secret of a new science; or a flash of the inconceivable intuitive mind of the angels; or any one of a thousand things that really would have satisfied his broad and virile appetite for the very vastness and variety of the universe. The point is that for him, when the voice spoke from between the outstretched arms of the Crucified, those arms were truly opened wide, and opening most gloriously the gates of all the worlds; they were arms pointing to the east and to the west, to the ends of the earth and the very extremes of existence. They were truly spread out with a gesture of omnipotent generosity; the Creator Himself offering Creation itself; with all its million-fold mystery of separate beings, and the triumphal chorus of the creatures. Saint Thomas, when he at last lifted his head, spoke with that almost blasphemous audacity, which is one with humility: ‘I will have Thyself.’”

The Dominican Nuns are cloistered – for them they belong to the Order of Preachers. 

  • For them study is penance.
  • Subtle Matter
  • This is a commentary on the Book of Job.
  • Saint Gregory the Great – 
  • Saint Thomas blazes a new trail in commenting on the Book of Job.
  • As a mature theologian his mind had been steeped in the scriptures by this time when he wrote the Summa.
  • When he wrote the Summa he was dictating and when he dictated he didn’t have notes.
  • When he is quoting in the Summa he was doing all this by MEMORY!
  • Pettifogger = someone who quibbles over trivia, and raises petty, annoying objections. 

Tonight’s ReConquest – Episode 366: What Does It Mean to Love Your Enemy? 

HEADLINE: Meekness is Strength by Brother Andre Marie

Joe car accident years ago – he is 20 perfectly abled bodied but his brain just isn’t 100%. 


Written by: Justin Redman