The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-The Vatican’s Acting All Synod-Y-Y And Stuff Is An Act For The Pre-Determined Outcome

today04/26/2023 89

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Brother Andre Marie 

Host of The ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel.

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

  • What is the purpose of this, the Pope allowing laity to actually vote?
  • I think this outcome of this Synod is predetermined. 
  • I don’t think anyone that is there to vote will actually do anything.
  • The Bishops get together and discuss the problems that their flocks are suffering from.
  • What are the moral, pastoral issues that need to be addressed etc.
  • Each one gets a voice and some sort of Synod process.
  • Synod = Greek word for counsel. 
  • The Church has always done this.
  • It is an exorcise in sheer patriarchy. 

HEADLINE: The Magisterium of the iPhone Church by Darrick Taylor

  • The progressive idea of authority echoes this. Despite all the talk about “the Spirit,” the “Spirit of Vatican II,” the controlling metaphor for their vision of the Church is mechanistic rather than organic or spiritual. The whole notion of “updating” (aggiornamento) is fundamentally a technological one, one that presumes the sort of continuous progress one finds in technology. For these people, the Church needs constant updating as if it were an iPhone—Church 1.0, 2.0, and so forth—to keep up with the demands of “reality,” i.e., of its customers.
  • Music teacher – Do not use your instrument as your crutch.
  • Sing, mouthpiece, play – 
  • The instrument is an amplifier of what you are doing into the mouthpiece.

Written by: Justin Redman