The Mike Church Show

Yes! Andrew Klavan, Christ Is King And You Are No Friends To Little Ben Shapiro

today03/26/2024 72

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Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother on Gab and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Host of ReConquest heard only on the Crusade Channel

AUDIO/VIDEO: Daily Wire host Andrew Klavanon ‘Christ is King’ being shouted or spoken to Jewish people. 

  • He would lose his position “in this world”.
  • The idea that there is something wrong w/ saying that is anti-semitic is ridiculous.
  • It isn’t that you have insulted my ‘tribe’ of Catholics, you have insulted OUR LORD!
  • Hosanna to the Son of David.
  • That is why the Priest got particularly offended b/c they called Jesus the Son of David.
  • 5th Joyful Mystery of the Rosary
  • When He said “did you not know I would be about my Fathers business?”
  • They had all the ingredients that they needed to know.
  • They all knew.
  • Our Lord says – 
  • This prophecy was fulfilled – Of His kingdom there shall be no end!
  • Jews that refuse to accept Jesus Christ as their King, it is offensive.
  • You are either for Him or against Him!
  • The Son of David, the King of Israel – 
  • If we don’t give Him His title, then shame on us and if they are offended then shame on them!
  • This is a profession of faith.
  • If you read the Passion narrative from this past Sunday – 
  • We need a Saint Paul – 
  • When he converted he used all the same energy he has as when he was a Jew and turned it to the good of the Gospel.
  • He was the greatest missionary in history!
  • That was a Jew who was a persecutor of the church to ultimately dying a martyr in Rome.
  • Ben Shapiro publicly mocks Jesus Christ!
  • He might just think it is funny but it is mockery. 
  • He mocks Our Lord and he then expects he will have Christians as his fan base?
  • Why should any Christian get any information from a man that mocks what they firmly believe?
  • I think every Christian should profess their love of Christ and that He is King!
  • When you get people like us that want to evangelize Jews, we do this out of love not because we hate you!

Written by: Justin Redman
