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Andy Schectman
Miles Franklin Precious Metals
Website – https://milesfranklin.com/
Follow Andy on X – @MilesFranklin_
- Happy Days Are Here Again!
- I think from a standpoint of recapturing our culture that is a good place to start.
- Financially I don’t think we will see much of a difference for a while.
- You have the Congressional Budge Office by 2030 just interest on the debt would encompass 100% of all tax revenue.
- We are very far down the rabbit hole financially.
- From getting our country back, we have re-inspired people.
- I think we need to be realistic about the finances.
- We have to start w/ spending $100,000 of debt PER SECOND!
- We have to do this w/ open eyes.
- Tight monetary policy and supply side economics – Arthur Laffer
- If you were advising Trump what would you tell him to do?
- First start by cutting spending.
- We have a situation w/ inflation, the reigniting of the inflation, the options are very limited now.
- Cut spending and cut corporate taxes and restrictions and do things here like drill to stimulate the economy, and all of this takes time.
- The inflation genie people don’t understand that is here to stay.
- $99 trillion shortfall in Medicare and that is part A.
- The unfunded liabilities are massive for this country.
- You can’t raise interest rates or you blow up everything.
- This is years worth of distortions.
- Remove restrictions, manufacturing, massively trimming fat, cutting entitlements and all of that can’t even be addressed if he doesn’t take the House.
- We need to look more long term and bigger picture.
- We have painted ourselves into a corner and a dollar that is unjustifiably high.
- Inflation is much higher than they tell us.
- shaddowstats.com
- 12,000 jobs created, 40,000 government jobs were created the month before that 78,000 government jobs created and the private sector lost 200,000.
- That isn’t sustainable.
- The bond market got crushed yesterday even though everything else went up.
- It is a tricky situation but we can be optimistic to get our country back.