The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday-One Who Flew Over The Cristo’s Nest

today06/21/2023 90

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Wisdom Wednesday


Brother Andre Marie

Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

Mental Prayer –

Mental Prayer – Some people prefer to call it private prayer. 

  • You can approach mental prayer in several different ways.
  • A quiet lifting of the mind to God.
  • To obtain grace and to ask favors.
  • So it’s a conversation w/ you and Our Lord and Savior. 
  • It is pretty simple.
  • It requires 100% of your attention, you have to be quiet, alone and not be thinking of other things.
  • Which is why it is difficult for so many of us to do b/c we have constant distractions.
  • You put yourself in God’s presence and feed the intellect.
  • It can be done by reading something the night before and contemplate it the next day in mental prayer.
  • It can even be a mystery of the rosary.
  • It’s not about thinking much but loving much.
  • Rendering to Our Lord the homage He is due.

HEADLINE: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1591) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary 

  • Saint Aloysius died speaking the Holy Name of Jesus, on the octave of Corpus Christi, June 21, 1591, when he was only twenty-three years old. The name of Saint Aloysius in Italian is Luigi, and countless Italian boys have been called by that name, after him. His name in French is Louis. He himself was named for Saint Louis of Toulouse, who in turn was named for the great King, Saint Louis of France. Saint Robert Bellarmine wrote, by way of eulogy, the life of Saint Aloysius.

HEADLINE: The Practice of Mental Prayer by Brother Andre Marie 

  • By way of conclusion, I would like to encourage everyone to take up the exercise of mental prayer and to persevere in it. I will finish with a request. It sometimes happens after conferences that speakers get laudatory letters from people who profited from their talks. If any of you take up the practice mental prayer as a result of this talk, don’t write me to thank me —not right away. Wait at least six months. If you have still persevered in it at that time, then you can thank me.
  • Angelus 6 noon and 6 are the normal times. 

HEADLINE: Scandals in the Vatican! by Brother Andre Marie

  • What is the difference b/w a brother and a friar?
  • Linguistically it is the same thing.
  • A Friar is a member of one of the mendicant orders. 
  • Luther was an Augustinian Friar.W

Written by: Justin Redman