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The Mike Church Show-Trump To Media “You’ve Been Wrong Your Whole Life!”

micMike Church today10/16/2024 4

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    The Mike Church Show-Trump To Media “You’ve Been Wrong Your Whole Life!” Mike Church


Time 6:03am cstWE ARE LIVE on The King 1010 WXKG, Our Flagship Syndication Station in Atlanta Georgia, all week from 7am-10am! 6:03am cst.  Welcome to the Mike Church Show on  Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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Saint Benedict Center Conference Recap

  • The event was a huge success.
  • I have been doing this for 9 years now and this was a time I met more 1st time attendees than ever.
  • I traveled on over to Boston w/ daughter #2.
  • We went to the JFK Library and it was my first time and I honestly think it is very underrated. 
  • I spent more time in the museum than I did in the library.
  • So much I had never heard of President Kennedy.
  • Jacki O spoke fluent Spanish and she went w/ him on 3 or 4 trips to South America.
  • He was working out all manner of deals w/ the Mexicans the Venezuelans and Brazilians. 
  • There was nothing digital on counting down the election returns.
  • There is text for the name of the state then there are 2 counters.
  • One for R and for D.
  • There was no color coding that happened later.
  • You had manual dial-ins for the upcoming total on the incoming votes.
  • Almost like an old score board.
  • Kennedy only won by 17,000 votes.
  • They also had a recreation of a TV studio and one of the CBS radio studio where Kennedy had done an interview.
  • 400,000 people worked on the Apollo Project.
26mContrast that to Kamala Harris – 

  • She is offering the black men free money and free weed.
  • Am I the only one that thinks this is racist, like the true definition of the word.
  • People that are high all day don’t build things.
  • They aren’t entrepreneurs. 
  • What if a WHITE guy like Trump said this?
  • This reminds me of Hillary Clinton and the child savings account.
6:35am cstSEGMENT 2






















HEADLINE: Archbishop Vigneron, Michigan Catholic Conference respond to social media video featuring Governor Gretchen Whitmer 

  • How many of you remember when they made John Cena go out onto the stage of the Oscars naked?
  • I know you guys will call this all conspiracy theory but here we go.
  • This is a Humiliation Rite – 
  • That may have been her Humiliation Rite.
  • There are a lot of people that call themselves Christians and Catholics and just don’t mean it.
  • You have to be willing to forgive when you are wronged.
  • Governor Gretchen Whitmer has prompted the state’s Catholic bishops conference to express profound disappointment and offense taken at the actions in the video. In the skit, Whitmer lays a Dorito chip on the extended tongue of a woman, who as the camera pans out is shown to be kneeling in the same manner as one would when receiving Communion on the tongue. The governor then stares expressionless into the camera.
  • Catholic inside baseball – the proper way to receive Communion is on the tongue while kneeling.
  • In modern Catholicism more than half, especially in the United States, receive Holy Communion in the hand.
  • In any event the Conference of Catholics aren’t in the business of protecting and defending the receiving of Communion on the tongue while kneeling.
  • The fact they have been THRUST into this is telling.
  • You can’t do that to our Catholics, only we can!
  • The skit goes further than the viral online trend that inspired it, specifically imitating the posture and gestures of Catholics receiving the Holy Eucharist, in which we believe that Jesus Christ is truly present,” said Paul A. Long, Michigan Catholic Conference President and CEO. “It is not just distasteful or ‘strange;’ it is an all-too-familiar example of an elected official mocking religious persons and their practices. While dialogue on this issue with the governor’s office is appreciated, whether or not insulting Catholics and the Eucharist was the intent, it has had an offensive impact.
  • I’ve said many times on this show I thought Whitmer was perfectly possessed in the words of Father Malachi Martin. 
  • Here is an interesting take away from this – 
  • I thought it was Donald Trump that was the irreverent wretch? 
  • Yet it is Trump that has wished Happy Birthday to Our Lady, he got a brown scapular from a Carmelite Friar, he posted the Saint Michael prayer and much more.
  • I don’t see him mocking the Catholic faith.
  • Trump sat down w/ Mcklethwait the Editor in Chief of Bloomberg.
  • They talked about tariffs they talked about misinformation and much more.
  • He tells him ‘you’ve been wrong your whole life’. 
  • He said the same thing to John Deere about wanting to move their plant to Mexico.
  • He is telling these companies don’t build the plant down there or you will have tariffs on your products to come BACK into the US.
  • He wants things built here in America by Americans.
  • There is NOTHING wrong w/ wanting that.
  • Monetary policy caused the Depression not the Smoot-Hawley Tariffs.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump w/ John Mcklethwait Editor in Chief of Bloomberg News MONTAGE

 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie O’Connell directly at or Candace her personal email
 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:06am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
























Kamala Harris and Columbus Day

  • The majority of them were Christians and Catholics.
  • They brought religious orders.
  • They brought Priests, nuns and bothers.
  • Do you know why they brought them all here?
  • Because they are in the business of saving souls.
  • The faith was introduced to people that were savages!
  • Mel Gibson’s movie Apocalypto shows just how truly savage some of these clans were. 

HEADLINE: My Trip To UMASS & The JFK Museum/Library by Mike Church 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Kamala Harris on Columbus DaySince 1934, every October the United States has recognized this story, but that is not the whole story, that has never been the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation, purporting violence, stealing land and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past. We must shed light on it and do everything we can to discuss the impact of the past on Indigenous communities today.

  • First lets start w/ the fact President William Henry Harrison made it a celebration day in 1892. 
  • So it has been celebrated since then.
  • It became a Federal holiday in 1934.
  • This voyage was the beginning of permanent contact between Europe and the Americas. The great agricultural, technological and cultural exchange that followed permanently transformed our world. Every country in the Americas, including our very own, owes its current existence to this very event as a stepping stone. Christendom’s borders, after having receded for more than 800 years, had expanded as never before. 
  • Do you know why Christendom had been contracting?
  • Muslims were killing, raping, robbing and actually stealing land in Old Christendom.
  • Siege of Vienna, Battle of Lepanto and after Spain finally kicked all the Muslims out and put them in that sliver of land.
  • “When thinking about the Columbus Day holiday it helps to remember the good intentions of the people who put together the first parade in New York. Columbus Day was first proclaimed a national holiday by President Benjamin Harrison in 1892, 400 years after Columbus’s first voyage. The idea, lost on present-day critics of the holiday, was that this would be a national holiday that would be special for recognizing both Native Americans, who were here before Columbus, and the many immigrants—including Italians—who were just then coming to this country in astounding numbers. It was to be a national holiday that was not about the Founding Fathers or the Civil War, but about the rest of American history. Like the Columbian Exposition dedicated in Chicago that year and opened in 1893, it was to be about our land and all its people. Harrison especially designated the schools as centers of the Columbus celebration because universal public schooling, which had only recently taken hold, was seen as essential to a democracy that was seriously aiming to include everyone and not just preserve a governing elite.” – Historian William Connell

AUDIO/VIDEO: FLASHBACK Tulsi Gabbard Presidential DebateYou jailed black people in California for smoking weed. Over 1500 people in jail.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump on Columbus DayOn Monday our country celebrated and today from Columbus Circle in NY, Columbus OH another great place and our nations capitol District of Columbia. As long as I have anything to say about this, it will always be Columbus day.

  • Outside of Elon can you show me an intrepid explorer? 
7:33am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h39mAUDIO/VIDEO: Greg Gutfeld on The Five – Black Voters Free Money and Free Weed – It is interesting that her proposal to entice black men include forgivable loans, and the legalization of weed. Think about it, free money, free weed that’s kind of racist. What’s next free forties?

  • I know a few white people that want forgivable loans and weed.
  • That isn’t a race thing that is just a bribe.
  • What happens when you run out of the $20,000?
  • Who pays for the $20,000 handed out?

HEADLINE: Pelosi admits she hasn’t spoken to Biden since she forced him out of the Presidential race by Perkin Amalaraj



AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Mark Halperin – What If Trump Wins – I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America. And I don’t think it will be a passing thing that by the inauguration will be fine. I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous. I think there’ll be some violence. I think there’ll be workplace fights. There’ll be fights at birthday parties. It think there will be protest that will turn violent.

  • I know someone that is in this situation and has been for the better part of a year.
  • This is happening inside of a group of Roman Catholics.
  • I know someone that is experiencing this and this is brother upon brother type of stuff specifically because there are a few individuals that belive the path forward is to elect Donald Trump and b/c those individuals they are viewed by these Catholics as evil incarnate. 
  • There have been physical altercations.
  • I can tell you this is happening.
  • These people would kill the livelihoods and reputations of those that support Trump and they truly feel it must be done to save America.
  • This is among Catholics!
  • That is how good of a job the Satanic media has done.
  • They dropped the seed and now it is a full grown fruit.
  • No one is immune to this.
  • There are people that think if Trump wins then we are stuck w/ our democracy and there must be another way.
  • This isn’t healthy folks.
  • That one man can make someone so angry they are willing to resort to violence over politics. 
  • Blind anger.
  • If you fancy yourself justified in killing the reputation of a person, you could kill that person physically, it is the same thing.
  • The cat ladies – they have lived their lives always getting what they want by force and violence. They can wake up one day and declare they are a peacock and everyone must agree. So when their ‘guy’ doesn’t get in office they don’t know how to handle the fact they didn’t get their way.
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BACK to Trump Winning & Depression and TKD’s Example

  • It doesn’t matter who the people are we are talking about in that example and it doesn’t matter the demo.
  • It doens’t matter religion I just wanted to let you know that it is happening in even the Catholic realm of things.

The primary reason – 

 FEMA and the Cajun Navy

HEADLINE: House Committee to Investigate FEMA Mishandling of Funds Amid Hurricane Relief by Eric Lendrum 

AUDIO/VIDEO: Speaker Mike Johnson on CBS Face the Nation – CBS Edits His Answer on FEMA – Edits out entirely the first hand perspective of his answer.



Aurora Colorado

  • If you knew this was happening and you were part of allowing this to happen, wouldn’t you be trying to cover this up?
  • Well the answer is yes of course.
  • This is why the MSM is sweeping this situation under the rug.
  • That is why Trump is talking about it at all his campaign stops.
  • Operation Aurora
  • What is happening in Aurora? Do we know the full story?
  • Mental conditioning, have people ever been this crazy?
2h24mHEADLINE: Buying the News: How Leftwing Donors Are Taking Over Local Journalism by Mark Hemingway

  • If everyone is the KingDude then no one is the KD.
  • It is saturated. 
  • I’m sure most of them mean well but it is out of control.
  • So what is news and what is just clickbait?
  • Can people tell the difference these days?
  • It’s not just the newspapers.
  • Radio stations, how do you think Soros was able to buy nearly 200 of them?
  • Because they were worthless at this point.
  • The Joy Reids of the world are already mentally deranged, there is no audience building there.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Brian Trascher VP of United Cajun NavyFEMA does kinda get a bad wrap but they aren’t first responders. People need to understand that so is the National Guard. That is why we try to be the First Shrimp Boots on the Ground. It happened to us. Louisiana and Katrina and we got treated like the Louisiana LEASE instead of the Louisiana PURCHASE, we said never again. Not in this country, not on our watch. 
8:33am cstSEGMENT 6

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The Closing of the American Mind

AUDIO/VIDEO: Tucker Carlson w/ Mark Halperin – What If Trump Wins – I think it will cause the biggest mental health crisis in the history of America. And I don’t think it will be a passing thing that by the inauguration will be fine. I think it will be sustained and unprecedented and hideous. I think there’ll be some violence. I think there’ll be workplace fights. There’ll be fights at birthday parties. It think there will be protest that will turn violent.

  • How many of our youth or society in general are on anxiety medication?
  • 2/3 of American youth are on anxiety medication.
  • That is a fact.
  • How are all our kids and youth all so anxious all the time?
  • What are they anxious about?
  • This is a cauldron.
  • I’m telling you step out of the echo chamber and you will see what Halperin is talking about.
  • They have rioted and been violent before have they not?
  • The major problem w/ most youth is they have never been told no.
  • We have coddled them.
  • We have made them children for far longer than necessary.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: XX-XY ATHLETICS – Nike Will You Just Do It? Will you stand up for us? You have the largest athletic platform, why won’t you stand up for us?
 If you have any issues that need to be resolved, please email Maggie directly at or Candace her personal email or

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