The Mike Church Show Episode 427: Southern Poverty Law Center under fire for spreading Lies/Hate:
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Mandeville, LA – FINALLY! A Christian Group Made Infamous By the Quacks At The SPLC, Sues For Defamation – D. James Kennedy Ministries has filed a defamation of character lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center, the extortion group that “identifies hate” then warns all the good people of the world of “the danger” said hate poses. And what is “hate”? Well, e.g. going Carmelite and not all lgbqT-Virus is hate. From the suit:
“We embarked today on a journey to right a terrible wrong.Those who knowingly label Christian ministries as ‘hate’ groups, solely for subscribing to the historic Christian faith, are either woefully uninformed or willfully deceitful. In the case of the Southern Poverty Law Center, our lawsuit alleges the latter.”
The suit also targets Amazon because of their reliance on the SPLC to determine who can participate in their “SMILE” program.