The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Show Video- Men & Women of Goodwill Must Unite To Defeat The CoronaDoom™ Cabal! with Astrid Stuckleberger

today07/22/2021 11

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Mike Church Show Video- Men & Women of Goodwill Must Unite To Defeat The CoronaDoom™ Cabal! with Astrid Stuckleberger

The CRUSADE Channel Is a Subscription Based Service, delivering this and our award winning radio & TV show broadcasts to the world. We present this IMPORATNT episode of The Mike Church Show FREE but nothing is free as we pay to host our audio & video. Please JOIN US as a Founders Pass Member today and get your first month FREE, click here. | Please make a donation to offset the costs of producing and hosting this Radio &* TV Presentation by clicking here!

Special Guest Astrid  Stuckleberger

WHO Whistleblower

  • I was contracted w/ WHO and teaching ethics etc
  • International Health Regulations.
  • How you defend your land so their is no pandemic entry to your country.
  • I know the diplomacy and I can explain things and I don’t feel any danger b/c all I am speaking about is in the public, it is all public information.
  • The issue is trying to put the dots together, to connect the information to make the claims.
  • I have NO feedback from any of my colleagues or friends.
  • They are completely silent on this.
  • The PCR test is NOT valid b/c PCR is technology not a diagnostic test.
  • All of these lockdowns, masks, PCR and this vaccine is a trial/experimental not an actual vaccine.
  • Immunization is NOT equal to this authorized trial shot.
  • Up to 19,000 deaths and over 2million secondary effects of this trial/experimental shot.
  • There is an ethical board for research –
  • A company is selling something like a test, you cannot be a support to a merchant but we are seeing this teaming up of Pfizer and other companies.
  • GAVI has been gifted over $20 Billion since its inception.
  • There is no ethical framework anymore.
  • They changed the definition of immunology.
  • We have a natural immune system.
  • If you have already had COVID you have the anti-bodies that your body created on it’s own.
  • They have superseded the immunology by saying you can only be immune if you get the man-man-made vaccination.
  • A vaccine is only there if there is NO IMMUNITY and that is not the case w/ COVID.
  • I am in Geneva but collaborate very with the French.
  • They have changed the protocol on how we have always determined people are sick or not.
  • The inventor of the PCR test said we cannot do a diagnosis with a PCR test.
  • He was also very ANTI Dr Fauci.
  • Do a salt water nose flush and never get tested positive for COVID again.
  • There is lithium in the PCR tests and you should not get this done.
  • GAVI and WHO (International Finance Facility for Immunization)- IFFIM
  • They are playing with peoples lives here…they are making money off of these vaccines, all vaccines.
  • The Swiss government has signed on – Global Health Campus
  • Lists the groups on each floor of this Campus building –
  • Every epidemic and pandemic follows a certain pattern. They can’t go from Wuhan to the USA in ONE DAY!
  • In ONE month the whole world locked down.
  • The other very strange thing is we STILL don’t know the ORIGIN of this virus.
  • This is unheard of and not normal at all.
  • The LOCKDOWN was always the LAST RESORT of any virus b/c of the global economies.
  • We locked down FIRST! The complete opposite of how we have responded to viruses in the past.
  • Premeditative immunization –
  • Event 201
  • Luciferase- It is supposed to see if you are vaccinated with a florescent light.
  • How to detect nanobots?
  • Informed Consent –
  • We must create a Nuremberg style court with The Nuremberg Code as its foundation
  • We must united citizens around the globe in a campaign (CRUSADE) for the Covid Truth!

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Written by: Justin Redman

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