The Mike Church Show

Wisdom Wednesday: Catholic Men Must Make The Case For All Christians To Venerate Mary & Her Immaculate Conception!

today12/08/2021 14

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Wisdom Wednesday: Catholic Men Must Make The Case For All Christians To Venerate Mary & Her Immaculate Conception!

Special Guest Brother Andre Marie 

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  • Death through Eve and life through Mary.
  • This is the dawn of our hope you might say.
  • The blessed Virgin into our Immaculate hope
  • When we say the act of hope we say through the merits of Jesus Christ our hopeful redeemer.
  • QUESTION: Why do we call Mary our hope?
  • ORIGINAL SIN – comes to us through ADAM not EVE – this by the way is one reason why you can’t blame your wife for everything.
  • Jesus was giving His mother a title – at the wedding of Cana 
  • The Woman – the Woman of Genesis she is also the Woman of the Apocalypse 
  • Veritas et Sapientia – “Further still, what light these passages cast on two texts of Scripture. Our reading is, “She shall bruise thy head.” Now, this fact alone of our reading, “She shall bruise,” has some weight, for why should not, perhaps, our reading be the right one? But take the comparison of Scripture with Scripture, and see how the whole hangs together as we interpret it. A war between a woman and the serpent is spoken of in Genesis. Who is the serpent? Scripture nowhere says till the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse. There at last, for the first time, the “Serpent” is interpreted to mean the Evil Spirit. Now, how is he introduced? Why, by the vision again of a Woman, his enemy—and just as, in the first vision in Genesis, the Woman has a “seed,” so here a “Child.” Can we help saying, then, that the Woman is Mary in the third of Genesis? And if so, and our reading is right, the first prophecy ever given contrasts the Second Woman with the First—Mary with Eve.”  Saint John Henry Newman
  • Jesus shared Mother Mary’s DNA exclusively. 
  • Evangelical Brothers and Sisters – go with Saint Paul in saying we have all sinned and are in need of the redeemer. 
  • In the Magnificat – 

HEADLINE: Who is the Matrix? by Brother Andre Marie

  • Thou who are filled with grace – this is a unique distinct title
  • St Joesph was called a ‘just man’ but that isn’t unique.
  • Like matrix, the word matter is also derived from the word for mother. Mary, so blessed by God that she was uniquely hailed as kecharitōmenē (filled with divine grace, as nobody else in Holy Scripture is called!), provided the matter for the Logos to become enfleshed. 
  • Mary is the Matter who matters above all mere creatures. She is the Matrix out of which arose the Man-God. She is the fullness of time. She is the immediate preparation for the Emmanuel. Only one whose mind is poisoned by heretical and vile notions of “forensic justification” (à la Luther) can call himself a Christian and at the same time not see in this peerless Virgin a vessel election, of holiness and of grace worthy to be honored as the Catholic Church honors Her.
  • Female gametes are not called seed normally in science and we know this.
  • She would have been filled w/ grace, never touched by original sin so Christ could come out of that Matrix 100% pure.

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Written by: Justin Redman

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