The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show- Trump Was A Private Citizen When The Crossfire Hurricaned Him

today05/17/2023 175

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6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show  844-5CRUSADE
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38mHEADLINE: Donald Trump Was a PRIVATE Citizen When The FBI & Obama Admin Crossfire Hurricaned Him by Mike Church

  • “When Crossfire Hurricane was launched with what we now know, 0.0 actual evidence, it was nefariously launched by agents and officers of the Federal Gubbmint including President Dear Leader Chairman MaObama, Vice Sonofabitch Biden, then Director of the FBI James Comey, dozens of FBI agents and INjustice Department schemers, an unknow number of Judges on the now corrupted and disgraced FISA Court, well connected hacks at the NYT, WSJ, WaPo and other 5th Estate State Owned Media and by Secretary Killary Clinton who doubled as a candidate. Heaven only knows how many thousands of others in the DNC including U.S. Senators, Congressmen and state Governors. The operation was carried out with a malice one expects to find in sci-fi novels where aliens are executing their plan to enslave or eradicate the human race with exception being, as Ripley said of greed-monger Carter Burke in Aliens. “At least you don’t see them f***ing each other over for a share [of the profits].” We also now know that President Poroschenko of Ukraine and an unknown number of Ukrainian officials also knew. Let’s throw in the MI6 agents who helped sell the Steele Dossier. This makes the scandal, international.”
  • AND HERE’S the deal breaking, union busting kicker, folks: This was all done to, at the time, private American citizen Donald John Trump of Manhattan, NY. Let this sink in and eat at your soul.
  • Trump was one of us at that time. His CHILDREN were like our children at the time. His WIFE was like mine or your wife at the time. And these bastards, nay, I believe I slander the good name of many bastards, these strumpets of Moloch conspired and did use, their control of what is supposed to be “government of the people, by the people, for the people” (no, that’s not an endorsement of dishonest Abe). No, this leviathan monster is now a mob that is “for the mob, by the mob and against the people.”

HEADLINE: Durham Report Shows Government’s ‘Misinformation’ Czars Are The First To Believe It by Kylee Griswold 

  • The Clinton campaign was gifted Maniford. 
  • They are told just give us a theory about how Trump could do something with Russia and Putin.
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 Did you miss yesterday’s LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX –
7:15am cstWelcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Donald Trump interview w/ Leslie Stahl on 60 MinutesThey spied on my campaign Leslie, you know it but it’s not good for Biden so you won’t report on it. 
 HEADLINE: Durham is Too Late to Stop the Madness by Matt Taibbi 

1h28mHEADLINE: More than 1 in 6 adults have depression as rates rise to record levels in the US, survey finds by Deidre McPhillips

  • We are more ‘connected’ now b/c of social media than ever but we are unhappier.
  • Does this mean it is a factor in our misery? 
  • Nearly 3 in 10 adults have been clinically diagnosed with depression at some point in their lifetime, according to the survey, which is also a record high.
  • According to this Gallup Poll, young adults reported higher rates of depression than any other age group and the greatest increase in recent years. Nearly a quarter of adults under 30 say they are currently depressed.
  • QUESTION: What day or week did you sniff out COVID?
  • ANSWER: TKD – from the beginning
  • We are always suspect of anything the MSM says.

HEADLINE: Young Americans Are Dying at Alarming Rates, Reversing Years of Progress by Janet Adamy 

  • Between 2019 and 2020, the overall mortality rate for ages 1 to 19 rose by 10.7%, and increased by an additional 8.3% the following year, according to an analysis of federal death statistics led by Steven Woolf, director emeritus of the Center on Society and Health at Virginia Commonwealth University, published in JAMA in March. That’s the highest increase for two consecutive years in the half-century that the government has publicly tracked such figures, according to Woolf’s analysis. 
  • Suicides among Americans age 10 to 19 began increasing in 2007, while homicide rates for that age group started climbing in 2013, according to the research in JAMA by Woolf and co-authors Elizabeth Wolf of Virginia Commonwealth and Frederick Rivara of the University of Washington.
  • LSU – murder of the young student that was raped several times then thrown out the moving car.
  • There are over 300 rapes on campus each year and most of them are done by LSU athletes. 
1h52mAUDIO/VIDEO: 5th Grade Teacher Jenna Barbee from Florida showed student LGBT-themed Disney movieWhat she is missing is she isn’t in the school system. It shows me she is ignorant and has never been to our school. Those rights are gone when your child is in the public school system. 

  • Her last statement is the most telling.
  • She clearly states when you send your child to public school, you lose your parental rights.
  • They are 100% grooming your children in public school.
 HEADLINE: The number of Americans who think it’s a bad time to buy a home hits 45-year high, Gallup says by Aarthi Swaminathan 
 AUDIO/VIDEO: Sen Mitch McConnell on Debt CeilingSo for the 2nd time, I’ll be glad to sit in at the White House and support Speaker McCarthy and to urge President Biden to start operating in reality. 

QUESTION: Who is McCarthy still talking to at the end of the day?


While the fault is on, we can fix this Federal spending problem w/ one act.

A Federal hiring freeze and asking those that are up for retirement to just quit now. 

8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Crusade – Congress For Altar Culture and Trade (are available for purchase)
2h18mTaylor Marshall Running for Presidency 

  • This is the age of social media and people will pounce saying ‘you are just jealous’. 
  • We are always talking about how we don’t have enough people representing Catholics in the public square.
  • Here we go….
  • There is no Presidency w/o the Constitution.
  • You have to know what the powers of the Constitution are if you are planning to run for the highest office.
  • 10 minute podcast that laid out little [r]epublicanism. 
  • You need to know what was ratified, what wasn’t and what the powers are.
  • The grand idea is all marriages are b/w a man and a woman.
  • BUT there is no Constitutional ground to make that happen.
  • There is little authority in the STATE legislatures even to do something like that.
  • There are exceptions etc.
  • Fred Simon on Twitter: here are a lot of catholic naysayers about the presidential candidacy of Dr. Taylor Marshall. They should be ashamed of themselves for not supporting one of our own. How can we win with such defeatist attitudes?





















Brother Andre Marie

Host of the ReConquest show aired only on the Crusade Channel.

Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter – @Brother_Andre

HEADLINE: Wrestling with the Fate of the Unbaptized by Father Thomas Crean, O.P.

Two punishments that are merited by sin 

  1. The pain of damnation. 
  • Mother Nicole and husband Austin, two conjoined twins she carried to term even though the doctors all told her to abort her babies.
  • They were born yesterday, baptized and confirmed then subsequently died. 
  • They are Saints according to our faith, they are both saints and are participating in the Beatific Vision!
  • SAINTS Marie Therese and Rachel Clare, pray for us.
  • Now we would NOT have a Requiem Mass for them b/c we fully believe they are already in heaven as they were baptized and confirmed.
  • They are infants thus zero sin.
  • Indeed we celebrate the Mass of the Angels for them.
  • It is a natural type of happiness.
  • Anamnesis = the remembering of things from a supposed previous existence (often used with reference to Platonic philosophy).

HEADLINE: Why Your Catholic Men’s Group Will Eventually Fold by Rob Marco

HEADLINE: Why Your Catholic Men’s Group Should Eventually Fold by Robert B Greving 

  • Clericalism of the church – 
  • Eucharistic Minister – 
  • What we have done in all of this is attack the identity of the Priest.
  • Principle of Division – the word polity, has several meanings…
  • Saint Nicholas of Flüe = Saint Nicholas of Flüe was a Swiss hermit and ascetic who is the patron saint of Switzerland. He is sometimes invoked as Brother Klaus. A farmer, military leader, member of the assembly, councillor, judge and mystic, he was respected as a man of complete moral integrity. He is known for having fasted for over twenty years. Brother Klaus’s counsel to the Diet of Stans helped prevent war between the Swiss cantons.

HEADLINE: North Carolina Lawmakers Override Veto to Enact 12-Week Abortion Ban by Caden Pearson 

HEADLINE: Montana Bans Second Trimester Abortion Procedures by Mimi Nguyen Ly

  • We need to take the win, we need to run with it and not have everything be all bad all the time.

Tonight’s RECONQUEST: Episode 374: Coptic ‘Martyrs’ and a Coptic ‘Pope’?

Saint Benedict Center’s Fall Conference Theme Announced –

3h41mAUDIO/VIDEO: Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene to US Attorney Matthew Graves DCYou were malicious when you prosecuted all January 6th defendants including Matthew Perna. Tells story of Matthew Perna committing suicide. 

  • This guy Matthew Graves is a terrible human being.
  • He deliberately delayed these cases so the citizens could spend more time in prison.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk on Feds raising the ratesYou can think of raising the Fed rate as somewhat of a brake pedal on the economy frankly. I think they are operating on stale information. They were slow to raise the rates and I think they will be slow to lower them.

AUDIO/VIDEO: Elon Musk on people working from homeIt’s a productivity issue but it’s also a moral issue. The person that cooks your food or delivers it to your home, can’t work from home. Your A/C repair man can’t work from home. The laptop class is living in lala land. 

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Meta-tags for showElon Musk, Federal Reserve, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, US Attorney Matthew Graves, Matthew Perna, abortion, Mimi Nguyen Ly, Montana, North Carolina, pro-life, Caden Pearson, January 6, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Saint Nicholas Flue, Brother Andre Marie, Robert B Greving, Catholicism, Father Thomas Crean O.P., ReConquest, Donald Trump, FBI, Obama, Crossfire Hurricane, FISA, DOJ, James Comer, Hillary Clinton, Taylor Marshall, Steve Cunningham, Kylee Griswold, Durham Report, Matt Taibbi, Deidre McPhillips, Leslie Stahl, Aarthi Swaminathan, debt ceiling, Jenna Barbee, Janet Adamy, LSU

Written by: candacechurch
