
Parrott Talk- Around The World: The News You Didn’t Hear This Week.

today10/27/2023 78 4

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The mainstream media gave a healthy dose of war and politics.  Mike Parrott reveals the stories the news “didn’t” cover this week.  The American government launched airstrikes against targets in Syria. The unknown number of sites attacked are retribution for attacking American bases in Syria. These supposed enemies of the American people are backed by Iran, which of course is responsible for the attack on Hamas. The strikes were a message to Iran, stop attacking Americans or else.   Elsewhere in the world Putin met an untimely demise, well at least according to someone on Telegram.  Mike reveals how the details about the latest hoax or misinformation from Russia.  Newly elected Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson is under fire from the right and the left.  To find out what these opposing factions have against the new Speaker you will need to listen to this episode of Parrott Talk.  This episode also has other stories that the mainstream media failed to report. 


Written by: Justin Redman
