
496 Results / Page 53 of 56



Notice To Brain Embalmers: You Can’t Think With Your Brain But You Can’t Think Without It

Mandeville, LA - There is a growing imbecility among millennials that is reaching near pandemic proportions that proves the flight into careers and materialism and away from True spirituality is producing dangerous morons. Believing that "embalming your brain" i.e. killing yourself is going to preserve YOU to be implanted in a android in a hundred years is the height of self-taught ignorance. Mike has the details and MUCH more. Time  Red […]

today03/16/2018 11


The Unimportance of Being Hillary – The Mike Church Show

Mandeville, LA - Why is Hillary Clinton still bellyaching about how Trump and Putin conspired to deprive the smartest, most success oriented spawn of Satan and Margaret Sanger, ever. Mike reminds the audience "no one thought Trump could win, even on the day of the for your kind, humble host. How did I know? Our Lady told me to stay the course, 'I have this'. Thus Hillary was defeated […]

today03/13/2018 95


‘Muricah Needs a Cult With Authority And Mike Knows Exactly Where to Get One!

Mandeville, LA - Why must DeceptiCONS use the word "war" so often? (uhhhh, because they like war) Now we're hearing non-stop Decepti-babble over President Trump's "Trade WAR" and the horrors it will bring to the unemployed. Mike reminds listeners that the "Free" part of "free trade" hardly ever works out for the benefit of the receiving party. Plus the blogger Andrew Sullivan is starting to sound like a Catholic i […]

today03/12/2018 62


Lourde Never Met Royals Like These Royals

Mandeville, LA - Its Free Phone Friday and the KingDude begins by praising the Kansas City Royals for their team-wide stand against porn addiction! Mike explains why we should be allies with the Russians; what makes a real man in 2018 and why Home Depot's latest TV spot is anti-marriage pro metro-sexual man trainwreck. PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:13 Welcome to the Mike […]

today03/09/2018 97


When 9 Year Olds Dance To Bad Company’s PornTunez, You’ll Get Musical.LY Sextings

Mandeville, LA - HEADLINE: Porn is not the worst thing on by Anastasia Basil. Story of drama event about 9 years ago with 11 year old children. The adults decided to play “Feel Like Making Love” and NO ONE thought there was anything wrong with it. Headline: Scrapping Economics, The entire system is corrupt and infected. [purchase_link id="49741" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member Download" direct="true"] PREMIUM SUBSCRIBER CONTENT-ALL Membership Levels   Time  Red Pill […]

today03/08/2018 110


When The Creature From The Black Lagoon Makes Porn That Wins Oscars It’s Officially Over

Mandeville, LA - The Oscar went to a movie that featured a woman having sex with the Creature From the Black Lagoon. This is straight up beastiality says Rod Dreher. Mike corrects saying: "This woman is having sex with a demon that has taken on this form. She is actually having a sex with an incubus."  Plus Gary Oldman’s Oscar 2018 Acceptance Speech for Best Actor in Darkest Hour: He thanks America for the […]

today03/06/2018 121

The Mike Church Show

The Conservative Media Echo Chamber Produces Conformity To Un-Informity

Mandeville, LA - It's Free Phone Friday but Mike has the full court press on for the "conservative echo chamber's" media outlets and their "Conformity to un-informity", having missed the obvious "astroturf" composition of the "magic mob" of Parkland teenagers who *satire* "organized a galaxy-wide protest against guns in 48 hours using Texas Instruments abacus and carrier pigeons. The threat of us not knowing a single person that contributed to […]

today03/02/2018 55


Something Wicked This Way Came: The Federal Government’s Authority Abuse

[purchase_link id="49602" style="button" color="green" text="Non Member DOWNLOAD" direct="true"] Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:13 Welcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show 844-5CRUSADE 6:14 Hogs For The Cause is ramping up! Check out our website Barbacoa Brotherhood Do business with those that do business with us. BullDog Kia have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Get your Kia […]

today02/28/2018 11


If ‘Muricah Keeps Her “Democracy”, Pollacks Will Be Cracking “How Many Americans Does It Take To…”

Mandeville, LA - Mike repeats for the 34,529,803 time "we don't have a gun problem, we have a Father problem" and then uses a KY Governor Matt Bevin interview to back it up. Ryszard Legutko's Can Democracy Save Us essay proves that the Poles are headed back to being the country of Saint Stephen and St Stanislaus. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute makes his regular Tuesday appearance and the […]

today02/27/2018 155