
644 Results / Page 66 of 72


True Features

Pages of Independence

Mandeville, LA - Pages of Independence is the groundbreaking drama that goes in search of the United States of America's most prized, historical document: the copy of The Declaration of Independence that Thomas Jefferson would have called "The Original". We present this feature here in audio AND video for our Founder's Pass members. Audio Version LISTEN ONLINE! Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 […]



Guess Which Radio Network Just Won a KIA Soul AND Saved The Free World!?

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is proud to announce that we have won the 2016, Black Friday, Liberty Classroom dot com sales promotion! This means that in addition to a substantial cash award for commissions earned, Liberty Classroom dot com will be awarding the VRN a 2017 KIA Soul car as the contest’s grand prize! Veritas Radio Network founder Mike Church said the upstart radio company “is elated […]

today11/29/2016 20

Feature Broadcasts

The Founder’s Pass LIVE AudioCast & Chat For Election Results 2016

Mandeville, LA - WELCOME Founder's Pass Members to the best election-return 2016, chatroom featuring live audio coverage here and on our app, links to breaking news and of course the world famous members-only chatroom! Tonight's features are: The Politico's state by state return map can be access here. The page refreshes itself automatically. A coupon code for 20% off in The Founder's Tradin' Post. LIVE commentary and analysis from CRUSADE Channel Hosts […]

today11/08/2016 3

True Features

How The West Was Lost-How Congress Stole The Power To “Own” Lands

Mandeville, LA - Listen To Mike Church's dramatic exposé of how the imperial Congress actually snatched the power to control so many millions of acres of land in the west. The Constitution doesn't grant this power so how did they claim it? Listen to this exciting Project '76 Webisode, written produced and narrated by Mike Church to discover The Truth. How Congress Snatched The Power to Control Lands You have to […]

today11/02/2016 102

How To - Tech Help

Renew Update Your Founder’s Pass Membership Today

Mandeville LA - The following is a personal appeal from our Founder Mike Church. My Dear Brothers and Sisters, One year ago today, I sadly announced the news that SiriusXM would not renew my contract and the Mike Church Show’s 13 year run on that platform would come to an end. Instead of seeking employment with yet another multi-national member of the Media Industrial Complex, I decided to give independent […]

today10/27/2016 73

Founders Pass Feature Presentations

Founder’s Pass Member Download: The Siege of Malta, eBook & Audio From Mike Church

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is proud to announce this release of Mike Church’s historical restoration project: The Siege of Malta. Founder’s Pass Members will have exclusive access to this one of a kind gem from the famous, 16th century battle. [huge_it_gallery id="8"] INSTRUCTIONS: Click this link to download the .zip file Locate the file on your drive and double click to uncompress. You will now have two […]

today10/14/2016 3

The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Asks You To Join Our Novena For the Veritas Network

Mandeville, LA - This note appears from our founder Mike Church and does not represent the views of all contractors, volunteers and hosts on the Veritas Radio Network and The CRUSADE Channel. A few friends have asked me for the text of my Novena for The Veritas Radio Network's Crusade Channel so they can join this 9 day prayer which I began Tuesday, 4 October. Here it is, if you'd […]

today10/05/2016 26


VeepStakes Debate-LIVE Chat & Audio Feed

Mandeville, LA - WELCOME Founder's Pass Members to the first EVER, Veritas Radio Network's CRUSADE Channel coverage of the Vice Presidential Debate Series-LIVE!! Your bonus for attending tonight is a unbeatable deal on my new book: The English Reformation by Father Gerard Culkin. Be one of the first 100 to Pre-order and you'll receive the eBook edition, tonight, absolutely FREE (don't cost nuthin'). Use the coupon code: henry8 to get […]

today10/04/2016 4

Legacy Show Archive

Mark Kreslins Show 092816

Mandeville, LA - Support the Veritas Radio Network and the CRUSADE Channel, Radio The Way It Should Be, and become a Founders Pass member. We have eliminated the middle man in broadcasting and instead bring the product direct to you for your consumption. Click to here to become a Founders Pass member and down load ALL the past episodes of the Mark Kreslins Show, commercial FREE [purchase_link id="41850" style="button" color="" […]

today09/28/2016 17