
644 Results / Page 72 of 72


The Mike Church Show

CRUSADE Exclusive: The Real Story of Stonewall Jackson & Chancellorsville

Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network is proud to present a CRUSADE Channel EXCLUSIVE: The REAL Story of Stonewall Jackson and the Battle of Chancellorsville. Mike Church will interview local civil war historian and tour guide Jim Joyce for an exciting and accurate look at the military genius of General Thomas E "Stonewall" Jackson and the events surrounding the micro-village of Chancellorsville. Joyce will take listeners on a tour […]

today05/19/2016 28

Our Advertisers

Flashback To The VERITAS-SONY Classic Advertising Meme

Originally published on 14 May, 2016! Mandeville, LA - The Veritas Radio Network, the "Radio The Way It Should Be™" Company, introduces the first in a series of advertising memes based on classic magazine ads. The first in our series is based on a early 1970's ad that appeared in Time, Life and other magazines and was the ad used to launch the Mico-TV, Sony's breakthrough product that many people […]

today05/14/2016 44



Advertise On The CRUSADE Channel & Grow Your Business

The above spot is just one sample of the radio advertising The CRUSADE Channel puts together for clients. Mandeville, LA - The CRUSADE Channel offers robust and affordable advertising via our one of a kind 24/7 CRUSADE Channel Radio Station and our premier websites crusadechannel.com and mikechurch.com. Using recorded ads and LIVE ads performed during CRUSADE Channel Shows by Mike Church, Rick Barrett and Fiorella Nash. We offer complete advertising […]

today05/14/2016 13


Meet Our Advertisers: McClure Block & Tables-Made In ‘Muricah!

Mandeville, LA - The copy from McClure Block's on-air ad says it all: McClure’s family owned operation works on the traditional belief that honesty is the best policy. That building a good product with craftsmanship and integrity is the key to success. that being respected and liked at Barney’s Barbershop on Oak Street will always be more important than being tolerated on wall street. and that doing business with other […]

today05/14/2016 20


Modern Wrong World Made Right-Calvin Was Wrong Episode 1

Mandeville, LA - The continuation of our groundbreaking series, demolishing the urban legends and distortions hurled upon the seat of Peter by Luther, Ilyricus, Calvin and other "Reformers", all of which were demolished by S Robert Bellermine. Featuring our Latinist expert, Ryan Grant, translator of most of Bellermine's work on the subject. Don't miss this thrilling and enlightening, weekly history lesson on the early history of the Holy Roman Catholic […]

today05/12/2016 26