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1945 Results / Page 38 of 217



Parrott Talk-You Might Be A White Supremacist If…

The list of criteria to be a white supremacist just grew.  If you do not consume or support any forms of pornography, you are a white supremacist. National Propaganda Radio just released this story, and they explore how watching pornography is good for our culture and out society. However, if you oppose or denounce watching pornography you are a white supremacist.  With this ever growing list of criteria, Mike Parrott […]

today02/05/2024 96 2


Parrott Talk-Limeflation Is A Real Thing

The Regime tells us Bidenomics is working, just look at all the price drops.  Mike Parrott asks, "what price drops?"  The costs of food, energy, and homes are still through the roof and instead of dropping like the Regime claims, it is increasing. Take a look at the cost of limes.  Prior to the Regime, Mike Parrott was able to buy limes for a quarter. This meant that Mike had […]

today02/02/2024 102 1


Parrott Talk-Close, But No Cigar

Russel Brand and Tucker Carlson talked about God and Satan. Their conversation was really close to hitting the mark, but close only counts when it comes to horseshoes.  Mike Parrott reveals what the two got correct and he explains why they missed their mark. Also, Matt Walsh tweeted he had the end all of end alls on the moon landing didn't happen theory.  Listen to this episode of Parrott Talk, […]

today02/01/2024 95 1

The Fiorella Files

The Fiorella Files-Atkins, Ishiguro, Cross

Welcome to the Fiorella Files.  On this episode, Fiorella has a book that gives a reason to reform the British penal system, a book about being human, and horror story filled with historical inaccuracies.  The first book Fiorella reviews is A Bit Of A Stretch by Chris Atkins.  In this book, Atkins recounts his time in a British prison.  He talks about the lack of access to doctors, basic hygiene and proper […]

today02/01/2024 26

The Mike Church Show

Cybernetics, The NWO And Steve Bannon’s Treachery

SPECIAL GUEST Mathew Crawford Follow Mathew on Twitter - @EduEngineer  Website/Substack - https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/ The Red State Blue State thing -  COVID What is Healthy User Bias? Health, wealth and Education.  I think the vaccines have zero efficacy.  I don’t think we are talking about a viral infection like normal ones. The PCR tests -  18 days to mortality that was what they said was the timeline. 18 days then death. […]

today02/01/2024 1479 3

The Mike Church Show

You Can Watch The SuperBowl And Be A Tyranny Crusher Too!

SPECIAL GUEST Thomas E Woods www.tomwoods.com Healthy wealthy and wise in a world that wants to keep us sickly, poor and stupid. We have to realize not everyone is going to think like I do. What are the best places for normal people to live? How do I start my own business? Finding people that think like you to assist you. These are practical things you can do to make […]

today02/01/2024 137

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show-The Conscription Of Young English Men Doesn’t Sound Like A Good Idea

The Head of the British Army said men and women should expect to serve their country, if they go to war with Russia. General Sir Patrick Sanders echoed what NATO commanders are saying about a possible war with Russia.  He said British citizens need to prepare for a "whole-of-the-nation" undertaking should they go to war with Russia.  This means that every able bodied male and female would need to do […]

today01/31/2024 17


Parrott Talk- Montana CPS Stole A Child

Montana's Child Protective Services is destroying families.  Recently the organization took custody of Todd and Krista Kolstad's 14-year-old daughter and began to transition the teen.  It all started when CPS appeared at the Koldstad's door.  The agent said she received a call from one of their daughter's friends.  She said the friend was concerned for the daughter's health because she wanted to commit suicide. This is when the situation began […]

today01/31/2024 96

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-They Aren’t Migrants, And It’s Not “Immigration,” It’s An Invasion

Time  Red Pill Topics & Headlines 6:03am cst Welcome to the Mike Church Show on www.crusadechannel.com Call the show  844-5CRUSADE   Did you miss yesterday's LIVE Mike Church Show? Worry not, you can listen to all previously aired shows at the new CRUSADE MAX - https://podcasts.crusadechannel.com   HEADLINE RUNDOWN 16m The Union of States QUESTION: Where does the term genocide come from? No the Jews didn’t invent it. What are the […]

today01/31/2024 147 2