
1946 Results / Page 41 of 217



Parrott Talk-“We Don’t Talk About The Trump Vax!”

Tim Pool does not allow his guests to remind his viewers that Trump is the father of the Covid Vaccine. As his guest mentioned the vaccine, Pool says  "I'm tired of talking about the vaccine."  Pool's tirade about holding Trump accountable for creating the vaccine, sounds like it could be the start of a parody song. Instead of not talking about Bruno, we don't talk about the vaccine.  Mike Parrott […]

today01/17/2024 100 2


Parrott Talk-The Aftermath Of Iowa

The snow flurries have settled, and President Donald J. Trump stands atop of the Republican hill.  Iowa voters said he is their choice for President and that statement started the flow of liberal tears. Mike Parrott reveals which of his caucus predictions were correct and which one floundered like a main stream media hoax. Mike Parrott believes a presidential candidate should debate other candidates, but he admits that Donald Trump […]

today01/16/2024 86 1

The Mike Church Show

Mike Church Interviews: It’s Good To Be The King Of Pro-Life Comedy with Nicholas De Santo

SPECIAL GUEST Comedian Nicholas De Santo  Follow Nicholas on Twitter - @Nico_DeSanto YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/@AngloItalianComedy Comedy Unleashed  In an ideal world, this would be the mantra of all comedy venues - if its truly funny, let it fly! Satire one of the oldest forms of comedy and we have come to a point in the UK, we have very few venues that would allow this experimentation w/ comedy. It […]

today01/16/2024 69



Parrott Talk- Iowa’s Champion Of Freedom Is…?

Tonight, Iowa voters will walk to the polling stations up the hill and through to the snow to select their champion of freedom.  This champion will preserve our democracy, shut down the borders, stop the evil Democrats in their tracks, crush Hamas, bring Putin to the table and they will protect the unborn from the cult of death.  Well that is what the war hawk Nikki  Haley wants you to […]

today01/15/2024 72

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show- Dear Stephen Fry, We Have More Pressing Matters Than The King’s Guard Uniform.

National treasure, and Fiorella uses this term lightly, Stephen Fry says it is time for the King's Guard to stop using bears to make their iconic hat.  The comedian says that killing bears for sport or for harvesting is cruel and inhumane and the practice needs to stop.  Fiorella responds to the comedian's comments with this, "there are other things we should concern ourselves with," Fiorella said, "maybe we should […]

today01/12/2024 43


Parrott Talk-The Dark Shadow Of Cardinal McCarrick

A court in Wisconsin has suspended their case against Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.  A judge declared that the Cardinal was mentally incompetent to stand trial due to dementia.  Mike Parrott and James Grein say that McCarrick is faking his mental illness.  At one point in time, McCarrick was the most powerful person on the planet, but it was Grein who brought him down.  Mike and James expose how McCarrick trafficked Grein […]

today01/12/2024 83 2


Parrott Talk- The Conflict Between Morality and Legality

This is the dilemma a whistleblower faces.  They know something that they are doing or their organization is doing is wrong, and morally they know they need to report the wrongdoing. However, by doing so they could lose their job, or worst their freedom.  They have to weigh how much information they can reveal without crossing that legal line, but what if the only way to expose the wrong doing […]

today01/11/2024 110 1

Episode 69

The Early Show

The Mid-Day Show- Fiorella Files Edition-Bryson, Charteris and James

Welcome to a special edition of the Mid-Day show.  Once a week Fiorella brings you the Fiorella Files. On these episodes, Fiorella review three books, one non-fiction, one classic and one fiction book.  This week she brings you, The Secret History of Christmas by Bill Bryson, The Saint Closes The Case by Leslie Charteris, and Children of Men by P.D. James.  Listen to this episode of the Fiorella Files and see which book Fiorella found fascinating […]

today01/11/2024 47

The Mike Church Show

The Iowa Debate: The Good, The Bad And The Fate Of The Krispy

Mahgdalen Rose - Political Correspondent on the Crusade Channel Follow Mahgdalen on Twitter - @MahgdalenRose CNN Presidential Debate DeSantis just looked like a guy debating but Nikki looked upset and angry. She rolled her eyes a few times, she clinched her jaw several times, she just looked angry and not happy to be there. There are two sides to this. DeSantis is on the side that a lot of Trumps […]

today01/11/2024 84