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1946 Results / Page 48 of 217



Parrott Talk- The Joyful Tradition Of Saint Nicholas

Coca-Cola perverted the image of Saint Nicholas when they released the ad featuring Santa Claus in 1930.  Instead of the saint that brought a small treat to children at the start of advent, we now have a larger than life figure that only comes on Christmas Eve.  However, Santa Claus still has a lot of the traits that defined Saint Nicholas. Mike Parrott honors Saint Nicholas on this episode of […]

today12/07/2023 77

The Mike Church Show

How St. Nicholas Became Father Christmas And Father Christmas Became Santa Claus

SPECIAL GUEST Brother Andre Marie Host of the ReConquest aired only on the Crusade Channel. Follow Brother on GAB and Twitter - @Brother_Andre HEADLINE: Saint Nicholas of Bari (350) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary  The great Saint Nicholas, whom everybody knows and speaks of, was an Archbishop at Myra in Asia Minor.  He has come to be honored as the patron saint of children.  His relics […]

today12/06/2023 108

The Mike Church Show

Why Sodomites And Surrogates Can Never Be Part Of The Conservative Movement

SPECIAL GUEST Sarah Cain aka The Crusader Gal Website - https://crusadergal.com/ Substack - https://crusadergal.substack.com/ You can’t be Conservative and actively practicing homosexuality. Guy Benson - he has a faux marriage, a faux husband and he now has purchased a child through surrogacy.  You are purchasing a human being. At some point the child will grow up and ask where is my mother? Which one, the carrying mother or the egg […]

today12/06/2023 58

The Early Show

The Early Show- Britain’s Brightest Teenager

A sixteen-year-old British-Pakistani girls holds the record for the most A stars on the Bristish GSCE exams.  Mahnoor Cheema scored 34 A stars on the exams and is currently studying to break another academic record.  Fiorella congratulates the young teen on her record, and she reveals just how prestigious this accomplishment is.  She will discuss what these exams are and why just about every British teenager has to take at […]

today12/05/2023 46


Parrott Talk- The Battle For Ferndale

The battle for Ferndale has begun. Two men have emerged to save Church Militant. One man promises to lead the media organization back into the light, while the other will continue on the dark path he set them upon.  Who will the board choose to lead the organization. Here's a hint, Mike Parrott revealed this answer on an episode of Parrott Talk.  Mike will shed light on the two men, […]

today12/05/2023 155 1

The Early Show

The Early Show- The Day Of The Sock

Yellow socks were worn to frighten mice away. This is one of the many tidbits of information Fiorella discovers on this episode of the Early Show.   Do you know what a beige flag is? What about para-social? Fiorella brings you the latest slang used by Gen Z and she takes a trip down memory lane as she relives fashion from the 80s.  Tune into this fun filled episode of the […]

today12/04/2023 41


Parrott Talk-True Happiness Is Closer Than You Know

The people you choose to surround yourself with is where you will find happiness. You will not find it through the accolades of strangers, and according to Tucker Carlson, you shouldn't care about the opinions of people you don't know.  Tucker Carlson recently addressed the issue of happiness. He talked about where you can find it, and he revealed that their is a form of altruism that is evil.  He […]

today12/04/2023 103 8

The Early Show

The Early Show-Why Catholic Marketers Should Never Choose Liam Neeson!

Hallow, the Catholic prayer app, announced they collaborated with an abortion activist for their Advent prayer challenger.  In a recent advertisement, Hallow announced actor Liam Neeson would read works from C.S. Lewis during their advent prayer challenge. Liam Neeson, who is Catholic, was instrumental in legalizing abortion in Ireland. He allowed abortion groups to use his face and his voice for their advertisements. Like many users of the app, Fiorella […]

today12/02/2023 72

Free Farm Friday

Free Farm Friday-Grazing Sheep Are Coming Baaaacck To Your Favorite Vineyard.

FREE FARM FRIDAY Farmer Brian Koch in TX Farmer Dan Mundy in NJ Renting Sheep -  HEADLINE: How to Find Lease Land for Farming and Ranching by Harmony Shepherdess  Stocking rate refers to the number of livestock per unit area. There are several ways of expressing stocking rates. The AgLease101 document can help determine how the stocking rate will be stated i.e. by “animal units” or number of animals or head […]

today12/02/2023 119 3