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1942 Results / Page 57 of 216



Parrott Talk-Canon Law Protects The Abusers Not The Victims

For two years, Mike Parrott  said canon law only protects child abusers and an article from Church Militant, of all places, validates his claim.  A Cameroon priest, who admitted to raping a young girl, was returned to his parish after the Vatican decreed he was rehabilitated.  Mike will break down this article and reveals the issues with canon law and how it protected this priest instead of his victim. Listen […]

today10/17/2023 154 2

Frightening Tales

S1 E16 Frightening Tales- Shark Tales

It is the last week of sea fest and it is Shark Week. Justin and Tommy wrap up their time in the Caribbean with their own version of shark week.  They introduce you to the The Black Demon shark and Justin has his list of the "best" shark movies to watch in 2023.  Catch the latest episode of Frightening Tales.

today10/16/2023 50

Frightening Tales

S1 E14 Frightening Tales-Sea Tales

Justin and Tommy were invited to a hidden Caribbean island for a month long investigation of the sea.  This week the explore frightening tales of the sea.  Tales of ghost ships and man eating seaweed abound on this episode of Frightening Tales.

today10/16/2023 16

Frightening Tales

S1 E13 Frightening Tales- The FT Files

Welcome to Frightening Tales. On this episode Justin and Tommy get a phone call to investigate a flying saucer. Are there any aliens on board?  They also discuss the latest UAP report and they have a story that says the Vatican was involved in recovering a UFO.  There is even a clip from a CBS special report on flying saucers, and you will never guest who hosted the special.

today10/16/2023 49

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Ep 12 Dracula Part 3

Our Dracula create feature concludes tonight, and so we decided to have a creature feature double feature.  Listen to the episode to find out what we picked. Justin and Tommy also gives a crash course in horror.  You may find out what Tommy's greatest fear is.  All of this on tonight's episode of Frightening Tales.

today10/16/2023 39

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Ep 11 Dracula Part 2

Tonight on Frightening Tales,  Justin continues to show signs he is a vampire and Tommy is going to do something about it. They continue their Dracula creature feature and Justin has some news about the upcoming Ghostbusters film and his favorite vampire movies.   Don't forget to listen to their new segment, the B.U.R.G.E.R.S. investigation destination segment.

today10/16/2023 56


Parrott Talk- America’s Military Is Not Ready To Fight A War.

American war hawks are ready to bomb our enemies out of existence, but our military is not.  Our military is struggling to recruit new people, while kicking those who want to serve out and there's this, 70% of active service members are overweight.  Which is also one the biggest obstacle to recruiting.   Mike Parrott reveals why our struggles to recruit is a societal problem and he exposes who is behind […]

today10/16/2023 233 3