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1946 Results / Page 67 of 217



Parrott Talk- English, The Language Of Barbarians

The english language is easily corruptible by the cultural marxist demons, because english lacks a masculine and a feminine forms for nouns. Compared to other languages, english is easier for the left to use to push their agenda. Just look to how "they" introduce themselves. "Hi my name is Joe Doe, and my pronouns are..." Mike Parrott is joined by the most hated man on Twitter, Alberto and they compare […]

today09/05/2023 71 3

The Early Show

The Early Show- The Case Of The Dodgy Bell Ringer

Charges against an English bell ringer for fraud were dropped after a four year prosecution. Julie McDonnell was accused of fraud and theft from her fundraising activities, but after four years of prosecution the Lewes Crown Court dropped the charges because the court determined there was no prospect of securing a conviction. Fiorella gives you all the details of the case of the dodgy bell ringer on this episode of […]

today09/05/2023 38 2

The Mike Church Show

The Mike Church Show-It’s A Holiday Weekend And It’s Ok To Enjoy Family, And Skip The Fear Porn

This Labor Day weekend should be spent with your family. Skip the fear porn and enjoy some hot dogs. Politicians and the media love to sell us fear porn, and we the good little sheep we are feed on it. Mike Church says we need to skip the fear porn this weekend and enjoy some hot dogs. On this episode Mike explores that issues that we should be outraged about […]

today09/01/2023 266 3


Parrott Talk- The 2024 Election Surprise Will Be…

Covid 2.0 will not be used to steal the  2024 election. Instead, the Demoncrats will declare war on their nemesis, the Russians Tucker Carlson said that he does not believe there will be another Covid lockdown. He believes the information about another lockdown is a misdirection.  Mike Parrott agrees with Tucker's assessment. Mike predicts that an open war with Russia will be how the Demoncrats steal the 2024 election.  This […]

today09/01/2023 126


Parrott Talk- Trump Warns Demoncrats To Be Careful For They Wish For

Trump issues a warning to the Demoncrats on social media. In a social media post, Donald Trump issued a warning to the Demoncrats. He told them they should be careful in weaponizing the DOJ and other institutions to take out their political opponent. Mike Parrott breaks down Trumps warning and gives opinion of why Trump is full of hot air.  Also, find out why Mike has pity for some of […]

today08/31/2023 131 7

Wisdom Wednesday

This Is How A Masculine, Holy Bishop Sounds Like

SPECIAL GUEST  BROTHER ANDRE MARIE Host of ReConquest aired on Wednesday’s only on The Crusade Channel Follow Brother Andre on GAB and Twitter - @Brother_Andre He wrote a letter like this stands out. That isn’t something you see everyday. A shepherd warning his flock. So often we hear, they are an instrument used, when we hear them talk about the Gospel it is in the most vague of senses.  I […]

today08/30/2023 61 2


Parrott Talk- Revolution Never Ends

A liberal teacher misidentifies the Gadsden flag with slavery and kicks her student out of class. A Colorado boy who has a Gadsden flag patch on his backpack was kicked out of class. His teacher claims that the patch is against the school board's policy and that the flag is a symbol of slavery. The teacher's actions prompted a showdown with the student's parent who informed the teacher that the […]

today08/30/2023 94 14

The Mike Church Show

How The Cult Of Satanism And Scientology Created The Plandemic Part 1

SPECIAL GUEST Michael Hichborn  Founder of the Lepanto Institute MASONIC organization based on ritualistic magic. Once you go from there you find connections to various other branches like the OTO. Thelema: An Introduction to the Life, Work & Philosophy of Aleister Crowley Lucifer Rising film 1972 short/fantasy film Sexology - SECUS the launch or primary foundation of figuring out what information to give to children.  Alfred Kinsey and John Money […]

today08/29/2023 165 2