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1946 Results / Page 70 of 217


Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 8- The Killer Robots

Justin and Tommy have to dispose of imposters who happen to be A.I.  Scientists and other people are raising the alarm about AI.  Justin and Tommy ask what took them so long to realizes this. Science fiction and horror movies have warned us about artificial intelligence for years.  So, the duo discusses their favorite movies that warn us about a.i. and they have some fun along the way.

today08/21/2023 27

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 7- The Killer Episode

On this episode of Frightening Tales, Tommy is on a solo investigation with the president of the Bigfoot, UFOs, Rougarou, Ghosts and Extra Terrestrials Research Society (B.U.R.G.E.R.S) while Justin interviews the author who wrote about two prolific serial killers, Susan Mustafa.  She is the author of Blood Bath and Dismembered.  These two books are about tow of the three Baton Rouge serial killers that were operating at the same time. […]

today08/21/2023 21

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 6- Burning Down The House

Welcome to Frightening Tales. Justin and Tommy discuss the best flamethrower scenes in horror movies. Since Fangoria has their Chainsaw Awards, Justin and Tommy decided to create their own horror awards show, The Flamethrower awards.  Tommy gives a lesson on flamethrower through a demonstration with his flamethrower Dante. Justin gives his review of the dumb but fun movie Cocaine Bear. 

today08/21/2023 55

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 5- A Howling Mad Episode

Welcome to Frightening Tales.   The Bigfoot, UFOs, Rougarou, Ghosts and Extra Terrestrials Research Society (B.U.R.G.E.R.S ) asked Justin and Tommy to revise their section on Rougarou.  When it comes to the rougarou and werewolves, there is no better investigator than Justin. He has studied the myths and the legends and he brings that knowledge to the show. That is why B.U.R.G.E.R.S turned to him to revamp the chapter on the […]

today08/21/2023 25

Frightening Tales

Frightening Tales Episode 4- Every Rose A Thorn

Welcome to Frightening Tales. Justin and Tommy talk about what they did for Valentines Day. Tommy reveals how he met his wife. Good Housekeeping says these are the best horror movies to watch on Valentines Day. Who knew Good Housekeeping made such lists?  The Creature Feature for the evening is Night Tide starring Dennis Hopper. This is a very young Dennis Hopper and it involves mermaids.

today08/21/2023 31


Parrott Talk-The Africans Are Laughing At Us

How do you know you live in a barbiearian culture? When African leaders laugh at your arrogance and tell you to keep your trans agenda in your country.  Joshua Maponga, a Zimbabwean born preacher living in South Africa said, Africans would rather have help from the political opponents of the United States because the U.S. is only interested in pushing their trans agenda instead of creating real societal change. The […]

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