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Dubia –
Do you think they didn’t release it b/c they didn’t want the big public spectacle?
They didn’t want the media circus.
They brought their concerns to the Pope directly, they sought to have things clarified before this synod.
Their Dubia was dated back in July.
It was dated July 11th and then delivered to them on the 13th.
It was worded as Dubia.
Dubia is singular and Dubium if plural.
It is a standard practice that has gone on for 100’s of years.
Bishops can submit questions to the Holy See posed in a certain way to gain clarification on the questions.
Sometimes they will just say in the affirmative or negative.
This is a standard forum for doing this.
The Pope had a Cardinal reply and it was very verbose and ducked and dodged the actual questions.
By the end of it you had no clear answer.
So the Bishops resubmitted their Dubia w/ more clear yes or no questions.
They sent them on August 21st so a little less than a month after they received the original response.
It is deliberately designed to keep the door open, and this has been the methodology since he began.
Here is the doctrine, here is the moral principle…..
In the pastoral approach we have to meet people where they are etc….that is what this Pope states often and this is not the way to lead anyone much less the entire Catholic Church.
Rephrased – Is it possible that in some circumstances a pastor could bless unions between homosexual persons, thus suggesting that homosexual behavior as such would not be contrary to God’s law and the person’s journey toward God? Linked to this dubium is the need to raise another: does the teaching upheld by the universal ordinary magisterium, that every sexual act outside of marriage, and in particular homosexual acts, constitutes an objectively grave sin against God’s law, regardless of the circumstances in which it takes place and the intention with which it is carried out, continue to be valid?
Yes it is not a customs house but what does that mean?
Repentance –
One could read that the idea that the person went to confession, he didn’t say he wouldn’t do it again, but b/c he made the ‘symbolic’ act of confession, I as the confessor would have to give him absolution.
That is NOT HOW confession works!
In the Act of Contrition the penitent explicitly states he/she hates the sin they committed and to never do it again or to at least try not to do it again.
The Priest isn’t infallible when he gives absolution.
He may not know if the pennant goes in making a good show of it, you say how sorry you are and you have every intention of doing it again…if the Priest doesn’t know this he can’t be held accountable for it.