Chick Betray-a La’s Capitulation Keeps With The Ruinous Direction Osteen “Christianity” Is Headed

today11/20/2019 8

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Chick Betray-a La’s Capitulation Keeps With The Ruinous Direction Osteen “Christianity” Is Headed

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
6:03am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

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Salvation Army and Chick-Fil-A

OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM THE SALVATION ARMY – Alexandria, VA – We’re saddened to learn that a corporate partner has felt it necessary to divert funding to other hunger, education and homelessness organizations – areas in which The Salvation Army, as the largest social services provider in the world, is already fully committed. We serve more than 23 million individuals a year, including those in the LGBTQ+ Community. In Fact, we believe we are the largest provider of poverty relief to the LGBTQ+ population. When misinformation is perpetuated without fact, our ability to serve those in need, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or any other factor is at risk. We urge the public to seek the truth before rushing to ill-informed judgment and greatly appreciate those partners and donors who ensure that anyone who need our help feels safe and comfortable to come through our doors. 

  • Good job LGBTQ+ you have now taken money from the Salvation Army, the same company that helps provide Thanksgiving meals to those in need…RIGHT AT THANKSGIVING!
  • GLAAD’s response : “In addition to refraining from financially supporting anti-LGBTQ organizations, Chick-fil-A still lacks policies to ensure safe workplaces for LGBTQ employees and should unequivocally speak out against the anti-LGBTQ reputation that their brand represents…..”
  • They want Chikc-Fil-A’s FULL compliance and they will not settle for anything less!
  • This is why you never give in to the Gay Mafia!
  • FROM THE MIKE CHURCH CHATROOM: Once you start using their terminology you have lost, you are done.
  • AUDIO/VIDEO: Mary’s Meals The Shed That Fed A Million Children
  • This is a CATHOLIC charity
 HEADLINE: Chick-fil-A denies capitulating to LGBT activists; Christian groups won’t be excluded from donations by Brandon Showalter



Caller Tony Boncimino from Georgia – 

  • Chick-Fil-A was already going LGBTQ about 4 years ago.
  • We are going to do year to year is what  they have chosen to do b/c this helps get the LGBTQ mob off their back.
  • YMCA
  • At the end of the day, I want you to step back and look at this strategically. 
  • They are saying they are taking a LARGER open approach and we are open to anyone applying to the money but if you change your stance mid-year, you can reapply next year.
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes  Statement of Faith

Rainbow Purification League ™

  • This isn’t “part” of the problem it IS the problem.

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7:15am cst

Welcome back to The Mike Church Show! Call the Crusade Channel at 844-5CRUSADE! Join our FREE LIVE chatroom where you can chat with fellow Crusaders.




HEADLINE: Chick-Fil-A & Thomas More by Rod Dreher

  • We must first correct this, it is SAINT Thomas More.
  • Read the statement Chick-Fil-A gave to the Christian Post.
  • Rainbow Purification Legion ™
  • We are commanded to be IN the world but not OF the world.
  • We are rapidly reaching a point when the next generation will not increase w/ economic growth. 
  • There are only so many acres of land to build houses and roads for cars.
  • None of this accumulation of “stuff” has made us happier. 
 HEADLINE: British pro-life activist, mom of 5 denied entry to US after months of online persecution by Dorothy Cumming McLean


HEADLINE: Chicago School District Allows Transgender Students Unrestricted Locker Room Access by Dr. Susan Berry 

  • This is yet another attempt by the feminist to bash young boys over the head with #ToxicMasculinity 
 HEADLINE: The Inside Story Of How America’s Intelligence Agencies Tried To Undo Trump’s Election by Krystina 
1h28mImpeachment Hearings 

AUDIO:  QUESTION: Rep. Mike Turner to Ambassador Volker – Did the President ever say he would withhold aid unless investigation? ANSWER: NO

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 Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
8:13am cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
 Impeachment Hearings 

Nancy Pelosi at her press conference – ‘ALL ROADS LEAD TO PUTIN’

  • What is Putin? Where is he from? RUSSIA
  • Where is Vindman? He was born in RUSSIA
  • This could be the Ultimate Reverse Deception – Putin and Trump working together w/ Vindman to take down the Democrats!






































 Special Guest Brother Andre Marie host of ReConquest

Follow Brother Andre Marie here: @Brother_Andre 

The origin of the St Andrew Chaplet – Feast of St. Andrew is November 30th

Comes from Greek Andros which means Man as in MALE and Andrew the Greek name means MANLY.

  • The strong man that moves the liturgical year. = St. Andrew 
  • The Latin Mass Society of Lake Charles December 6-8th
  • It is in the CDF = congregation of the doctorate of the faith
  • Tomorrow is the Feast of The Presentation of Our Lady!
  • QUESTION: What is this Feast all about? 
  • ANSWER: Presentation of MARY in the temple. 
  • Part of the worship of the old testament was you had these men and women in the temple singing the praises of God.
  • They spent their time devoutly praying and studying scripture.
  • These are your proto-monks and proto-nuns.
  • November 21st – became a feast of religious life
  • There is a great religious founder French Religious Founder – Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon

HEADLINE: Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon: “A Noble and Frank Intolerance” by Brother Andre Marie 

HEADLINE: Thy Kingdom Come — Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon by Gary Potter

  • He was the epitome of charity.
  • Augustianans of the Assumption – The Assumptionists
  • Today is a Trinitarians Feast Day – HEADLINE: Saint Felix of Valois (1212) by The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
  • Trinitarians – 

Chick-Fil-A and the LGBTQ+ Situation

  • If you are a successful business man, you want to have popularity. 
  • This just seems he bent the knee b/c he wanted respectability with these homosexual groups. 
  • Wheatgerm – they take it out, that is the most healthy part!
  • This is one of the reasons Big Is Usually BAD.
  • The Industrializing of food – 

Back to Chick-Fil-A –

  • Let me say something that is unpopular about the Chick-Fil-A religion, this is not going to end here. They simply didn’t want to be called “anti-gay” anymore. Now they have capitulated, they can only continue to keep capitulating. 
  • The Catholic Church has everything we need, Protestantism doesn’t.
  • Heterosexual version of sodomy = pornography, contraception and self-gratification 
  • Sterile sex is sterile sex, PERIOD.
  • The other thing that needs to be brought out about this – Evangelical Christianity – he can do things that are proper to the one domain and improper to the other.
  • A Citizen of this world and the next – 
  • Martin Luther was a sexual deviant – he couldn’t control himself he married an ex-nun. His whole religious work was to justify his tortured conscious. 
  • Sin boldly but believe more boldly. – This is what Luther said to a man so he could live in OPEN BIGAMY.
  • AUDIO from Sermon Sunday – sermon on Saint John Fishers response to Martin Luther
  • search for MICHAEL DAVIS
  • Cultural Marxism is a reality and has been since long before..since the 30’s! 
  • We get bombarded w/ it through professional associations.
  • #MiserificVision  C.S. Lewis
  • That ignorance is not a significant enough barrier. 
  • Once the LGBTQ agenda has swept the nation, they will pic something new.
  • Tonight’s Episode of ReConquest 204 Genesis According to the Saints
  • It infiltrated Hollywood way back then.
 Cross Talk with Richard Barrett – host of The Barrett Brief 
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Meta-tags for show

Brother Andre Marie, C.S. Lewis, LGBTQ, Genesis, Saint John Fisher, Martin Luther, Chick-Fil-A, sterile sex, Saint Felix of Valois, Venerable Emmanuel d’Alzon, Saint Andrew, Gary Potter, Salvation Army, GLAAD, Mary’s Meals, charity, Brandon Showalter, Rod Dreher, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, impeachment hearings, Michael Davis, Marxism, Putin, Russia, Col. Vindman, Ambassador Volker, Rep. Mike Turner, Dr. Susan Berry, Dorothy Cumming McLean, Caroline Farrow, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Statement of Faith

Written by: candacechurch

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