The Mike Church Show

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Easter & Islam But Were Afraid To Ask – The Mike Church Show

today04/24/2019 17

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Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines
11:06am cstWelcome to the Mike Church Show on Call the show            844-5CRUSADE

Make Canon212 your first place to get news each day. Canon212 – News of the Church and the World.

We are finally back LIVE and ready to roll!

  • Our Easter Spring Break was spent in Florida with a dear listener Ashley Durand.
  • She was celebrating her First Confession, First Communion, Confirmation and getting her marriage blessed.
  • Congratulations and Welcome Home Ashley Durand!
5m Luke Warm Ninnies –

  • They act and treat the faith as Luke Warm.
  • Brother Andre and I will discuss this a little later in the show.







All Religions AREN’T Created Equal – 

  • Watching the show Blacklist last night catching up and there was an episode w/ the Imam. 
  • He stated Islam is a religion that equally respects life and all other religions. 
  • They are NOT all created equally.
  • The MSM has been using the term ‘Easter Worshippers’ and not using the term Catholic.
  • It is almost as if they simply cannot bring themselves to utter the word.
  • Easter is THE most important date on the Christian calendar.
  • Without the Resurrection, we wouldn’t have the faith. Jesus would have been a Charlatan. 
  • If you are going to call yourself a Christian you must conform your mind to reality. It does NOT convert by the sword.
  • It only converts by the faith.
30mFlorida Billboards – 

  1. Buckee’s billboards
  2. ProLife billboards
  3. Abortion billboards

HEADLINE: Meet the Man Who Has Put Up 1,000-Plus Pro-Life Billboards in Florida by Lori Hadacek Chaplin

  • Moral teachings come from the Christian faith. 

Back to Headline by Rod Dreher – Honestly, there are more important things to get angry over, and I really don’t think “Easter worshippers” was meant in a derogatory way.  But it really is interesting how hard it is for so many of these liberals to say the word “Christian” or “Jesus.”

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12:04pm cst

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45mMystery Monday’s – 

CBS Mystery Radio Series


















 Special Guest Brother Andre Marie from the St. Benedict Center

Host of ReConquest here on The Crusade Channel

Follow Brother Andre Marie here: Twitter – @Brother_Andre email – [email protected]

  • First take away is this – this still seems to be somewhat of a controversy.

QUESTION: The date for the beginning of Paschal Tide – we are over this controversy.

  • The controversy today has nothing but the two calendars to explain it. Easter can be a MONTH off between the two calendars. This year they are a week off.
  • The Bishops because they copied the Jewish observance of Passover, keep in mind talking about early Christianity, there is an overlap.
  • The people and the practices of the old and new testament.
  • The Angel of Death – damnation of sorts 
  • Peace maker that came from the East to tell the Pope how celebrating Easter. He subsequently lifted the sanctions on those early Christians.
  • The 1st Sunday of Spring – the Fathers of Nicaea, First Council of Nicaea determined to settle this once and for all so we could all observer Easter on the same day.
  • “Dom Prosper Guéranger” – Prosper Louis Pascal Guéranger, O.S.B. was a French Benedictine monk and priest, who served for nearly 40 years as the Abbot of Solesmes Abbey.
  • Just the first week or Octave of Eastertide – This is how important this time is for Christians. (Dom Prosper books)
  • There are NO Ember Days in Pascaltide.
  • 40 days of Fasting and 50 days of Feasting! (not glutinous of course)
  • Astronomers – they were heavily relied on back in the day.
  • Catholics fixed the calendar for people.
  • Catholics are the reason we have a Bible today.
  • Mike tells story about Ashley’s Confirmation in Florida last weekend etc – traveling Fatima statue The Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic 
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Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!
1:03pm cstWelcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
1h37m HEADLINE: Surveillance State

































Special Guest Andrew Bieszad author at and author of The Lions of Faith

Follow Andrew here: @bieszad

  • Part of being a Christian is to stand up against ALL evil. 
  • You cannot take evil B over evil A. You must reject BOTH evils.
  • Eventually everyone dies right? We can all agree on that.
  • Islam darkens the senses of a man. It tends to dull ones senses and it dulls your search for truth.

HEADLINE: The First “Terrorist” Attack By Isis In Congo Just So Happens To Be In An Area Filled With Rare-Earth Minerals by Andrew Bieszad 

  • The United States government is no exception to this. We have been using the Muslims for political importance.
  • International Socialist groups – Operation Gladio– after the break with the USSR. “Operation Gladio is the codename for clandestine “stay-behind” operations of armed resistance that was planned by the Western Union, and subsequently by NATO, for a potential Warsaw Pact invasion and conquest in Europe.”
  • It doesn’t matter how many lives are lost as long as the agenda is fulfilled. 
  • Islamic theology doesn’t change throughout the centuries. 
  • The Orthodox part, Radical would be the extreme. I wouldn’t use the term extreme because their view is of violence etc. This is NORMAL for Islam, this isn’t a religion of peace.

HEADLINE: Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day: Revisiting Islam’s Greatest Slaughter of Christians by Raymond Ibrahim

  • It them about 7 years to take over all of Spain and then the Christians in Spain more than 700 years to take it back.
  • A series of awards the whole case back to 1923 given by the Ottoman Empire.
  • Hamidian Massacres – 1894-1896 a lot of those weapons used were made here in the United States. Estimates of the dead run from 100,000 to 300,000. 
  • April 2nd of this year, the President of the Kongo says we need American help to fight Muslim terrorist.
  • The US started moving troops near Camaroon, there was discussion of setting up Military bases because of natural reserves.
  • How did Islamic terrorist get there so quickly? Did they hop on their camels and start up terrorist attacks?
  • ISIS sure seems technologically savvy and they seem to have some help from the US.
  • They don’t have a 737 they can just fly on to get to these places with natural resources! They have help.
  • Let’s think about these guys for a minute – they are scruffy and they have AK-47’s and some higher artillery. We can bomb anything we want into a sheet of glass but we cannot seem to defeat the most intelligent force in the world the US? Are they actually infiltrating the US intelligence or are we helping ISIS?

HEADLINE: How Pope Benedict XV and Holy See Tried to Stop Armenian Genocide by Deborah Castellano Lubov

  • Interview with Michael Hesseman author of Mary of Nazareth: History, Archaeology, Legends –
  • QUESTION: How did the massacres of the Armenian people in Turkey begin? And what was the motive?
  • ANSWER: There is strong evidence that a violent “solution of the Armenian question” was planned years before the beginning of World War I, actually as early as 1911 at the Youngturk Party Congress in Thessaloniki. They thought: the Turkey of the future had to be a nation of Turks alone, held together by the Sunni Islam as state religion. There was no room in this vision for ethnic and religious minorities.
  • The Turk Muslims basically lied to Pope XV.
  • The German government paid restitutions to the Jewish people for years but people forget about the Armenian Christian population.
  • Confiscation and Destruction : The Young Turk Seizure of Armenian Property by Ugur Umit Ungor and Mehmet Polatel (you can buy this book here)
  • Lions of the Faith podcast series coming soon!

A Call To Arms: Join Me In The Confraternity of The CRUSADER Knights of The Most Holy Rosary

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Meta-tags for show

Andrew Bieszad, Islam, Muslims, Jihad, Armenian Genocide, Turks, Deborah Castellano Lubov, Rod Dreher, Mary of Nazareth, Michael Hesseman, Hamidian Massacres, Paschaltide, Lent, Easter, Pope Benedict XV, Raymond Ibrahim, Sri Lanka, suicide bomber, Lori Hadacek Chaplin, pro-life billboards, Confirmation, Angel of Death, Dom Prosper Guéranger, ember days, fasting

Written by: candacechurch

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