Exorcisms Reveled: Demons Are Creatures Not Creators. Here’s How to Vanquish Them With Mr Kyle Clement of Societas Matris Dolorosissimae

today01/13/2023 256

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Special Guest Mr Kyle Clement

7th generation rancher

We are behind the gate sustainable!

  • Working with Father Ripperger doing exorcisms and the way of the demonic.
  • Is there a pattern you see in these attacks.
  • The diabolical is the most tightly bond creature. 
  • he is controlled by providence. 
  • Diabolical manifestations in children are usually sins from the PARENTS.
  • Sacrament of Matrimony – 
  • The primary conduit of that grace is the sacrament of matrimony. 
  • It comes under attack often because it is a sacrament. 
  • It is a very fortified position in which one can maintain holiness and obtain heaven.
  • Have you ever encountered a family that was good that the demons still got into?
  • Periodically you run into these but it is typically generational.
  • It could be a family member practicing the occult or pagan rituals.
  • Generational Curse – gold masonic ring – I instructed him to destroy the form and then to dispose of it in deep water. 
  • The Golden Calf – they serve as anchor or attachment points of evil.
  • Counter points are SACRAMENTALS!
  • This is directly a bastardization of holy medals. 
  • Some would call it a contact object but it acts as a beacon or homing device if you will.
  • The stance against Free Masons goes back to 1936 – 2004 was the last address on this topic.
  • Any secret society is not permissible for any Catholic to be in.
  • Curses being generational – Deuteronomy – For those that curse Me I will curse them to the 3rd and 4th generation and those that bless Me I will bless for generations.
  • Unexplained illness when a person is trying to become a Priest or become holier. 
  • This is due to the BLOODLINE.
  • The evil doesn’t seek the individual it seeks the bloodline.
  • If you are experiencing chronic pain what do you do?
  • Litmus test or prayer to determine if your pain is being done by demons – 
  • PRAYER: Lord if this is of You I give you thanks and praise, if it is not of you, I ask it be returned to which it came in a blessing.
  • The quality of the pain will change IMMEDIATELY if it is diabolical.
  • If it is natural it will have NO change.
  • The devil didn’t make you do it.
  • The diabolical is present to you b/c there is a physiological interaction.
  • You can’t entrap and honest man.
  • Someone who has that in their nature may succumb to that scenario.
  • When you sin against God you are disarming yourself, you are dropping your shield or your sword.
  • The things you need to fight off the demons or the demonic.
  • I am very closely related to this pagan person – TKD story – what danger am I in by visiting her and her home and someone w/ a soul in peril. 
  • Your mothers soul is the one in the most peril, the council to the niece was good. 
  • The physical proximity to evil is a distance from God and it is difficult even for most devoted Catholics. 
  • You should pray for a prick of conscious. She is much more open to a prick of conscious b/c she has had all the sacraments. Lord let her see herself as I see her and let her see You as I see You. 
  • QUESTION: What is the longest exorcism you have helped w/ and why do they take so long?
  • ANSWER: It is a very disciplined practice. It is highly technical the exorcism sessions are limited to 1 1/2 – 2 hours. Usually all the afflicted can handle. In the sessions when the demons are in more control and not yet tempered, we have shortened the 2 year period to 6 months. 
  • LIBERCHRISTO Method – all Liberation comes through Christ. 
  • We get 3-4,000 inquires per year for an exorcism.
  • You will certainly come to the attention of very powerful fallen angels. 
  • If you are willing to do that, they can work through you and assist in damnation.
  • The Flower Story –  after 40 years of marriage they are discussing how they just don’t communicate anymore.

WEBSITE with resources and talks – A Virtuous Study with Mr. Kyle Clement


Discussion on topic demons and demonic possession – 

  • This is objective – the demons aren’t shrinks.
  • They don’t sit there and pick apart your life and pounce. 
  • You invite them by YOUR actions.

Written by: Justin Redman