Free Farm Friday

Free Farm Friday-If Denver Wants To Eat Ze Bugs, Let Them.

today06/16/2023 108

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Free Farm Friday

Farmer Brian K from Texas

Farmer Dan M from New Jersey

Meatless Agenda 

  • Look at what is going on in Denver.
  • Colorado the Eastern half of the state averages 15 inches a year and you can’t have crops in that area that is why they don’t grow things there.
  • The thing is the greater agenda is where this is coming from.
  • They want to take whole milk out of schools, they are now wanting to go completely meatless at public schools.
  • If your kids are still in these schools, shame on you truly at this point.
  • If you put animals in a 10×10 room you too wouldn’t be that clean and healthy.
  • Humans just like animals need space.

HEADLINE: Denver initiative would ask voters in 2024 to ban livestock slaughter facilities and uses by Dan Flynn 

  • While a lamb slaughter might fall under such an initiative, how might products from slaughterhouses outside of Denver be affected? The prohibition on the “use of slaughterhouses” might give voters pause. Any facility that processes meat, defined as “livestock” under Colorado law including beef, lamb, pork, and poultry, is covered by the initiative. 
  • Colorado livestock interests are already trying to determine how much damage Denver voters could do to the state’s $14 billion industry. As recently as 2021, the Colorado livestock industry went to the state Supreme Court to stop a harmful initiative to prevent the use of artificial insemination and pregnancy diagnosis for farm animals.

HEADLINE: Proposed initiative bans meat processing in Denver; offers those out of work ‘assistance programs’ by Sherrie Peif 

  • Superior Farms is one of the largest lamb processing facilities in the United States, employing 170 people at its Denver plant. It originated in Colorado and expanded to California several decades ago. They not only ship their product out of state, but to most every grocery store and restaurant in Colorado that sells lamb.
  • I’m sure they targeted Denver for a reason.
  • The people in Denver also voted to murder babies up until birth.

Written by: Justin Redman