It Takes A Village… To Understand Why The 2nd Amendment Doesn’t Apply On Hoth or Deerfield, IL

today04/05/2018 7

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Mandeville, La – The Incorporation doctrine that makes atomic weapons and Howitzer guns the purview of the 2nd Amendment and the right of all humanity to bear them is once again on tap on the Mike Church Show. Listen here, here, here and here for previous attempts at Constitutional sanity including shows featuring Constitution scholar Dr. Kevin Gutzman and the Constitution Hour. Michael Hichborn of the LePanto Institute joins Mike to discuss the “there is no Hell” heresy of Pope Francis via La Republica.

Time Red Pill Topics & Headlines


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HEADLINE: Village Bans Semi-Automatic Weapons, Residents Must Remove From Home Or Face Up To $1,000 Fines — Per Day by Joseph Curl

  • Deerfield, Illinois passed a ban on automatic rifles along with some pistols and shotguns.
  • You are either going to be a Federalist or not.
  • This village has every right to pass this law.
  • 1794 The Whiskey Rebellion
  • The militias were called up and marched out to PA
  • How did they do this?
  • What did our Founders think about the 2nd amendment? Not much…only to make sure that their militias were preserved.
  • Today WE put more emphasis on the 2nd amendment then they do!
  • What is TRUE Federalism?
  • What did we have no human rights before the Bill of Rights?
  • Did they live any rights out of the Bill of Rights? Did they give you the right to have “x” number of children?
  • Roe vs. Wade now gives you the “right” to kill your unborn baby.
  • So we must be very careful with spouting out the word “right”.
  • On March 18th – the collective debt crossed $21 Trillion



 HEADLINE: At $21 Trillion, The National Debt Is Growing 36% Faster Than The US Economy by Simon Black via

  • This number doesn’t even cover what we are spending it only counts “debt”.

HEADLINE: The First Wave of Inflation is Already Here… the Next One is the BAD One 

  • However, if the Prices Paid Index continues to rise, eventually corporations are FORCED to rise prices on the goods and services they sell.
  • It’s shocking to me that people are alarmed by this!

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Recap of earlier information on the 2nd amendment.

Series of emails:

  • Wouldn’t you say the Bill of Rights is for individual liberties?

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 HEADLINE: Applying the Principle of Subsidiarity to the Debt Crisis by John Horvat

  • The Principle of Subsidiarity



 Special Guest Gregory Carpenter aka Junkbond

  • Founders Tradin’ Post
  • How many people does your representative have? How is the scale locally?
  • The more people you have, the easier it is to manipulate the representative b/c there is no ‘personal’ connection with that many people.
  • Restoring the order –
  • You cannot disagree with reason.
  • Lunch with Father Ken yesterday. Strongly suggest you take your Priest to lunch. They are people just like us, they like to be treated to lunch!

(make sure you pay, they don’t have any money)

Do business with those that do business with us. McClure Tables they have been with us since day one of Veritas Radio Network and the Crusade Channel. Everything is handmade in the USA!


Welcome to the final segment of The Mike Church Show Call 844-5CRUSADE Join our FREE LIVE chatroom at
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Special Guest Michael Hichborn from the Lepanto Institute

  • Major conversion to the Catholic Faith this past weekend. Dan  the founder of 40 Days For Life 
  • HEADLINE: Founder of 40 Days for Life enters Catholic Church on Easter
  • He is a very humble man and the most Catholic non-Catholic I had ever met!
  • He attended Mass with his Catholic wife every Sunday during their marriage and now he is a full-fledge Catholic.
  • Is There A Hell?

Michael Hichborn is the founder of the Lepanto Institute

Philip Lawler has gone conspiracy theory and he has every right too!

Confusion-now about hell- is the hallmark of this pontificate by Phil Lawler

  • We as Catholics KNOW there is a problem here.
  • This was on the cover of Drudge so you know it made it in front of tons of ‘Catholics’.
  • Half-hearted rebuttal from the Vatican doesn’t help any of us.
  • Listener Email about the Catholic Church and heresy.
  • The Incredible Catholic Mass by Fr. Martin von Cochem
  • Why would Jesus identify Judas as the Devil? At that point Judas doubted Jesus’ words even though he hadn’t yet betrayed Him.
  • Fulton Sheen has a sermon on Judas very worth the listen.
  • A drone bringing down the Eucharist


Superhero Mass

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Meta-tags for show

 Gregory Carpenter, Lepanto Institute, Michael Hichborn, Phil Lawler, John Horvat, Joseph Curl, Whiskey Rebellion, Federalism, 2nd Amendment, National Debt, Simon Black, 40 Days for Life, Incredible Catholic Mass

Written by: MikeChurch

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