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Sign Up Now Special Guest Michael Hichborn –
Founder of the Lepanto Institute
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HEADLINE: Don’t Cancel Easter by Michael Warren Davis
- Our Lord was very clear, if you seek not to lose your life, you will lose it.
- Using common sense with whether or not the Catholic churches should remain open or not.
- Example: a father using prudence on if it is safe for his family to go to Mass or not.
- This is a chastisement – we have leaders in the church that have taken the sacraments away from us that we have taken for granted. Not the the COVID19 but the lack of sacraments. GREAT POINT!
- Chastisement is a fraternal correction, it doesn’t always have to be super severe.
- This is a Divine Interdict –
- They could offer their suffering in reparation for those that were guilty of the sin etc
HEADLINE: Hygiene Yes, But Above All Faith by John Horvat II
- This organization spreading their contraception message at the same time they were tasked with spreading CRS’s message.
- HEADLINE: Catholic agencies seek stimulus funding to meet expected surge in clients by Dennis Sadowski
- Catholic Charities USA $5 Billion operation & most of that comes from the government already!
- I can’t think of any clearer sign that we are being punished.
- This is only going to go away when we start taking penance seriously.
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